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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2020 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    3-12-20 AIS 1115, 7 hours, 7/10 JD PB#3 Trending the 9 on the 5, entry based on the 2min. Add on again on the bounce off the 9 on the 2min. Took a partial and once I seen the momentum changing I took the rest off. I should have scalped the first entry and made the second entry another scalp as this is where it seems to be more profitable in the current market +3.5R CY PB#3 Trending the 9 and not trading with SPY. First entry was based on the 2min pullback to the 9 with a bounce and add on was the bounce off the 9 on the 5min. I was also watching a held bid along with T&S for the add. Took profits at key points on the L2 and daily levels and all out at BE. My R/R on this setup was bad and miscalculated +1R Cons: Miscalc. R/R ... Should have scalped the JD trade Pros: Took most of what I called out but missed one. PB Trade: JD Rs: +4.5R
  2. 2 points
    Thank goodness for risk management this week. I have been on a negative streak and it seems all the trades I don't take work and all the trades I take don't work. The all reason to take every setup if it is within your edge. I did not follow that today with $MU and missed two opportunities that would have netted me nice gains. Instead I took a trade on $JD and it netted me -.5R. Oh well what are you going to do but learn.
  3. 2 points
    Thursday 03/12/2020 I had a well-being score of 6/10 this morning. I took 1 live trades with BAC. My watchlist: AMD, AAPL, BAC, TSLA, CCL, and AAL. I was a little reckless today with the market halt. I traded before and got locked in a trade and even traded it right after. It was my biggest win of the month but not feeling good about it. BAC was down like the rest of the market, but has been trading well lately. BAC opened with big volume, even for this stock. Created a nice bullish candle and I went long above VWAP. I got a terrible fill, but I was only half shares so I waited to see if I could get a better entry. The price dropped and I took the rest of my shares just above VWAP. Target was 21.59 with VWAP as the stop. Yep, I should have exited the trade when it looked like a halt was very likely. Or at least take a partial. But I was halted. During the wait, I decided if the price still above VWAP after the halt, continue with the trade. If the price is below the 50MA, then stop out. If the price is below the VWAP and heads below the PM level of 20.44 then flip position. If the price resumes between the 50MA and PM level and is heading higher then add. So after the halt the price ended up in the last scenerio, where I added to my position. I got an amazing fill. But looking back this was a bit reckless for a day when the stock market is acting crazy. The next 3 minutes the 1min chart was squeezing into a pendant so I was waiting to see which way it would move. It went to the long side. I was actually reasonably patient before the first partial, then took a few more catching the high. Then exited on a 1min low. Luckily exited just before the spike down. What did I do good today? I was patient with my first partial. What I am grateful from today? Great fill on my second add.
  4. 2 points
    If you look at the bottom of the original post (link) Kyle has created 2 setup videos you should definitely watch end to end first. If those don't help I don't mind jumping on a Zoom call, sharing your screen and walking you through it.
  5. 1 point
    I made a small application to review my trades and make some statistics about the results of each strategy. I wrote it because I needed some tools to speed up my journaling and to help me reviewing my trades and didn’t find something out there that was exactly personalizable for my style of trading and my way of journaling... Thought that sharing it with you guys would be a way to give back some of the great help that I received from this community! Features The application imports automatically from the DAS logs your trades and displays: The results for each trade and trading day All the entries and exits If you use hard stops based on trigger orders, the risk of the order/trade The risk/reward of the trade, based on the S.L. orders or on a fixed $ amount You can create trading strategies and associate to each trade additional information: The strategy used Whether the setup was valid or not according to the strategy, and if your execution of the strategy was good The theoretical maximum target that could be reached -> based on that the app calculates the maximum result of the trade if you closed your whole position at the max target If the trade is a “playbook trade”, i.e. if you want to add it to the list of your “ideal” trades for this particular strategy You can associate custom tags to the trade You can choose to exclude the trade from the calculations of the daily results and of the statistics You can attach a screenshot from the clipboard, or import it from a file You can add quick comments as well as a detailed review of the trade Based on that, the tool calculates some statistics: Number of trades and global result of the trades in each strategy Number of winners/loosers, percent winners/loosers and average winner/looser in the strategy Average result and average max result of the trades in the strategy Average risk/reward and max risk/reward of the trades in the strategy You can filter the trades for which you want the statistics: Start date/end date Time of day Strategy Direction (long/short) Whether the setup is valid, and whether the execution was good You can select the playbook trades only You can filter the trades by tags You can select only the winner or the looser trades You can filter by trading account You can visualise the equity curve of your trades: You can filter the trades used to calculate the equity curve The equity curve is synchronized with the statistics Screenshots Download Setup: Download and run the installer inside the zip. Once installed, just select the DAS Trader directory and the application will automatically start loading your trades. If you already installed a previous version of the program, the installer will automatically import all your data. In any case you can transfer/backup your data through the Import/Export functions from the File menu. Download link: TradeReview 1.3.1 Setup New in 1.3.0: Equity curve visualization, synchronized with the filters of the Statistics tab Possibility to edit the trade details directly from the table + added context menu for trade exclusion/details Joined the Trades and Analysis tabs (can be reverted through settings) Possibility to filter the trades also by long/short direction Possibility to add some brief comments about the trading day Possibility to import the last DAS screenshot Possibility to visualize more fields in the trades tables Bug fixing New in 1.3.1: Possibility to filter the trades by time of day Trades executed in replay mode are discarded Bug fixing
  6. 1 point
    When you partial you need to reset your stop loss. Most people will reset their stop loss to breakeven (where you entered) so that you can't lose your gains. This will cancel your stop loss and reset it to breakeven with the remaining position: CXL ALLSYMB;Route=Stop;StopType=MARKET;STOPPRICE=AvgCost;StopPrice=Round2;Price=StopPrice-0.3;Share=Pos;TIF=DAY+;REVERSE=Send; You can also add it on the end of a partial to do it automatically. This is selling 50% of your long position and then resetting your stop loss with the remaining shares: CXL ALLSYMB;Route=LIMIT;Share=Pos*0.5;Price=Bid-0.05;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Send;ROUTE=STOP;StopType=Market;StopPrice=AvgCost;Share=Pos-share;TIF=GTC;SELL=SEND Same thing but for a short position: CXL ALLSYMB;Route=LIMIT;Share=Pos*0.5;Price=Ask+0.05;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send;ROUTE=STOP;StopType=Market;StopPrice=AvgCost;Share=Pos+share;TIF=GTC;BUY=SEND
  7. 1 point
    Day 45 - Mar 11, 2020 12 Tickets 4 Symbols Red Day Watchlist Index Catalyst Big Picture SPY Coronavirus Rejecting off 288 level thish acted as support from previous support. Down 3% in pre-market. Could see continuation down to 274 level. Stock Support Resistance ATR Notes Bias Setup Trading Plan CCL 22.1, 21.5, 20.5 23.35, 24.5 2.55 Coronavirus still main concern. Potential downside Short Trade the VWAP trend if weak from open - watch for this to fade back down to yesterdays close 20.5 TDOC 151, 145.5 156.9 10 Video software for medical industry - coronavirus push to get patients online Long Gapping through ATH - play momentum breakout CLDR 8.26, 7.8 8.6 Earnings beat, lots of room to run Long 8.4 Major daily level, watch how it trades off here. Look to go long once it pop up abd breaks 8.6, long on the retest ABOVE VWAP AMD 43.72, 43 43.72, Short Descendgin Triangle SPY weak - if SPY breaks this could be a nicemomentum trade CLDR - Short - 1min - Technical Breakout (Potential ABCD) Earnings beat and gapped up. Pre market was trading in a range of 8.26 and 8.6 with 8.4 being a daily inflection point. Plan was for it to break out of 8.6 then come back to test. Broke out and Came back down to quickly and too far almost hitting VWAP. Realized this could be ABCD on the 1 min. Bounced right back up and broke through previous 2 candles close/open so I went long on the breakout. Quickly went against me and I got stopped out. Improvement: Didn’t follow my game plan, got too excited and FOMO. Need to be more patient on these especially first 10mins in these market conditions. AAL - Short - 1min - Anticipating Breakdown (Lvl 2 - Wall of bids) Choppy at the open, but finally broke down through VWAP and held. Tried to push back up through VWAP and MA's but kept getting rejected. Was waiting for a Pop into VWAP to short, but saw a big bid at 15.80 and thought we would break through. Took 1/2 R with anticipation to take another 1/2 on break of 15.8. Noticed wall of bids stepping up to 15.85 - bullish sign but got caught in the charts and ended up shorting on shooting star as it failed to hold above VWAP. Came back down on small volume and used this as opportunity to get out for half. Got stopped out on the rest. Improvement: Watched recording after - wall of bids were pushing up strong, by 5c increments. 15.8, 15.85, 15.9 making clear support and higher lows. Need to watch out for this - could have avoided the add, and cut losses earlier. AMD - Long - 1min - Breakout Was thinking short as it looked weak in pre market. But opened strong with SPY. Took a long as it broke and held daily level of 44.88 and held higher highs and higher lows. SPY was holding VWAP thinking it would test and break HOD to give overall market some strength. Chased this entry, could have gotten on a pullback. CCL - Short -1min - Breakdown (Lvl 2 - Wall of bids breaking) CCL in play as coronavirus fear is killing travel and cruise line industry, and coming off a fresh downgrade yesterday. Shot up in the morning showring some strength, but quickly lost gains and broke VWAP to downside. Held the MA and showed a big wall of bids at 22.5, so entered short expecting it to break stop just above previous pop. Ended up rejecting MA above and coming back breaking the 22.5 wall added more. Had to go to work so put on a Range Order. Good: Using Charts with Lvl2 Improvement: In my watchlist - mentioned it could come down to 20.5 level (yesterday's low) and it did exactly that, need to have some patience and stick to game plan. If I wasn’t at work - lots of opportunity to add. 5min was showing weakness. Todays Review Noticing I am looking at trades and entering with Risk in mind, but don't have a specific target sometimes. This provides flexibility of me taking profits whenever. Terrible habit. Last couple times I have left my range order and took off to work - trades have went as planned. What I did well: What I did poorly: Saw exit sign on AAL from Lvl 2 bidders stepping up but didn't take it, instead shorted more. Also trading breakouts which im not the best at - could be getting much better entries Need to do: Get a mic and record audio in addition to my video. This will allow me to track my exact emotion / thoughts when entering and exiting a trade, and will speed the process of journaling and note talking after wards - seems to be taking to long. Would be nice to bang out my notes quickly and have more time for tape review and forums plus more.
  8. 1 point
    3-11-20 AIS 1150, 7 hours, 7/10 CCL PB#3, B setup Trending the 9 on the 5min with a retrace to the 20. I got to the desk at 1150 and found this at 1152. Took it quickly in SIM because I was not able to evaluate it fully. This is not a normal setup that I would take for my PB#3 and was taken in SIM -0.4R JD PB#3 (1rst trade) Trending the 9 on the 5min with a pullback to the 9 for entry. Took a 50% partial at whole dollar and a marked level from the daily which also is showing resistance on the intraday and all out at BE +1R PB#2 (2nd trade) a VWAP play that did not work right off the bat. -0.6R Cons: None Pros: stayed in control of this choppy market Rs: +0.2
  9. 1 point
    Wednesday 03/11/2020 I had a well-being score of 6/10 this morning. I took 3 live trades with AAPL. My watchlist: AMD, AAPL, BAC, TSLA, CCL, and DXC. I took a small PM position on AAPL since it looked like it was breaking and holding 200MA-1min and holding VWAP. My stop was 50MA-1min with a traget at the 278.90 level. After the open the price bounced from the 277 level and I added to my position. I was able to take two partials before the price retraced and I was stopped out at B/E. The price recovered and broke the 200MA-1min again and I went long again. I was also able to take 2 partials before being S/O at B/E. Then a nice hammer was made an a break of the 278.90 level. I went long again, I took one partial then was stopped out at B/E. Then I was at my 3 trade limit and called it a day. What did I do good today? Not much hesitation today. What I am grateful from today? Good fills on my S/O, not much slippage.
  10. 1 point
    03-11-2020 Have today and tomorrow off of work. Was able to get some trading in this morning. I've been trying recently to dabble in other trading strategies other than my typical 0950-1030 hours VWAP bounce trades. Most recently, I've been trying to trade ABCD patterns in the early market hours before the VWAP trades. Not trades I typically take, just trying to expand on strategies to trade. Not too much luck on these trades this morning though. Definitely some over trading today, but only due to the fact I'm trying to experiment with more ABCD trades. I'll probably start dabbling with this in replay mode as well. $PDD - I attempted an ABCD trade off the 1 minute chart on PDD. I saw it bounced off the 9EMA, took the trade long and got stopped out. Things to consider in the future: PDD was gapping down. The 5 minute candle was very extended. Those two combined should've kept me a little more short biased on this trade. $AAL- Around 1015, I saw a VWAP bounce off of AAL. I always like to see a gradual movement back towards VWAP and then take my position right at VWAP. Got stopped out on my first trade, took a second attempt at it and succeeded. $DXC- Around 0950 hours I tried to take a VWAP bounce trade off of $DXC. I saw resistance held the 20EMA. I set my stop slightly above VWAP. I saw it failed to hold above VWAP on heavier volume on the candle after I got into the trade, but I eventually got stopped out. $TDOC- I took this as a reverse ABCD trade. Saw it holding the 9EMA on the 1 minute. I anticipated a break of the 146 level. Took it short around 147.50 set my stop loss right around the 9EMA on the 1m. $INO- Took this trade as a VWAP bounce. Took that first partial because it was struggling and I didn't see any volume on the L2 to indicate it was going to push the $7.40 level. Hit my stop loss and I moved on. I think sometimes I set my stop loss so tight I do not give it room to breath. If I had set it slightly below that 50MA I would've made my 2R on this trade. Something to jot down and remain conscience of in the future.
  11. 1 point
    Max loss by 9:05 AM. I upped my risk from $10 to $20 today. I don't think it effected my decision making, but it stopped me out faster than normal. The biggest mistake I believe I made today was trading TSLA, I was tempted by the enormous upside of that stock. PDD Maybe I should not have entered this trade because it was above most of the moving averages, What are your thoughts? OXY Trade one, maybe I should stay away from entering when wicks are really extended? Trade two, waited for confirmation of ABCD, but it didn't follow through. Any feedback on this one?AAL TSLA
  12. 1 point
    Today went well, ended up 4.7R. I had a couple of trades that I flipped from original entry. I was very tempted to keep trading in the afternoon, I mentioned it to Mike B and he said I was making the right call to stop, thanks for being in the chat Mike! Yesterday I gave my entire days profit away because of trading past my daily target. Once I am more seasoned, I may implement a different variation that gives me flexibility. Maybe keep trading, but don't lose more than 10% of morning gains, but I'm not disciplined enough to do that now. I also made a change on my screen today, I like L2 just as much as Thor, I found I was constantly scrolling down to see what the L2 looked like further from the price action. I extended my montage down so I can see all of the L2 without having to scroll. It only covers up my DJIA and SPY charts on the left side. I am feeling more confident in my trading abilities/psychology, I was very beat up from the first 3 1/2 weeks. The past 4 days I've traded well for 3 of them, and the one day I didn't, I only failed because I kept trading after I reached target (Yesterday). What do you do to keep from getting over confident? I want this trend of good trading to continue, and I feel like it will, but if anyone has been through this before, I would prefer to learn from your mistake instead of making the same ones you did. So any feedback is welcomed. Thanks.
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