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Stephen Hunter

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Stephen Hunter last won the day on July 8 2020

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About Stephen Hunter

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  • Birthday 03/23/1974

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  1. Who do you use as a Broker for your Forex trading? Do you like DAS for Forex trading?
  2. I can't trade Equities because I work a full time job so it doesn't allow for it (in the future though), so I started trading Forex. If you were trading Forex for a while, did you find any good strategies that were at least 60%+ winning strategies? If so, would you like to share with some of us new to Forex? Thanks
  3. Hi all, I am Retnuh (Stephen Hunter = retnuH), A few years ago I wanted to trade stocks so I found someone selling training online and after spending one day reviewing some stuff, I could see it was complete trash and I was LOST. I gave up on the dream to trade stocks. Fast forward now and I see everything crashing in the stock market and I think once again I need to try learning about it. I go back to that one online course and again it is 100% TRASH. I searched on Amazon and came across Andrew's two books. I purchased two of them and the moment the "How To Day Trade For A Living" came in, I haven't stopped to put it down. I am almost done with it and WOW.... This was EVERYTHING I was looking for. All my questions were being answered. Just based off how much I have learned and am not confused any more, I picked up the Lifetime Membership as well as 3 months of the DAS Simulator. I plan on finishing this book in the next two days and then going through all the Learning Classes in the Members Area. This was a HUGE commitment to purchase the Lifetime Membership, but I am commited and will not fail at this. I want to be able to enjoy this for a living and make it a business. I have faced a mountain like this once before when I took on learning how to be a software developer without formal education. I was able to scale that mountain and now work for a Software Company and have a few Mobile Apps out on the App Store. I can honestly see myself 3 years from now (I'm 46) being a full time day trader as a business and then I pick up contract work as a software developer. That is my new dream...
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