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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/2018 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    An update is available. This one includes the awesome Global Trendline feature. If you're not familiar with the feature, watch the video below. The release notes show the following changes to DASTrader Pro. You can click this link or read them below: DAS Trader Pro Release Notes 2018-08-01: Release Notes Bug fix - today's day candle doesn't show before market open. Bug fix - last price line doesn't show in log scale. Added hotkey to increase/decrease vertical margin. Added trend lines sync feature so that trend lines drawn on one chart window can be drawn on all other chart windows with same symbol. Trigger orders now support options. Added save/load column width to Trade Log window. Bug fix - switchTwnd hotkey stops working after switching over all pop out montage windows. Added SELLCOVER hotkey to cover positions only. Added image to menu items. Bug fix - Positions window can't save column width. Fixed H/L indicator premarket problem. Added option to "Merge same time and exchange" for time sale window. Market viewer: improved real time sorting performance. Bug fix - when 2 options windows show the same underlying symbol, the 2nd options window can not display all expiration date tabs. Added configuration to not sync time. Added configuration to merge trades in time and sale window. Bug fix: script trigger order wasn't sent if CXL ALL script is in the front and there are open orders to cancel. Bug fix: for Options Chain window, converted expire date to market time (used to be local time). Added new clicking area on window border, when clicked will show/hide title bar. Its color can be configured in Setup->Other configuration. Added window border color configuration in Setup->Other Configuration. Added LinkTo hotkey that can be used to start dragging and dropping Montage window's anchor. Fixed Imbalance window and Montage imbalance ticker refresh problems. Changed Imbalance window title. To update your software, I recommend first doing the following: Make sure you've saved your Desktop in DAS. Next, go to Tools>Back Up Settings. It should save a copy of your DAS settings to your PC/Laptop desktop. Finally, I make a copy of the entire DASTrader Pro folder located on my PC's hard drive and paste it somewhere else. If something goes awry, you can always copy everything back over to the folder and not miss a beat. To update, go to Tools>Auto Upgrade. It will prompt you and complete the update to version Good luck!
  2. 1 point
    So I wanted to follow up in case anyone else wanted to do the same thing, Robert's suggestion worked flawlessly. I simply added or subtracted my daily results (at the end of my trading day) from the current equity and then multiplied by 4 to set the buying power and it reset at midnight EST to the values I input so the next day it was accurate. Thanks for that Robert. I used this technique to prove to myself that I was profitable over the long term!
  3. 1 point
    Check out market replay services such as www.tradingsim.com or ThinkorSwim (TD Ameritrade's platform). They let you trade historical data in real-time. This can expedite/condense your learning tremendously.
  4. 1 point
    Hi Ali, I am not an expert and still trying to learn myself, but some of my learning is just reviewing my trades, the good ones and the bad ones. Also, just reviewing charts of other people's trades. I will sometimes go back and listen to some of the trade recaps (we have some excellent recaps posted by other members) and then pull up the charts to see what they actually looked like when they were taken. Using something like Tradingview, I can go to a day in the past and play it back candle by candle. This helps me to see how the setup looked as it was forming and because I can advance one candle at a time, I can also see how I would have managed the trade after taking it. Hope that is helpful. It's all about constantly improving and learning. Good luck! PJ
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