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Posts posted by Abiel

  1. Goldman Sachs currency traders used chat rooms from 2008 to 2013 to share information with other banks about customers, using code names such as Satan and Fiddler... "Satan sells 8 euros at 17" (a client selling $8 million worth of euros for an identified price)


    The bank was fined $110 million on Tuesday by the Federal Reserve and a New York state financial agency.


    Goldman Sachs traders shared confidential info in chat rooms

  2. Today in the chatroom Andrew shared this piece of advice regarding price action: he explained how this large wicks on candlestick were a sign of buying pressure:




    As you can see, after these candlesticks AAPL reverted...


    Good to keep this in mind while we´re trading...

    • Thanks 1

  3. So I just ordered two Plugable USB to VGA Video Graphics Adapter for Multiple Displays up to 1920x1080...


    Here you can find the the DisplayLink system check utility to see if there are any problems with hardware or software that may be blocking the Plugable USB graphics adapter from working with the system.


    Here you´ll find the Plugable DISPLAYLINK USB GRAPHICS DRIVERS so you can download and install the latest software for this device...


    As soon as they arrive and got them installed I´ll post an upate...

  4. Hi Kevin... Andrew teaches in classes that if the stock can´t hold VWAP and moving averages you can go short below VWAP. If you watch this

    he explains that he went short as soon the price was going to break the VWAP.


    Last friday we traded X in the room,it was very week all day, suddenly @ 12:35 a very bullish 5 min candlestick appeared and the next 5 candlestick were above WVAP to then lose and test and lose again WVAP… I guess the safe entry would be around or below VWAP, you could enter the trade above VWAP if you see the stock weak, losing or not holding moving averages above VWAP, with tight stop and good execution of your stop.





  5. In this video AdventureDogLA shows us how to set up Risk Controls in DAS Trader Pro. Risk Controls enforce limitations such as maximum daily loss, maximum shares traded per day, etc.

    Risk Control Page is a safety net to keep in control our loses, either to have an external control over our behavior as traders or due to a contingency such as failures in the internet connection, electric power outages, broker failures, etc.


    You can find "Open Risk Control Page" in DAS Trader Pro Account window, just right-click in any row of that window and Risk Control Page will open as a popup browser window to let you update your risk control settings.


    Some considerations:


    1. This configuration works with real accounts and simulator


    2. You can deactivate settings "Risk Control Page" anytime by leaving all in blanks and clicking SUBMIT


    3. When you are using DAS linked to IB, or simulator, the Risk Control settings are handled by DAS. DAS staff updates your settings manually (the form is emailed to them) anywhere from 2 to 30 minutes during business hours.


    4. In LOSS fields, enter a positive number.


    5. “No new order” avoids orders for the current day


    6. “Pos Loss” =  Position loss.


    7. “Enable Auto Stop” will automatically close your positions when you hit the Max Loss / Total Loss.


    8. “Max Share - Max auto stop execution share per day” = How many shares can be sold / bought by the Auto Stop mechanism.


    9. “Max Auto Stop Order Size” = Maximum size per order made by the Auto Stop mechanism.


    10.“Delay for next order if exceed max order size (sec)” =  Time between orders if the Auto Stop needs to place multiple orders to close your positions.


    11. “Stop Gain Account Net Realized PL Thresh“, “Drawdown Percent of Max Net PL“ , “Pos Stop Gain Thresh “  and “Drawdown” - Like Auto Stop but for gains.  The threshold is the profit the Stop Gain is looking to hit, the Drawdown is how much it can drop from that target before your positions are closed.  Example, you set a threshold of 2000 and drawdown of 20(%).  When you make 2000 in P/L, the Stop Gain will trigger, and will close your positions if you drop 20% ($400) from that value, closing you out at $1600 Net P/L.



    • Like 7
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  6. Just watched this video.... "20 Habits of Highly Successful Traders"... but the guy really talks about 31 habits:


    1.Wealthy traders are patient with winning trades and are enormously impatient with losing trades

    2.They realize that making money is more important that being right

    3.They look at charts as a picture of where traders are lining up to buy or sell

    4.Before they enter any trade they know exactly where they will exit for either a gain or a loss

    5.They approach trade number 5 with the same mindset they did on the trade 4 previous losing trades

    6.They use "naked" charts and focus on zones

    7.They realized a long time ago that being uncomfortable trading is OK

    8.The markets are their workplace. They are a participant, not an on-looker.

    9.They stopped trying to pick tops and bottoms.

    10.They stopped thinking about the market being "cheap" or "expensive"

    11.They are willing to change sides if the market tells them to do so

    12.They trade aggressively when trading well and modestly when they are not

    13.They realize the market will be open again tomorrow

    14.They never add to a losing trade... EVER

    15.Cash is the goal, but never the measure of success

    16.They read about mobs and riots

    17.They provide liquidity to the markets while watching price and volume

    18.They have a way to gauge fear, greed and speed of the markets: Tick charts 233, 612

    19.They practice reading the right side of the chart, not the left

    20.Every wealthy trader has an "edge" they can explain to their mothers

    21.Their position size is calculated exactly on risk tollerance

    22.Profit targets are based on average range or something objective

    23.One or two trades a month make their month

    24.Confident decision makers in the face of imconplete information

    25.A losing trade does not mean they are a loser

    26.They buy higher highs and sell lower lows

    27.Their business isn't trading, it's finding the right trades

    28.They write down or record every trade, price, thoughts, news, attitude

    29.Their conviction on an active trade remains unless something major changes

    30.A winning trade does not result in taking on extra risk the next trade

    31.They trade the reaction, not the news


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