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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    3-6-20 AIS 0805, 6 hours, 6/10 PAT: PB#3 Live Trades .... Over-trading .... JD PB#1, 5min ORB, ABCD on 2min, partial then bigger add on than I should have and stopped +0.2R AMD PB#3, testing the PML for the third time for a new trend entry, very tight stop. If momentum does not carry it quickly to RED/Green then its time to stop. I was more aggressive on the partials due to the current choppy market conditions. All out at 1108 but realized shortly after that I forgot to take and order out and I was short and covered as soon as I realized it. +2.5R JD PB#3, trend scalps. These are three individual trades and all were mainly based on L2 and T&S with confirmation of the chart and levels off the chart. +4.5R Cons: did not remove an order on AMD and got lucky that it did not make me pay the price. Took my eyes off for journal and missed moves on JD Pros: Found my setups and worked them to the current market, Scalping and taking more partials PB Trade: AMD Rs: +6.2R
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    i think the 20 ema on the 1min is good but maybe wait until it closes over instead of just breaking it? you would have stayed in your last piece on JPM. 9ema on the 5 is good too
  4. 1 point
    March 6 Great way to end the week. I had a awesome setup on $JD in the morning. Met all my criteria for a long, got the entry, but then it just stalled out and stopped me out. Didn't bother me a bit, it was a trade I have to take and let the probabilities win out over time. The second was a short on $CCL. Another great setup and I executed it well. I was a little worried I would not get the fill as it was on SSR, but it filled slightly below where I wanted my entry. No big deal. I got partials at 1R and 2R before getting stopped out at break-even. Good way to go into the weekend.
  5. 1 point
    Friday, I over traded a bit today, because of that I am sure my commissions will eat nearly all my profits. 3.4R day, but when R=$10, too many tickets makes it a BE day instead. I'm ok with that because I still think I traded well today. My patience is improving, and I am seeing more indicators before jumping into a trade now, Aiman's recaps have really helped me look at a few more charts for confirmation before entering. I bet there were 4-5 times today that I stopped myself from entering by looking at the overall trend of the stock, and checking 5,15,day charts for resistance levels that are not on the 1min. I was long biased on AMD pre-market, that caused me to take these three longs. I'm ok with the second trade, but the 1st and 3rd trade in this pic should not have been taken. Great 5minOrb-1minABCD Combo 2 shorts and a long, the first trade I failed to look at the 5 for confirmation, I was only looking at the 1min break below moving averages. shorted again immediately, revenge trade. Later tried BO over a daily level I had, it failed, the BO was actually several candles earlier when it broke my prior level of 109.07. I probably should not have entered below VWAP like that. Tried BO, didn't continue. Curling down, broke my pre-market level and tested it, spy direction helped for confirmation. My pre-market notes said to look for break of 24, as I was scanning my watch list looking for a trade, I noticed MRVL had just broke VWAP, test it, and start to head to 24. It went well 5MIn lightning bolt down with retest of VWAP. JPM and MU trade, I think I may be moving my stop too close to the price, they both ran down much further after my last partial. What I usually do is move my stop to just above the 20EMA on the 1-min, if I would instead move it to the 9EMA on the 5, maybe I could stay in these trend trades longer. What do you think?
  6. 1 point
    Friday 03/06/2020 I had a well-being score of 7/10 this morning. I took 1 live trade this morning with AMD. My watchlist: AMD, AAPL, MRVL, TSLA, CCL, and VIPS. AMD was one of the very few stocks that was green in PM. The price was holding between $50MA-1min and $49.15 for a few minutes in PM. Every candle was bullish looking. I was waiting for the break of 49.15 to go long. Then a really strong hammer was formed with good volume. Then a L2 signal appeared. Not big but enough to enter the trade since it would get me past VWAP. My target was 49.73 with a stop below the 50MA-1min. When I went long: The price broke the 49.15 and kept moving up and reached my target. I held onto a few shares just before the open to see if it would move higher. Then hangman formation was forming, so I did not want to hold into the open and exited a few seconds before. What did I do good today? Good use of L2. What I am grateful from today? Green every day this week!!! I can’t remember the last time that happen.
  7. 1 point
    Kyle, The work you have put in Amazing. Thank you! I am having trouble with the setup. Wan't to make a quick hundred bucks via PayPal? If you'd be interested I would love to watch you set this up in my DAS while using TeamViewer. It would be helpful to me as I could get the hotkeys right away and learn how to set them up and modify them by watching you ad them to my trade station.
  8. 1 point
    Are you clicking the little line icon in toolbar? There should be a hotkey to select the line tool faster (Page Down). I changed my hotkey to SPACEBAR so I can press it with my left hand while operating the mouse with my right.
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