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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/2020 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    03.Jan.19 -2R. One good trade on $LB, got stopped out twice on $OXY. Watchlist: $LB, $LW, $OXY Trade1: $LB. HTook $LB long on 3Bar play. Got wicked out. Once the price came back to my original entry, I Long again (One of my rules, if I get wicked out, but the setup is still valid, I reenter again). Added a bit at the break of 18.5. Took one partial at 18.7 (only the add and was still holding my core position). I should have added after the hammer at 10.30AM, missed a crucial add. Partialed 50% at 18.95, added after the price bounced off 18.75. But price din't pop, so took this out. Another add after the break of 18.95, once it failed to break 19 for 15mins, got all out. Good: This is different from how I trade candlesticks or chart patterns to make 2R trades. Here I find an entry observe the price action and make add/exits at the right places and hold it as long as the setup is Valid. Improvement: Improve on Add and partials. Because my reentry had wider stop, position was small got me 2.5R. I shouldn't have missed the opportunity to add. Overall very happy with my trade on $LB, I want to make more trades like this, this month.
  2. 1 point
    December 31 Well ended the year on a positive note. I finished the year up doing some analyzing on my strategies and performance in various aspects of trading from data that I complied over the past calendar year. The moving average cross over strategy data and % of R is skewed because it does not cover the whole year, just the past 3 months. Some interesting things I noticed is that I have a workable winning percentage with the 3 strategies I trade. As I did not focus the majority of the year on profit taking and managing the trade while in it, you can clearly see that the financial stats do not correspond with what the winning percentage of the strategy is. Currently, that is my main focus of improving. "Being able perform while in the moment." On to next year. Hope everyone has a great New Year
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