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  4. People ask me about getting into day trading. I've thought a lot about the answer.

    I'd recommend these three concepts / ideas / subjects to learn and get it over with. It's boring, but necessary. It's not as boring after you learn it, but it's tough to grasp in the beginning.

    1. The Wyckoff Method
    2. Elliott Wave Theory
    3. A Complete Guide To Volume Price Analysis by Anna Coulling

    BEFORE reading those three....
    be sure to read "How to Day Trade for a Living" by Andrew Aziz!

  5. Hi Tommy, new to BBT. Are you still actively day trading in Singapore, and was your low latency issue with DAS Pro resolved? Would love to learn from you! Dan
  6. Still studying this stuff. Aspiring to be as proficient in this stuff as @JaradBBT 😂

    i got lot's of years to go to be like @JaradBBT 🤣

    Anyway, so..... you can use the Elliott Wave to confirm Wyckoff events. To make sure you're looking in the right place. It's like a confirmation.

    That's it. They work together. It's best to learn both and use both concepts / theories with each other.

    It really helped me to understand where we are at when looking at a new stock for the first time. To be able to tell where in the cycle we are and make decisions on how to proceed from there. It helps to figure out what phase we're in.

    Also, it's not terribly hard to learn. It was a lot easier than i thought it would be. It's not overly complicated. a little bit, but mostly simple after you understand a few concepts. definitely not as hard as i had originally anticipated. i'm still finishing up learning about it, but i already have the main ideas and concepts figured out in my brain 🧠.




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  8. Hi There, I am wondering if there are any Canadians here in the community that do active day and/or swing trading as a business? I am in the same boat, and am looking for recommendations on an accountant who has experience with day trading business taxes. Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks!
  9. Hi Everyone, I was wondering if someone can recommend an accounting firm based out of Canada who has experience with day traders (preferably someone that you have worked with, and had good experience). I trade as a business entity in Canada, and am looking for a firm that can do accounting, year end returns etc. I saw the Green Trader Tax firm being recommended earlier in this thread, but doesn't seem like they work with Canadian taxes. Thanks.
  10. Trying to keep this post alive and relevant and at the top. Hoping to attract locals I can meet up with and talk shop. With that in mind, I thought about just popping in here and posting about what I am currently studying. I'm studying The Wyckoff Method and Elliott wave principle (aka Elliott wave theory).
  11. “Sheer will and determination is no substitute for something that actually works.” - Jason Klatt 📈 📊 🔄 💱 💹 🤝 💲 🔁 💸 📉 💰 💎
  12. besides some minor syntactical errors in the hotkey itself you might be using your hotkey wrong. there are better hotkeys available for some time already which are more human readable and easier to understand so do yourself a favor and switch to the newer syntax, you will need to do it sooner or later anyway
  13. you can backup and restore the whole DAS configuration from the tools top menu then the key combinations on your mac and virtual keyboard could be different so you might need to remap the keys to CTRL rather than the CMD keys from your MAC. for troubleshooting tips look here
  14. Hey friends, I have an issue. I tried the Das Trader Pro for 2 weeks on my Macbook and decided after that to get a windows laptop . I worked really hard to make some hotkeys and now I cannot make them work on my new laptop... I brought the hotkey file from my Mac and paste it in the htk file in the windows but still they don't react anyhow. I can see the all the hotkeys I created in the new Demo account that I made, and I changed the account name in the hotkeys to the new demo account but they still don't function. I need help ASAP!
  15. Hello Nate, Welcome to BBT. Best of luck!
  16. Hello Everyone, I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself (Nate). I'm a new trial member here and have been learning about day trading for the past six months. I'm excited to be part of the community and hope this platform is the right fit for me as I continue to grow my knowledge and skills. Look forward to connecting with you all and learning from your experiences!
  17. No I have never used DAS replay. I only use it for live and sim.
  18. Hey guys, I am getting "can't get valid price" error pretty often when I am trading in the SIM... how can I avoid this? My hot keys are working about 50% of the time. I am using the Buy $50 Risk 2-1 hotkey where I am getting the error and I am double clicking where I want to put my stop: CXL ALLSYMB;StopPrice=Price-0;DefShare=BP*0.925;Price=Ask-Price+0.00;SShare=50/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare;TogSShare;ROUTE=LIMIT;Price= Ask+0.05;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send;DefShare=200;Price=Ask-StopPrice*2+Ask;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:RANGE LowPrice:StopPrice HighPrice:Price ACT:SELL QTY:POS TIF:DAY+ Cheers,
  19. Are you using DAS replay? Thank you for the response! I will take a peak at those. My thought is that I will just start trading earnings and see how that goes in DAS. Cheers,
  20. I do a lot of replay and found it has helped alot - however I don't like knowing my setup is going to be there because it's not realistic. I use a tool called spikeet to find historical gappers. The free version is good enough to create create a gap up/gap down list for each day over the last year. Then I use tradingsim to look at those stocks, do premarket analysis and pick out what ones I want to watch. With trading sim you can have up to 4 charts, so I use two browser windows to watch 4-8 stocks (can also throw up historical spy/qqq) and another window as my trading window. I also use AutoHotKey to be able to trigger all the chrome windows to start the replay at the same time. Then I watch those stocks and look for my setups. Makes for a realistic trading experience. BBTs replay trading is pretty good as well, but I didn't like the time it takes to load, the lack of hotkeys and it's hard to setup to watch lots of stocks at the same time.
  21. Hi all, I am looking for advice on the way to practice trade book setups. Kind of like practicing golf at the driving range, I am looking to improve a specific skill by repeating it over and over. What is the best way to do this on the sim or replay? cheers, chris
  22. Le groupe Discord existe encore. Nous sommes 4/5 membres actifs. Il reste de la place si vous voulez vous joindre à nous.
  23. Hello traders, I'm looking for a trading buddy or group. We can create it or join an already existing one. I'd like to review my trade book. Talk shop. Go over trades, strategy and discuss. Do some education courses together. I've been trading for almost a year. I use DAS and IBKR. I'm in West Covina. I prefer to meet in person if we're local to each other. I can get a study room for us at a library or Mt.SAC. Hope to hear from you! 🙂 SEO: Valinda, Baldwin Park, West Puente Valley, Covina, La Puente, Avocado Heights, Citrus, South San Jose Hills, Azusa, El Monte, Walnut, Duarte, Hacienda Heights, Charter Oak, Glendora, Southern California, Los Angeles
  24. I'm just beginning my journey into Day Trading. Been educating myself mostly via Youtube  videos as well as Andrew's book.  Looking for advice for getting started and find some people that I can bounce some ideas off of.

    For my day job, I design Home Theaters.

  25. Hi all,

    I just recently joined BBT and the info is overwhelming so far. Is this a good place to ask stupid questions? lol. Because at this time I have alot.

  26. Hey everyone, my name is Phil and I live in Florida. I've been trading for a few years and I'm mainly breakeven most months. I trade camarilla pivots and a few other strategies and I would like to find a buddy/buddies to talk trading with and for accountability purposes. You don’t have to live in Florida to reply. I’m really focused on making trading work and becoming a professional so let me know! It can be hard to find actual serious traders out in the real world lol and I just want to find good people who love to trade. If you're interested, my email is: [email protected] Send me an email and I should reply relatively fast. Thank you!
  27. Hey Adam, left a voice message on you mobile phone. Lets connect! thank you
  28. Hey Dan, emailed you from [email protected]. Lets connect!
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