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  1. Hey Kyle. I am really interested in those gap lists. Are they already uploaded anywhere? 🙂 Thanks in advance!
  2. Hey guys. Is there an update? Really looking forward to this amazing feature
  3. Hey Carlos. Where can I find this video? I am really interested in it 🙂 Thanks in advance!
  4. Yep Brendon I know 🙂 Thank you! Was just really confused about that 😄
  5. Thank you guys for your answers 🙂 Ya percentagewise its not that much, but for my Stop it is 😛 Ok, so I will always look at the VWAP in the montage!
  6. Hello BBT Community! Yesterday, for the first time I noticed, that there are sometimes big differences between die VWAP Values on different timeframes. How is this possible? Obviously this is not good for my trading, if I dont know which is the "right" VWAP Value at the moment. What do I wrong? Are there any settings that I missed? Look at BA yesterday for example: On the 1Min chart, that VWAP is >50cent smaller than on the 5min Chart. Please help me!
  7. Unfortunately the most pictures are missing 😞 have anybody the complete Sheet Please? Would be awesome! Thanks
  8. Are there any news regarding duplicate / copy a TAB? This would be sooo helpful
  9. Hey guys. I am trying to find out, if its possible to realize a "Equalized Risk Per Trade" Button / Hotkey in the TWS? That would be so amazing! Thanks in advance
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