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  1. 2 points
    Day 8 - Jan 15, 2019 14 Tickets 2 Symbols Green Day 1. SHAK - Long - 1min - ABCD continuation (Not on Watchlist) Missed SHAK on the perfect bounce of VWAP (not on watch-list). Heard it called out in Chat on the break of HOD. Waited for it to pullback and hold. Got in coming into previous high with 1/2R (not great) with stop below previous low for .50c. Started taking profits 1/2 position too early on spike through previous high, didn’t want to give profits back on a trade I wasn’t planning. Then took some more off at 2R and continued selling partials as it came up to 71.45 daily level. Good: Right idea riding the continuation, selling partials on the way up paid off. Improvement: Could have added instead of taking partials on the 1st sell. 2. TGT - Long - 1min - VWAP Trend Trade Big drop due to weak holiday sales and then traded around VWAP for most of premarket and opened up strong through premarket levels. Reversed down and consolidated below VWAP. Entered tiny position (0.2R) in as we broke through VWAP with 117.25 premarket level as stop. Quickly went in my favor and started covering at 2R + toward the target of 118 Pre market level. Left tiny position on to see if we could continue on throughout the day, with 2R as my final stop loss. Good: Had the right idea, good entry with very defined and limited risk. Improvements: Continuous problem of position sizing, will be putting in a rule with penalty if not followed into Game Plan over weekend. Todays Review Overall was a good day, patience played off here..had temptation to get in a few times with some high flyers but held off and ended up being the right thing. What I did poorly: Inconsistent Position Sizing What I did well: Stuck to my setups, and my game plans What I need to do: Incorporate a time slot in the day to work on 1 specific task for the day. Next on list - DAS HotKeys/Configuration and then Position Sizing rule and penalty
  2. 1 point
    Hi All, my name is Carlos M. I am 32 and live in Northern Jersey, few minutes from the NYC. After 12 years of working as a Senior Operations Manager, I was laid off this past December. My company purchased GE Appliances and moved to their headquarters in Louisville, Kentucky. I thought I would be more upset about the layoff but I had 12 amazing years, and I was ready to move on and try something new. The company gave us almost a year and a half notice, that was more than enough time to prepare. (Plus a nice $$$ for years of service and sticking around until the end :) ) As my work started to transition to the new company, I found myself having a lot of free time during the day. I always had an interest in trading stocks and this was the perfect time to start practicing and getting ready. I did another online course and trading that did not work out (that’s a story for another time), and then I found Andrew’s Book and Chatroom community. Signed up for the Platinum package, I did the simulator for about 4 months and when live this month (January 2018). Looking forward to possibly meeting up in the near future with others traders and continuing being part of this amazing trading community. Carlos M.
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