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Strategy Printouts (Setups/Playbook)

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@Matthew This is great Matthew! It's always great to re-watch the content, but having all the information (time, conditions, entry signals, confirmation) in this format, makes it super easy to glance back on!

Thanks for putting the work into this!

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On 6/22/2020 at 6:38 PM, Fernando Samora said:

Love this! Ill work on a Trend Trade post.

That would be great!

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@Matthew This is awesome man! i was actually going to ask if some had anything like this to use the photos and such to add into the playbook that i was making for myself! You answered it and did it without even know!

Thanks man

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Thanks Matthew! They are very useful. As a new trader I like to have a summary of all strategies in hand to review daily. These are perfect 🙂

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Thank you for summarizing, I have something similar via powerpoint but I struggle to summarize. Mine are a little too detailed for quick view. This is awesome. I can share a google drive if you want to view my version. 

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On 6/28/2020 at 3:07 PM, Luis Servin said:


Thank you for summarizing, I have something similar via powerpoint but I struggle to summarize. Mine are a little too detailed for quick view. This is awesome. I can share a google drive if you want to view my version. 

Sure, I'd like to take a look! Feel free to share that here, or send me a message. Whichever you'd like.

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Thanks for the printouts as I've downloaded a few of the ones I wanted to try first and so far I think I've been able to understand them and use them to trade better since I've been able to take better entries and exit at the proper time. 

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Thank you all for the positive comments!

I've made a few more sheets in the same style for three more strategies.


Here they are:

1-Minute Opening Range Breakout (ORB)


Rising Devil


Falling Angel


I personally have taken very few Rising Devil and Falling Angel trades, but they are strategies I want to practice. So bare that in mind and use these sheets as supplementary, "at a glance" information, to the content provided on the BBT website and YouTube.


Here are the videos I grabbed the examples for the Rising Devil and Falling Angel strategies from:


Meir Rising Devil Recap: https://youtu.be/uhgZ7ohqExI

Thor Falling Angel Recap: https://youtu.be/Q1oCiT1hOug




Edited by Matthew
Fixed Falling Angel Mistake on Jul 13
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Would you be willing to share the word document version so that I can enlarge the image?

If so my email is: [email protected]

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