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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/25/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    DAY – 8.24.2020 Trades: 3 Symbols: 4; 5 (DT: AMD, MRNA, BABA, FSLY; Swing: IBM, WKHS, BA, APA, WDC) Psychology: Slept well, starting to get up a little later – meditation and shorter pre-market preparations. Goal for the day: Day Trades – Test the new William HK in the open for ORBs. Continuation on BABA and JD. Find catalyst stock. Swing Trades – Manage partials/exits and average downs according to pre-set plan. Daily Market Wrap-up: SPY gapped up over the weekend and the ‘chopped’ around all day in a range, big push at the close to break HOD+. WL: DAY TRADES: SWING TRADES: WDC No change. Entered position on this symbol after gap down due to ‘bad’ earnings, has spent that last 3 days trying to climb but being held down. Has fallen below $35, I will average down at below $34. IBM: No change. Still holding 33% of position for the break of $130. Catalyst: 2 upgrades: Argus Research (buy from hold, $155) and Zacks Investment Research ($134 from $131, remains neutral). WKHS Recent two day ‘pop’ on unusual options action to the high side. Government fiscal year ends end of September, should here if they win some or all the USPS contract ($6B). Holding my position as institutional investors are still holding for long-term growth story. Daily volume is low but PA holding $15.15 support level. SAVE No change. Still holding with average price above $20, poor decision to buy and hold overnight on parabolic move (daily chart) back in early June. The upside is that SAVE is one of the strongest airline stocks in the current climate. Their cash burn rate is significantly lower than other airlines and their niche of catering to domestic vacation travelers should help them come out better once a COVID vaccine is announced and airlines get to flying again. I like SAVE for a hold until the end of 2020 (depending on November elections). APA No, change. Still holding for move above $20, entry below $10 (5.14.20). As a former O&G engineer I ‘know’ (speculative) that Apache is one of the best companies in their industry, with clean P/L, low debt and strong potential based on diversity of assets – onshore and offshore, domestic and international. Final Review: Goal for Day: 6/8, PASS 1. Only trade the opening 5-mins if consistently trading symbol and confident with its move – PASS 2. Partial/average down or exit swing positions (according to pre-plan) – PASS 3. Work on better entries – PASS 4. Only trade the symbols on your WL – PASS 5. Trade without P/L on screen or in mind – PASS 6. On green symbol stop trading it for the day if lost any amount of green P/L – PASS 7. 3SYO – PASS 8. Enter trades with small position, upon confirmation of ‘move’ add to position on PB – PASS #5 and #8 are game changers for my confidence and trade management Things I did well: Not move SL to BE so soon on watching L2 and PA and MAs. Things I did poorly: Need to trust your entry on confirmation of level or MA or what you are trading off of.
  2. 1 point
    "Re-fire on $INTC when it pulled back. Only took a 10% partial at support/resistance level. Stopped out at break even. Should my first partials be 50% or 25% ?" I did 20% partial at 2R for a while, it essentially pays for the commissions of the trade, and then you move your stop to b/e so it's a break even trade after commissions worst case scenario.
  3. 1 point
    2020-8-25 <SIM> Light trading week for me. Work commitments this week. Planned on trading the open today for three trades only. I did not do a good job with a watch-list today, just copying Carlos. TRADE 1 $INTC Chase -0.1R This wasn't on my watch-list, but was on one of my chart windows left over from another day. Wow! What a breakout from the open. Is chase a strategy ? Haha Bailed out after it wasn't going my way... TRADE 2 $INTC ABCD +0.1R Re-fire on $INTC when it pulled back. Only took a 10% partial at support/resistance level. Stopped out at break even. Should my first partials be 50% or 25% ? TRADE 3 $AAL 15 Min ORB -1R $AAL was breaking the VPA point of control and on the 1, 2, and 5 there was no lower levels. I went short. Really tight stop, picked up 1000 shares but stopped out in three seconds. TRADE 4 $AAL 15 Min ORB +1.56R Really liked this setup, so I re-fired with a wider stop. When I was in the trade I saw the 100 SMA on the 15. So I took some heavier partials and then out for a green trade. Pushed my day to green. Afterthoughts: +0.5 R for the Day I tried to jump into my computer closer to the market open. This did not help me today, I was not as prepared as I like. Need to make sure I have the overnight Support & Resistance levels marked. Need to focus more on 3:1 trade minimums. It still takes a while to journal even with just a few trades Have a good week everyone !
  4. 1 point
    Tuesday - August 25, 2020 Futures Watch /ES has reached new ATHs yesterday and is clearly breaking out into new territory. From a Volume Profile perspective, we would expect there to be low Volume Nodes in this range; this can be seen with the VA High 3390 far below and yesterday's tight range forming our first are of support around 3420. We can clear volume pockets below us, so we will be aware that the trend is on 'shaky ground' until the VA Range can move higher; any signs of a selloff will likely be quick through these voids is volume. 10D 30M Chart /NQ above the VA Range, shows signs of weakness yesterday, selling off quickly in the morning session to Friday's morning range around 11550 before getting bid higher into the afternoon. Currently the pre-market is having difficulty moving higher compared to /ES, so I'd be watching this for continued weakness paired with Sector Rotation concepts. VA High 11450 would be our first main target risking yesterday's high. 10D 30M Chart /RTY showing that 1608 and 1540 were indeed resistance/support for our Range Definition. We are sitting right at the V POC 1580, but our main structure is showing relative strength with our minor downtrend breaking out into the premarket. A healthy pullback near VA Low 1560 or above near 1570 prior neckline of past three sessions would be a nice area to consider building a position for a retest of 1605 recent highs. 10D 30M Chart Premarket Review at 9:00 ET Interesting Futures: Crude and Natural Gas up around .75%, Crude has been 'choppy' in recent sessions, staying tight between 41.5 and 43.5, but we had a strong reaction last Friday session off of 41.5 and we're moving strongly into the open and into 43. Natural Gas remains strong after breaking away from 2.15 and retesting 2.1 on 8/12. Since that range breakout, we haven't looked back. Bonds down with $TLT gapping down 1% and confirming a Bear Flag pattern on the daily. Gold and Silver seem to be moving on low volume, so we may see a breakout in some direction soon, but lack of interest at this time. Dollar Index held our Yearly Low 92.5 well and appears to be slowly climbing back up. Anything between 92 and 94 would be trapped between Horizontal Support and Trend Line Resistance on higher time frames. Liking Energy to have Relative Strength, Financials strong with Bond weakness. Premarket Sectors at 9:15 ET Strong Sectors: Financials and Industrials gaining strength in Premarket. Also Energy getting stronger with Oil showing lots of strength in the Futures. Materials and Cons. Staples at ATH. Weak Sectors: Technology flat, so relatively weak compared to other areas. Things to Watch: $BA - Major breakout yesterday into a gap up, continuation to test the 190 range highs. $AAPL - Volatile and may drag the $QQQ down if it loses 500, $SPY will react as well having trouble getting off the ground unless all sectors align. $OXY/$SLB - Decent Energy candidates, focused on Oil names.
  5. 1 point
    Looks like a winner ! Nice Trade ! I admire how you are focusing on one strategy...
  6. 1 point
    Holy Shit 16/26 +0.02R MAX LOSS with commissions/fees I took my trading laptop to work and turned my -1.5R morning into a +0.02, but max loss. Too many trades to do a normal review. Here they are.
  7. 1 point
    2020-8-20 (SIM/LIVE) Game Plan: Trade first 90 minutes Live then switch to SIM. Goal +3R Watchlist $INTC, $RKT, $AAL, $YNDX TRADE 0: $INTC One Minute ORB: Scratch Order did not go through on DAS. Error message, "Could not get a valid Price" Trade 1: $INTC (SIM) Reverse ABCD -0.40R I had marked the level of 49.67 from overnight trading for Support & Resistance. $INTC setup an ABCD pattern and I went short at 49.38 with the stop above my S&R line. I panicked when it turned and covered for a 0.4R loss...should have held for a 3:1 win... TRADE 2 $RKT (SIM) ABCD -0.55R Certainly came in long biased for this stock. Thought it was setting up for ABCD went long at 9:44 then out one minute later when it was going the wrong way. Maybe I should have given more with to the 9:43 down candle as it engulfed the 9:42 bullish candle. I know that I discounted it though because the volume was much lower... TRADE 3 $INTC *Trade of the day Double Bottom Reversal +1.2R $INTC put in a beautiful double bottom and I went long at 9:50. Good partials a different levels. TRADE 5 $INTC Reversal -0.20R When I got out of Trade 4, I reversed my position to a short since it crossed the 9&20 on the 1 minute. Wrong ! Bailed out quick. TRADE 6 $AAL (SIM) VWAP Breakthrough +0.44R Ooohhh, I thought I was in Live...don't worry, I am banishing myself to SIM for a one week minimum... $AAL breaks through VWAP on good volume. Not a high R:R trade but I thought the price-volume-action fundamentals were super solid. 10% partial at 10:15 when it stalled, then I chickened out at 10:17 for another stall. TRADE 7 $AAL (LIVE) Double Top Reversal -0.78R Look at this beautiful double top on $AAL ! I took a very aggressive entry with an aggressive stop. Needed a confirmation on the 2 minute candle...(Lesson of the day. I might be a much better trader turning off the 1 minute chart and just trading the 2, 5 and 15...) Multiple time frame confirmations....let the candles close...I know this !!! Had to accomplish my family duties and came back to the computer later... TRADE 8 $LYFT (LIVE) Continuation -0.96R A little humor here. I was chatting with my buddy @Christopher Patterson on Discord in the afternoon. If you have been following his journals, he is becoming a Master of Reversals... Chris called this out as a reversal and of course I bet against that....oops... Again, another decision based on just the one minute chart... Shoot, turned my day from Green to Red on this one... Went short at 12:34 thinking it would continue lower off the 9-20 and VWAP behind it... Ahhhhh....!!! Good news is that I feel I have some clarity by journaling again... Great VPA lesson from Chris ! Thank you sir ! Afterthoughts: -.053 R SIM -0.75 R LIVE -1.28 R Total Need to go back to SIM until I have another good solid week. No more live trading for a while. Concentrate only on trades with a 3:1 minimum R:R (Hard Rule?) Keep paying attention to and learning about VPA. Continue to mark up and use overnight levels. They have been right on these last two days ! Multiple time frame confirmation. Wait for the 2 minute to close. Multiple time frame confirmation. Wait for the 2 minute to close. This applies more after the first thirty minutes of trading. Thinking I need to be journaling my stops points. Need to balance some aggressiveness with good stops. VPA VPA VPA It is ok to not take a trade. Double tops, Double bottoms are strong. Wait for the two minute confirmation. Forget bias. Follow Price Action & VPA. "Patient Aggressiveness" - Dr. Katz Trying to get a little smarter every day...!
  8. 1 point
    @tntp45 Hey man, I took a 5 min ORB today that worked out, thought you might dig it.
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