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Everything posted by FT81

  1. Thanks Evan, I was looking for a automated way to create a line. Since I end up entering and exiting trades often inside of a minute, Its not always feasible to manually draw a line.
  2. Kyle, Is there a way to automatically draw a line on a chart at your expected stop price? I saw on another post that you use such lines for reference when you are trading. Do you draw the lines manually? Thanks Rahul
  3. @KyleK29, I am looking for a way to automatically draw a line at my stop level whenever I enter a trade. I need the visual reference as I am unable to effectively respect my stops. Do you know any commands that will draw a line at a specified price and of a certain color?
  4. @WilliamH My bad, I am already on the list as 'Rahul', did not sign up with my handle 'FT81'. Just letting you know to avoid a double count!
  5. I will be attending too! Looking forward to meeting everyone!
  6. Thanks a lot @IamKarthiI also have the same problem. If i get the first 2 trades red then it just goes downhill from there and I get hulk days! I am in sim though, so all is not lost. I will try to trade your ORB strategy tomorrow as ORB's are pretty much where I have made most of my green trades yet.
  7. Hello All, I am Rahul, I have been on a search for an alternate career that would allow me to take control of my own time and finances. After evaluating multiple options over the last 2 years, I slowly gravitated towards daytrading as something that would let me have the life I want for myself. Curiously enough my job got moved to another location where I wont be going, so I have been given until the end of the year to either find another role in the organization or take a package and quit. My situation kind of accelerated my journey this April, and I started reading up as much as I could on day trading and then stumbled on Andrews first book on Amazon. It instantly resonated with me and I felt like joining the BBT community and following Andrew's suggested path would give me a fair shot at making a career out of trading. So I just bought the lifetime membership today and also signed up for the DAS simulator. Hope to learn a lot from this wonderful community. Wish me luck! Rahul
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