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Carlos M.

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Status Updates posted by Carlos M.

  1. “You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”

    Day Trading requires a lot of discipline at your trading desk and off it. Make sure you are puttting in hard work on your daily routine to motivate discipline in your personal life as well. Exercise, Read, Meditate.  

    Happy Friday from the local gym! Looking forward to a great Friday and morning Pre-market show!

  2. Good morning BBT family!

    Enjoy the weekend and do something great with family and friends! Check out my new Bear Bull Traders Instagram account! https://www.instagram.com/carlosm_bbt

    Have a great weekend and looking forward to our Pre-Market show Monday!



  3. Reviewing my trades for this week and updating my whiteboard with the top Improvement points for next week. Glad this bumpy and choppy week is over. 

    1. Aiman


      Have a nice fresh trades this week!!

    2. nassarsyed
  4. Welcome to the community!

  5. Image result for work hard


    Good morning BBT Family, Happy Sunday! Let's get up early and put in some work. All the work to become a better day trader is not put in during the market hours. Let's take advantage during the off hours to get closer to our goal. Few things we can attack today and tomorrow. 

    1. Review last weeks trading and highlight improvements areas for the coming week. 
    2. Check out members recap on YouTube and learn from them.
    3. Read a book. (Andrew's 2nd book if you have not done so already.)
    4. Review classes again and again.

    Let's put in the work during this off time! Let me know what you are doing on your end.

    1. KurtLoeblich


      I guess binge watching the Lethal Weapon movies doesn't cut it 😉

      Nah, I'm actually going to go back and look at the stocks I traded and find the mistakes I made, and potential signals that I should have heeded before/after I entered the trades.  I'll also go back and take a look at my winners and see how I could have played them better (if at all possible)


      Carlos, when you've got some free time, shoot me a message. I want to chat with you about the premarket show. 


      Have a good rest of the weekend/enjoy the Holiday!

    2. Abiel


      Great advice, and nice cover pic bro!

  6. image.png.d47cc8159620044629b5bbf5c55b632a.png

    Getting  prepared for another week of trading. Sundays I like to take some time to review last week's journal and focus on what could be done better for the coming week. Every day we trade we take something with us. No matter if is a green or red day something was learned. What we did well we want to repeat and what we did poorly we want to improve. My job is to highlight those things and bring them front and center, with special focus what I need to improve on. Whatever your routine is to prepare for the trading week make sure you do it so you are ready to have a successful week.

    Let's Rock This Week BBT🤘 😎 🤘

  7. Good morning BBT Family! Happy Thursday!!!


  8. Good morning BBT! Happy Sunday morning! I love waking up early on Sundays and getting ready for the trading week. 

    Make sure to take out time today and review your journal for last week. As you know from my podcast on YouTube "Reflection & Review" https://youtu.be/yUzCnMbR3yI , it is critical to have a system that you can go back and review what you need to improve on for the following week. Tracking your main issues and highlighting them for improvement the next week is very very important. 


    Related image

    This week let's focus on time management. On Sundays, I also plan my schedule for the week, I literately put in everything. Below is what my week looks like almost every week. Now on all this empty white space I will fill in with things that I want to work on this week and get done. That could be time for your projects, maybe something you want to learn, studying and reviewing recaps. I will even block out 2-3 hours under "Me Time," this is were I will complete do what I want that is fun or chilled. 

     This can really help us manage our time and give us visibility how much time we have available. DO NOT WASTE IT. 

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend guys! Time to make this calendar look like a "Christmas Tree!"




  9. Good morning BBT! Happy Sunday! 

    Time to prepare for the new week! Let’s review last week and see what we can improve for this coming week.  


  10. Good morning! Happy Sunday! Time to review Week #1 of 2019! 

    Let's review our journal, what we did well and what needs improvement this coming week. Highlight your top 3 improvement areas and let's focus on them this week. Do not worry about your P&L we have a whole year ahead of us to work on that. Let's start with getting a firm process, habits and foundation to support future growth. 

    Check out Reflection and Review podcast for Trading Journal ideas. See you all in the Pre-market show tomorrow 8:30 Wall Street time! 


    1. Marek Liyanage

      Marek Liyanage

      Great video Carlos!

    2. Carlos M.

      Carlos M.

      Thanks Marek! Hoping you had a great day today!

  11. Here is the chart we shared this morning in the Pre-Market show as we discussed the Markets. Very interesting. There is a good read article about bull and bear markets here (https://www.brightscope.com/financial-planning/advice/article/27993/Bull-And-Bear-Markets-A-History/) were I found this chart. 



    1. Miguel Angel

      Miguel Angel

      Very interesting.

  12. I had an amazing week with 1 small red day Monday and the rest green. For us new traders this is a great confidence booster but it is important for us to stay even-keeled going into the next trading session. There is a fine line between confidence and over-confidence. Over-confidence can make us take weak setups, aggressive position size, and early entries because we expect everything to go our way as it has in the past. When it does not, our confidence takes huge hit and this can lead to bad trading, overtrading and easily snowballing a small red day into a big red day....(I have had my share of this experience.:classic_angry:)

    A green streak does not make the probability of having another green day higher. Our past results do not determine future results, same goes for when we have red days. So let's stay even-keeled and "cool as a fan" as we enter tomorrow's trading day.

    (Now time to look at the improvements notes from last week's journal!)


    1. nassarsyed


      Past trades have no bearing on future trades..., this is the Golden Belief, if we can grasp this, 90% of psychology issues will go away...!

    2. Aiman


      Glad you've a great week Carlos! Hopefully this week even better!!

  13. Ran into this picture online today... This is so true about any type of success in any career or goal. People only see what others have achieved and want the shortcut to the top. In my personal opinion, in Day Trading there are no shortcuts, the work must be put in, by education, practice, practice and even more practice. After comes the physiological and emotional part that is trigger when we put skin (real money) in the game. This is were we need to transform from a regular Day Trader's mindset to a Successful Day Trader's mindset. This is by far the hardest part of Day Trading and requires hard work, persistence, and dedication just to name a few.... #wegotthis

    Image result for success what others dont see

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yuanzhi


      I would say the underwater part should be bigger. haha

    3. Ercilia182


      I agree!  If you don't invest in what you want there is no return.. Day trading is like any other profession, it requires commitment, dedication, and hard work. People want to be successful and have success, but they don't want to put in the time or work.  Unfortunately for them, it's not like that.  

    4. Aiman


      Totally agree, I guess  I came across almost everything underwater. The rest must be waiting for me lol!)) Hopefully, it pays off eventually)  I like this pic btw!) 

  14. The best part about this career is the ability to be in complete control of your time and flexibility to trade from anywhere. Today we took advantage of LB for a nice opening range breakdown. I was able to listen in to the chatroom while trading on my way up to Canada for family vacation. Just amazing.

    $BILI (which has been my good buddy this week) was screaming at me with a great risk to reward, I had been watching the stock all week as well as this morning since premarket for a bounce from the PCL. After settling in on my hotel room, although it was passed my trading time (11:30), and I had already done the video recap, the opportunity was to great to pass up. I got in long and took advantage of the move.

    Hoping everyone had a great day today as well!

    Car Trading.png

    BILI Trade.png

    1. Aiman


      It's amazing to have a job you can do whenever and wherever you want) no obligations, no attaches, only the rules you set for yourself! Great trade you did Carlos!

    2. Ercilia182


      That's Fantastic great job!

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