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zulkafil last won the day on August 29 2023

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  1. Hello Nate, Welcome to BBT. Best of luck!
  2. Hi Drew, When you place stop loss order, set your TIF=GTC. GTC means Good Till Cancel. Best of luck.
  3. The search option is always available in the education center. Best of luck.
  4. Ahmer, This button always shows "SHRT", you can use the same button for closing your open long position or when you are not in a trade you can use this button to open a short position (selling borrowed stocks). This button basically execute a sell order, sell your own stocks or borrowed stocks. Best of luck.
  5. Hello GreekTrade,

    Welcome to BBT. Thanks for your great reactions on my post.  I will suggest you to watch as many learning materials as possible. Screen time is a great way to learn.

    Best of luck.

    1. GreekTrade


      Thank you for your suggestion. I am looking for available learning materials before subscribing to elite membership. I realized the BBT members are very supportive.

  6. You can save more with Trader Tax Status. You can show all of your losses but getting the trader tax status is not easy.
  7. Hello, Placing all these orders are possible but the trader needs to manage the trade actively. Profit target prices need to be dynamic. The share price can only reach 1st profit (or 1st and 2nd,) target before returning to the stop loss. In that case the stop order needs to be updated with proper position size, stop price can be adjusted to b/e price. Other scenarios also possible. OCO can be implemented. Best of luck.
  8. Hi, You will see level 2 data always during market hours and after hours (post-market/pre-market). DAS only support level 1 replay features so you will only see level 1 data while trading with replay mode. Hope you got your answers. Best of luck..
  9. Hello, DAS Trader Pro real account or simulator uses same resources from a trading station. There are many posts in the forum for computer spec. Best of luck.
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