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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2020 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    1-27-20 AIS 0800, 4 hours PAT: Focus.... SIM vs LIVE ...... Notes: Keep my eye on SPY Going to keep it a little more simpple here as I have spending way more of my limited time in my playbook INTC PB#1.1 2min ORB...... 1min setting up for an ABCD but never got there... I jumped the gun on this one...... the second entry was a mistake and covered right away -2R LK PB#1, PB#3 5min ORB with a pullback to the 9ema on the 1 and 5min, broke above VWAP with trend adds after the first partial.... alll partials were 50% and all adds back to original entry..... last entry exit was a second trade that I just took a BE on, this is where I should have called it a day..... +9R TCOM PB#3 .... Trending the 9 on the 5min ... stop was below PMH... three partials, add, partial, add, 4 partials leaving me with tiny share size... added back on twice for a grand total of about 25% of original size (these adds were pure speculation and I was only risking what profit was left which was nil) ... Also took some trades later in the day for a chop fest that ended up decreasing my Rs by 3 and I also let one of my stops run past.... -1R MRNA PB#3 Trending the 9 on the 5min with ABCD on the 2min, stopped out ..... second entry was still a trend that I should not have exited the first time, took two partials , add and all out...... First entry was apx 1/2 size and second entry was full size.... -3R CONS: Jumped the Gun.... Early exit... Over Trading in the afternoon... Let one run past my stop Pros: Had a nice calm morning and felt in control Playbook Trade: TCOM Rs: +3.5
  2. 1 point
    Good morning Good day today. Took 2 trades: INTC and LK INTC 5 min ORB but I should have known that it was not a good idea as it was really wicki. Ah well LK 5 min ORB. Took it long and rode it all the way up until I was stopped out at my moving stop loss. Good day and I did see a lot of 9,20 and 50 MA crossing. I just watched it happen as I had already hit my 1% target for the day. Again, more confirmation of findings, which also feels pretty good. Thanks and have a good day!
  3. 1 point
    Hey, I just opened account with them and it went really smoothly. The whole process was 10 days(counting weekend), including one request of additional information, me responding to it day later, funding and account activation. They send 10 emails keeping me on track whats going on and giving instructions. Fast and easy. In my first email to them i told them that i would like to have demo account and use BBT discount code. They were up and running instantly.
  4. 1 point
    Friday 01/17/2020 I had a well-being score of 7.5/10 this morning. I took 1 live trade this morning both with MU. My watchlist: SNAP, PINS, LK, AMD, TSLA and MU. Stuck with two stocks, on my watchlist, with no shares to short. I see Carlos had shares to short for PINS on CME. But I don’t on Centerpointe. Nothing really exciting on the watchlist so I chose MU by default on my main screen. MU gapped up in PM, but I had no bias. The big print hit only a few seconds after the open (~700k). 25 seconds after the open 3 signals occurred. We had a bearish 1min candle which just broke the 200MA-1min and a moderately sized bearish L2 signal. So I went short. PDC was my target and with $58 as my stop. Since my stop was tight I went half shares. My screen when I entered the trade (note the L2 signal): I was able to get 3 partials in before the price retraced, then due to a bullish L2 signal I exited the trade early. Though I would have gotten more of a drop if I used B/E as my stop I am proud of myself that I exited on the L2 signal which I have been trying to train myself to do. My exit signal: The total trade: What did I do good today? Exited a trade on a L2 signal. What I am grateful from today? Having MU on my main screen. What I should improve on: Was a bit distracted with my swing trades to take another trade though none of them actually needed my attention at the open.
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