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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/2022 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Hi, Everyone, my name is Bob Pike and I'm in Barrie, ON. After 28 years with the military and 5 years with Shared Services Canada I've decided on trading as a third career. I plan to retire from SSC in two years as my pension will be at max after 35 years. This sounds great, unless you have an ex that walked away with half your pension and every penny you had, sigh. I started with some Motley Fool subscriptions and became fascinated with Coupang. I opened an account with Questrade and started swing trading Coupang, riding the bumps for 10 cents or more per share, eventually trading 1,000 shares at a time. Recently the January correction trapped me with 1390 shares at $22.63 and it's trading around $19 right now so I'm stuck for a few weeks. Once stuck, I bought Andrew's book "How to Day Trade for a Living" and realized that I have no idea what I'm doing, LOL. I want to start over and do everything you folks are doing, use the same brokers, software, methodology. I like to help people so hopefully I can learn enough to be of service to others. I have a lot of family and ties to BC so it's nice to belong to a group headquartered there. I have a new monitor coming on Monday so I'm really excited: 4K HDR display with Ambiglow 558M1RY/27 | Philips . I want to see if one giant monitor will be as good for trading as a bunch of little ones. I've read that you can go either way. I'm doing data center networking from home now due to the pandemic so spend all day in front of screens, I just accidentally broke my ASUS 49" curved monitor that I loved. Thanks for having me, I hope to learn quickly and help others if I can. -Bob Pike
  2. 1 point
    Hello BBT! Name’s Adam (AdamzTradez)! I joined BBT on Monday Jan 24th, 2022. I have a 9-5 as a Microsoft DevOps Developer in the Houston Texas area (Work from home). I have been a Microsoft Developer (Microsoft Stack) for 20+ years. My Trading Journey: I am coming from Warrior Trading where I spent a 1 full year with Ross learning about Momentum Trading small cap (small float) stocks with a long bias. I really enjoyed learning from Ross and his team, however, I found that I am not as quick at executing my trades as Ross. I also felt that I wanted to learn more about trading mid/large caps, specifically how to short. As a warrior trader, I was taught that 10 cents a day keeps the W2 away! I was able to squeeze 10cents out of most if not all of my winning trades. However, I found I was giving back 30 cents on my losers as they would flush right past my “Mental” stops and I would fall back to my then horrible strategy of HAHahahaha (Hold and Hope) it would bounce or pivot back to let me stop out break even, only to watch continue on it’s journey back down to VWAP, 9EMA, LOD, Center of the Earth, you get the point. What I began to notice is the Short Sellers would have a field day shorting against Ross and make a killing in their PNL. Buying Pivots or Reversal became a very logical way to trade tickers, however, I was only taught how to go long. ( Ross is Long biased as he trades primarily in an IRA account ) I gave myself one full year to complete my training with Warrior, but began looking for a new community that could train me in reversal and pivots. I began to watch Thor’s Youtube recaps and could clearly see, “wow! This guy gets it!” As soon as my Warrior Membership expired, I bought into BBT. I look forward to learning from Thor and all at BBT. Specifically, I am looking for coaching/mentorship on improving my entries and holding my winners longer. Improving my Risk Management from 3:1 to 1:3 minimum. I have live trading stats on TraderVue from Sept 2021. I’ll attach a screenshot if possible. I currently trade on DAS with TD Ameritrade. Anyone willing to take on a new student or refer me to a group, to assist in pinpoint entries, learning pivots, reversals, trends, L2, T/S. etc…? Any feedback is welcome! Cheers! - AdamzTradez (if you are unable to see attachment, I have uploaded image to imgur: Here )
  3. 1 point
    I just noticed this thread, but I've been with BBT since July 2021. I'm 30 and taking a break from the IT industry to learn trading. I bought my first stock when I was 9 and have always had a fascination with the markets. Covid created a great opportunity to invest further in the market, which led me to give day trading a shot this year. After some early beginner's luck, I began to take losses and moved into DAS Sim. Through meticulous journaling and performance review, I'm starting to see the couple strategies I'm good at...and the several I'm bad at. I'm thankful for this community as it often provides the encouragement I need to get back on the saddle the next day and reminds me that I'm early on in the process. I love to talk trading so if you'd like to review trades together virtually, let me know! My focus strategies are the 5-min ORB and 5-min ABCD. I'm preparing to go live with these strategies in the coming days so wish me luck!
  4. 1 point
    Hello everyone, I joined BBT on January 1st of this year and it has definitely been an amazing decision! Prior to joining, I was subscribing to the YouTube channel and pre-market prepping with BBT on my Trading days (Thursday Mornings and Fridays) for about a good 6 months prior to pulling the trigger and joining BBT. October of 2019 marks the start of my learning journey. I have been on a mission for a few years now trying to find my way into entrepreneurship. I picked up some random books at the library after hitting some brick walls in my endeavor for some time. (The primary struggle being risk aversion due to my low income.) I had zero experience with the stock market and trading, but I keep a very open mind and decided to start reading a book on Trading Options. I was immediately enamored with this book and the newfound world of trading. The biggest draw being that one can learn without risking much or any capital. That concept was mind-blowing to me. I was in another trading group prior to this one and did not have a positive experience socially. I was essentially ignored or bullied for being a female. There was no in-between experience in which I felt like an actual member. Unfortunately, it is a common experience for other females in this field. In general, I have done a lot of work on myself to overcome social anxiety/low self-esteem issues so as you can imagine, the way I was treated was very damaging. I am very much a fly-on-the-wall here but am looking to change that. I know that it is essential to my success that I start socializing with like-minded individuals. I don't anticipate being bullied here but the hesitation to participate is still there. Thus far, learning to trade has helped me grow as a person. I have learned to put myself out there and take risks. In my previous group I learned to trade bear and bull triple leveraged ETF's for Natural Gas and caught on quite well, only trading the bearish ETF successfully (against the bullish trend). I was impressed, especially considering the fact I had zero structure or actual defined strategy in place. Those ETF's no longer exist, which is a blessing, because that has lead me to BBT and the concepts of finding stocks in play, structure, and probability amongst other critical things. I am currently testing my second strategy and hoping that this is it. The time and data will tell me the answer. I went into Trading with the idea that it could take me a couple of years to learn. I'm coming up on that 2 year mark, and loving and respecting the process of learning to become consistently profitable. Although I haven't found my strategy yet, I feel confident that I will. One idea I wanted to share that seems to be extremely helpful for me is recording my trading sessions. Once I started doing that a few months back, I feel that I am learning what works and what doesn't far better and faster. It is one thing to journal and look back at your trades with a snapshot and your afterthoughts but completely far more enlightening to essentially relive it as an observer. Although, I am only trading 2 days/week or less, I feel that reviewing my trading sessions via recording is really my game-changer. It truly has taught me that it isn't necessarily about the quantity of trades I am able to make, but the quality of my journaling and lessons from the experiences I've had.
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