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Everything posted by peterB

  1. here are two soutions first second if you PM me there I have a single hotkey solution for both longs and shorts
  2. besides some minor syntactical errors in the hotkey itself you might be using your hotkey wrong. there are better hotkeys available for some time already which are more human readable and easier to understand so do yourself a favor and switch to the newer syntax, you will need to do it sooner or later anyway
  3. you can backup and restore the whole DAS configuration from the tools top menu then the key combinations on your mac and virtual keyboard could be different so you might need to remap the keys to CTRL rather than the CMD keys from your MAC. for troubleshooting tips look here
  4. this is not an equivalent of the panic. here is why - this will close only the position of currently selected symbol - it does not use market order to exit the position so you can get just skipped it is also syntatically wrong and here is why - you read the $Pos then use Pos which are two different things if you run the hotkey when montage is in focus - if the spread of the stock you want to exit is wider than 0.25 then you can get skipped very easily the true panic will be possible only once DAS will let us to read all the current opened positions from the trades window. hopefully they will make it possible this later this year. to see how these things work go to https://traderpeter.substack.com/s/dastrader-hotkeys
  5. you can name the montage windows and hotkeys then call the hotkey executions through the montage object with a $montage.exechotkey("hotkeyname") as mentioned here
  6. thanks @Matt @Kevin D it is in the part 2 https://traderpeter.substack.com/p/das-trader-advanced-hotkeys-part just change the $target according your needs
  7. hi, i gave you a resource with working keys yet you decided to use something else and it does not work. yes you are right. you doing it wrong. it is 2024 so you should forget the DAS Video series scripts from 12 years ago and save yourself a lot of trouble by using the new syntax. on your screenshot there is obviously no number of shares set hence the invalid number of shares
  8. just go here and do not forget to read this as well as there are some requirements to be set in the settings too
  9. Well, it is possible in 2 ways. One is described here it is not a traditional order therefore das support has to tell you that this kind of order is not possible (on the brokers side) but you can manage your orders on your pc. with its own challenges of course, nevertheless it is proven to work and I use it every day with success On another note, trailing vwap as a stop might not be the best idea as if you look at any chart the vwap bounces happen but the vwap is often tested. Luckily with the method linked above you can calculate your trailing stop easily to be slightly below/above vwap
  10. that is available here as the OCO order. the example there is 1/3 risk/reward so you need to adapt it to 1/5
  11. it might have been that the post is so old that at that time it worked like that then it was changed in das over the time. or maybe you have enabled the new syntax in your das while the syntax you use is old syntax which does not work
  12. you probably wrongly assumed that Pos-share on longs equivalent should be Pos+share for shorts, but it is not like that. Change the Pos+share to Pos-share and it should work. you are probably getting error Invalid shares because you are trying to set a stop order for number of shares you do not have or do not have the BP for. for working hotkeys always go here
  13. Hi and welcome. Read this for possible solution https://open.substack.com/pub/traderpeter/p/why-are-your-losing-days-bigger-than?r=1wujo4&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
  14. Preferably yes, because the old syntax is confusing while the new syntax is easier to understand with the custom variables. watch out for the quotes, they get copied wrong very often so make sure you rewrite them in your DAS
  15. you enabled the possibility to use advanced script syntax but your syntax is the old syntax not the advanced syntax as explained here. i bet you get plenty of syntax errors in your log file.
  16. any reason why you do it this way and do not do it this way instead?
  17. actually we can do that in DAS since version see here regarding tools i think tradingview has camarillas too and you can connect multiple brokers with that but the hotkeys are non existent there
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