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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/2019 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    I read "How to Day Trade for a Living" over a year and a half ago, I join the chatroom while I was still reading the book. The chatroom has been an invaluable resource for learning not only good trading habits, but the psychology of trading as well. After a year of trading my husband joined me and now we trade together everyday. Thanks to the BBT community!! Michelle and Nathan
  2. 3 points
    Hi Andrew, I am really benefiting from the community you and your team have established. I like the morning chat room and the educational videos. Keep up the excellent work. -Devin
  3. 2 points
    may 16, pl 62, 14 tickers and 2400 shares i traded mu for a short first, this partly because off andrew calling it out. i did not jump in and waited for a pullback so happy about that, i added on a second pull back i partialled out to soon but im kinda ok with that, this was a 100dollar trade. then i went mu long twice and got stopped out twice, i should not have stopped out maybe, it was just a bit choppy but i have wasted a lot of money already in the past with this type of price action. not a lot of trades today but since i got 2 losses after a nice win im going to stop for today...hopefully.. i feel like having a green day... will just continue watching the price action for a while
  4. 2 points
    Wednesday 5/15/2019 I had a well-being score of 6.5/10 this morning. My nerves were OK before the opening bell. Not so good during the trade. I took one live trade with AAPL. Premarket looked great for AAPL. I planned a few scenarios in my head, depending on what AAPL (and AMD) would do after the open. The price dropped at the open and bounce off of the $186 level and went all the way up to the 50MA, where it did a “curtsey”. Which is what I call when the price touches and retraces from a level, thus confirming the traders are respecting that tech level at the moment. So I knew that would be my entry point, if the price broke it. By the 2nd one minute candle that level also coincided with VWAP. The issue was there was no good stop out level. The 9MA and 20MA merged at the $185.50 level. I was hoping the 3 combined made a strong enough level to call my S/O. So I went long at the break if the 50MA/VWAP and my heart was pounding. The trade was not in the first minute, but I think the weak S/O level caused the stress. What AAPL looked like when I took the trade: 1min Chart 5min Chart I took a quick first partial since there was a level not far from my entry at $187. Then the price retraced. So I have a rule with AAPL only, that I do not S/O at B/E after the first partial if there is a strong tech level just beyond it. So my S/O was moved up to the 50MA not B/E. The price dropped to 1c of my S/O. My heart was pounding to a point I was started to get concerned physically. Essentially, what was happening, as Brett Steenbarger states, I went from stress to duress. I did survive the pull back. The price did move back up, but when it didn’t make another new 1min high I took another partial, which calmed me down, but not enough to take partials correctly. The next level was at $187.50 but I took two partials on the way. Then I had so few shares left I exited the trade on the first new 1min low. I heard later, on Andrews recap, that Norm called this trade out in the chat. I was g;ad to hear that. Hopefully he makes a recap. It makes me have hope I am taking intelligent trades. But I am sure he got a better entry, he always does. 65 cents on AAPL is not big enough to call it one and done, but I had to head out early today, so I didn’t have time for a second trade. My score card for today: Most of the points were removed for the overzealous partial taking. What I did good today: Created multiple scenarios/plans from premarket and followed through with the appropriate plan. How did I challenge myself today? Held through a retrace to 1c of stop out and beyond my B/E. What I did bad today: Way too many partials. What can I do better tomorrow: The abundant partials are caused by my extreme nerves during the trade. I need to resolve the nerves to resolve the overzealous partial taking.
  5. 1 point
    May 16, 2019 - $CSCO, $MU, $AMD (Fought with FOMO all day and did not take a trade) I didn't get much rest last night, so it felt like I was behind every move today, which added more and more FOMO after each missed entry. Today's journal I pointed out where I looked at possibility entering but didn't because I couldn't analyze the data quick enough to determine if I had a good risk to reward ratio. Overall a good day, as out of the 4 entries only 1 truly met my trade criteria. Sample Set Results S P P 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  6. 1 point
    Thursday May 16th, 2019 Sleep: 7 hours. mood: good ready to trade. first two trades were ORBDs in MU. wanted to use the previous previous day low as resistance and then i thought i should use it as my entry. but i FOMO'd and chased and when it came back up to my wanted entry i was already stopped out of my first trade. then i took it again on a new 2min low which worked but couldn't get low enough so i got out on a new 2min high. glad i did because it would have squeezed me for a worse loss. I should have put in a limit sell right under my wanted price and either got it or not. i'm tired of chasing trades and losing money also i need to stop getting right back in these ORBS after they don't work. no sense in losing twice on the same trade. GOOD: ORBD setup with resistance level RFI: chased the entry. tried the same trade again at a worse price MOOD: ok CONSISTENT: yes on the first. no on the revenge trade. Last trade of the day was an ABCD in CSCO. got in on the new 5min high after a spinning top. sold half at 2R and the rest i saved for the $55.82 level that i got nervous about and sold on declining volume and flat price action. now after it has moved substantially higher i regret my decision lol. all in in though i am very happy with this trade. textbook ABCD. GOOD: good setup, R/R RFI: moved my profit up and didn't leave a tiny bit to run MOOD: happy. CONSISTENT: yes. What i did good today: took only trades with setups. What i did bad today: chased the ORBD in MU twice What can i do better tomorrow: limit orders on ORBs to prevent chasing and don't revenge trade if it doesn't work out.
  7. 1 point
    Sometimes we trade the same stock, we talk to each other about setups and what we are looking at, but often take different trades. On the rare occasion we have traded against each other.
  8. 1 point
    Actually, I record the resting pulse number the moment I wake up. So the previous 4 hours I have been sleeping, so it will be low. This is the scoring tier for 4 hours resting pulse: >58 -1 54-58 -0.5 49-53 0 <49 +0.5 I have data from my Garmin for almost 2 years before I started day trading so I know my stats well. 54 is just beyond one sigma from average so it is -0.5 in my calculation.
  9. 1 point
    I generally pick them from the pre market show, mostly just try to see what’s in play but normally not below 10 dollar roku wasn’t on today but there wasn’t much I liked. Roku makes nice moves often so that’s why I kept it on As well yesterday. I like roku’s chart but I don’t seem to be very good at trading it, or at least not with more then 200 shares. atr is not something I pay attention too much, but maybe I should.you have a point there. price differences.. I generally trade ok with higher price stocks like aapl but I always take small share size. I have done ok on amd priced stock before too. I don’t trade low float stocks .
  10. 1 point
    Agreed. Your posts are always appreciated Mike. Your journal entries are what I hope mine will look like one day.
  11. 1 point
    Wednesday April 15th, 2019 Sleep: 7 hours. Mood: good, ready to trade. didn't see any ORBs i liked. i almost took UNIT 2min ORB but the orders were too slow. i saw UBER was making a bull flag, waited for a new 2min high. got in long on the break risking 25 cents. it couldn't make a new 5min high and when i was it was close to breaking to a new 5min low i was watching the time and sales to get out at my stop loss and it broke so fast i couldn't react. got stopped out for a almost 3R loss. thanks UBER, done for the day. GOOD: nice setup, didn't try to guess the low RFI: should have got out when it didn't confirm the pattern on the 5min. MOOD: disappointed and fearful. doubt i'll be trading UBER any time soon. CONSISTENT: this is a tough call. i had all intentions of getting out at my stop so i'm going to say yes. after that i messed around and went long hoping for a rebound and got stopped out again. Not happy that i let myself do that. What i did good today: took a good setup with a good entry What i did bad today: held on to a trade that wasn't working on the 5min chart. What can i do better tomorrow: get out of trades that aren't working on the 5min chart.
  12. 1 point
    I have only been a member of Bear Bull Traders for a month. Everyone is friendly and helpful. In the short time I have been a member I have learned a lot about day and swing trading techniques. Additionally there is abundant advice on tradig platforms, setups, scanners. The things you really need to know about to help be a successful trader. I am very happy that I discovered the Bear BullTraders community through Andrew's and Brian's books. For me, it has been time and money well spent.
  13. 1 point
    Hello Everyone, I am entering my 2ed year with BearBull Traders and have had a great 1st year and am looking forward to many more. I can't say enough on how much has changed in just the last year with BBT and I'm looking forward to seeing what Andrew and the whole team has in store for the year to come. Thank you Team BearBull Traders.
  14. 1 point
    Here is my trading setup ... my trading companion wanted in the shot doing what she does best
  15. 1 point
    This really is the best community out there. The moderators are very knowledgeable and helpful, and Andrew's trading is amazing!
  16. 1 point
    I love bear bull trades community. I am a lifetime member with them since 2018. Andrew is a great teacher. I have completed all the classes and training on the simulator. If you are in the market to learn anything specially about day trading and don’t want to get scammed then it is the best community no doubt.
  17. 1 point
    Traders from Venus: Loses are fact with no escape. One said " When you know what not to do in order to not to lose money then you will begin what to do in order to win" so trade smart with no fear! Money will follow you Above is my laptop work desk converted into trade station. Had it setup this week! Went with basics what was recommended in the BBT community site which is good enough to get the job done:)
  18. 1 point
    I'm very happy to be a part of the BBT group. The BBT team is very helpful and all your questions are answered in great detail. Such a diverse range of expertise from all industries around the world. Andrew and his team are genuine people who really want you to succeed. I appreciate all the help so far and look forward to being here a long time. Jeb B
  19. 1 point
    Yea. Ended the day -227 calories and +300 dollars.
  20. 1 point
    Greetings all! Like trading, the equipment is always evolving. I wanted to resubmit my trade setup as a panorama, since it takes all my attention during the morning. I have been "learning" to trade longer than many members have been on this planet. Bear Bull Traders is one of the best educational training sites around. We can learn more from watching Andrew trade for 45 minutes than a person can learn at a four year university. Trading is difficult and we all have different personalities, strengths and weaknesses. A community like BBT is the best avenue to learn and develop the skill, attitude and discipline to succeed. Also, all the moderators, Carlos, Brian, Norm are great! William H.'s recaps in the afternoon are some of the best trading education for new traders!
  21. 1 point
    Just started to day trade in January this year. Got to say, Andrew’s books are like a torch that clarifies the world of daytrading for me. Along with all the videos made by members and contributors of BBT. Thank you so much for being so open about sharing your knowledge! God bless! Here is my VERY humble trade station. There isn’t enough time to juggle a day job, trading and workout when US market opens at 830pm local time. Hopefully the only thing I’ll be losing is the extra pounds.
  22. 1 point
    I've been a member of Bearbulltraders since October 2018. I read Andrews first and second books in September along with a few other ones and I am really glad I did, his books are well written and well thought out and really gives you the tools and basics and most importantly rules and setups. I then wanted to join the community and see what real trading was like, I didn't even have a platform or setup yet, it took me about a week to realize this was not fake or a money making scheme. I then knew it was going to be something for the long haul and so it made sense to get the lifetime membership and so I did and I have not regretted it since. This is definitely not a get rich quick type of deal, it takes hard work day in and day out, but the people in this community are there to help and make it easier and they have! There is so many people I want to thank from Norm, William H, Robert H, Carlos, Brian, Abiel, I'm sure I'm forgetting people and of course Andrew who of course without him, none of this would be possible. Thank you guys so much! -Seth Aldrich
  23. 1 point
    There are things you learn about your psychological self when you're on you trading journey that you wouldn't otherwise learn; like why you think the way you think, why you see the world the way you do and how that affects your daily life. I would never have connected these parts of me to trading but I've learnt that 80% of being a successful trader is in my thinking, and if I figure out the thinking part, consistency will follow. This has been an incredible realization. Trading is the hardest and best thing I have ever tried to do. Period.
  24. 1 point
    Thanks Andrew for all your help and advice..I am finally starting to take it.This com munity rocks Ive tried a few and this is by far the best value..
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
    Joined BBT and have changed to use DAS trader for my day trading to be able to make more trades, specially in the open which was impossible on ToS. This is a community where you can learn from other traders and moderators to improve your trading.
  27. 1 point
    I have joined many different communities, found Andrews book and finally found someone I can understand after finishing the book I was hesitant at first to try out the chatroom after many failed noisy chatrooms, but amazing surprised how helpful this community was, ended up signing up for the lifetime membership I FINALLY FOUND MY COMMUNITY OF SERIOUS TRADERS! that are willing to share and trade ideas. Thank you everyone at BBT!
  28. 1 point
    Hello New member here. I have been trying to day trading on and off for about 1 year. I am having my ups and downs (mostly downs ). Am here to learn for this great BBT community and hope to turn my trading career to reality. Here is my poor man's trading set up: - TOS - free charting and LVL2 - Medved Trader - Free version to execute partials - IB - TWS - to entry trade and exiting full position. The only monthly I pay is for the IB account fee of $10 (waived) + $4.5 data.
  29. 1 point
    Joined BBT community in September 2017 after day trading 9 months on my own. Wish I had found Andrew’s book and the community earlier, but since then the knowledge gained and support of BBT has been amazing!
  30. 1 point
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