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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Week 11-18 to 11-22-19 What I did Good this week: I Respected my in-trade and daily stops Did much better with my in-trade management towards the end of the week with a $30 full share size Was much more choosy with my trades at the end of the week I did not open DAS after I told myself I was done for the day What I did Bad this week: Traded when I was up (not to my goal) and not feeling well turning it into a - day I did chase a couple times Took too many trades on most days Changes to be made this week: No changes for my R value Rules to Stick by: After I call it a day only use the rest of my time for my journal and playbook to evaluate my trades in-trade and daily stops only A or A+ setups Do not Chase Challenges for Myself: Continue with no voice chat till 1000, this seems to keep me more focused without FOMO or Anxiety MAX 2 trades before my planned 1100 break Before each trade read my "Before Trade" sticky note Goals and Rewards: Sticking to my Rules above will let me continue to trade Live, breaking these rules will force me back to SIM for next week
  2. 1 point
    Hi everyone, Want to share my thoughts on creating a trading system. We all have goals. I think it is great. The problem is that we focus on goals without having a clear plan how to get to them. Goals are just directions. I think it is very important to focus on creating a trading system with clear steps and directions. Focus on improving that system and improving your identity as a trader. I would love to share my system, and I hope it will be helpful for some of you. Let me say a few words about myself. I started to trade a few years ago. Like many of us joined Sykes and traded penny stocks. Then I tried five more big and famous chat rooms. I was on a rollercoaster. One of my friends mentioned to check Andrew's room back in January. After watching a few videos I decided to join them. Got a life membership, and now I am here making money, but whats most important I am growing with this community. So let go back to my system... Here is a step by step what I do on a daily basis. 1. Business plan - with out a plan you just a swimmer in the ocean. It's scary and crazy. Be a captain of your own ship. But you gotta build that ship first! 2. Preparation checklist - no matter if you are a scalper or a swing trader, you can not trade a stock without knowing a float, RVOL, reading a catalyst, knowing ATR and more. 3. Having a playbook - have your setups with data collected on them. I am constantly adding charts of stocks in play to my playbook journal. Track your setups. 4. Risk management - is a KING or QUEEN not sure, always trade based of a risk. 5. Trade management - in order to know how to scale in and scale out you need to collect data. Are you good at one and done, or getting out by 10%. 4. Daily report card - track your performance. Trading is a performance job. You gotta know your mistakes, weakness and strengths. 5. Journaling - #1 thing for improvement and tracking all data. Reflect and review. Repeat day in and day out. So on every topic you have to create a detailed system, and put everything together in a way that it will be easy for your brain to navigate. You brain does not like complicated things and always trying to find an easy way. Make it easy and fun. Create good habits since the day one. Building yourself as a trader will help you to improve your personal life and the other way around. I suggest to read "Atomic Habits" by James Clear on this topic. This is a long journey, and I suggest you to take it seriously. Be a professional. Ask your self a question, "What would a professional trader do?" There is only one way to success, compound of a hard and smart work. Thanks!
  3. 1 point
    My Improvement Areas as of 31-Oct-19: After I went fully Live in July, I was like a kid in a candy store. I took all kind of setups and price actions, premarket, postmarket, Earnings, IPOs everything. Once I lifted PDT in July, I enjoyed the freedom to take unlimited trades. As much as it is thrilling to take trades (and lots of it), I forgot sometimes that the ultimate goal in Trading is to make money. The only thing that saved me was that traded with very minimum risk like 10-25$ per trade. Eventually, I Hulked on the 19th July trading $MDLA IPO, made good money before giving it all back and more. I had my worst day ever ~11R (for comparison my best day has been 10R). Next couple of months, I had couple of really bad days that took out most of my profit. 31-Oct I had a losing day that took out most of my profit from October, I ended up Breakeven for the month. The Pareto principle states that 80% of effects come from 20% of the causes. 5 of my losing trades caused me -22R till end of Oct, that is only 1.5% of my losing trades causing 15% of all the losses. If I manage to cut down the big losses and Big losing days then I am in good shape. Below is my improvement plan that I will be tracking each month. My weak areas that I need to improve upon How I am going to improve My most losses are in ORB This is normal, as I trade mostly the Open. But I restrict myself to trade anything except Rising Devil/FallenAngel/3bar setups at the open henceforth, till I see a reason to lift this rule I keep trading after 3 losing trades (which is my limit/day). To bring more discipline, I am going to include an exercise schedule (1hr in Gym/100 pushups) as part of my premarket prep. Failing this I am not allowed to trade that day. If I end up in overtrading situation still, I have setup DAS risk control for my maxloss/day that would save me. I am a bit addictive to trading now, leading to Overtrading. I have set a punishment for me when I overtrade. This is really something that I really hate to do. I have already tried this once, it is so Hard. I am taking a stab at almost every price action that ends up in small losses eating up my profit I have a clear set of setups that I trade. I think i have had enough experimenting in the last 1 year in SIM/Real. My rules are not strict. Although it is necessary to be flexible on the trade management based on how Market behave, it is mandatory to be consistent. And only strict rules can enable consistency I need to define rules for profit taking for different setups to make sure consistency. Should also be different for type of setups (Momentum, Fading, Trend etc,.) I take multiple stabs when I trade price action This is normal for a Trend trade. I need multiple confirmations for Reversals (e.g 1miin MA cross etc.,) I jump in and out of the trade looking for small moves instead of one big move. I need to build my cashcow setups like MA cross pullback or Fading, which may give 1-1.6Rs I don't size my trades properly so miss out on trades that workout although I use Kyle's hotkeys mostly, I am going to use them all the time. With limited trading setups, this is possible. I hate to lose my trade This is something I am still working on and improving. Trading is working in probabilities and everyone needs to lose some trades Usually after my max Loss day, my next day is even worse Skip the next trading day or atleast the open, next day. I find using Montage is not fast enough I have the streamdeck, once I make atleast 20R in a month I will set it up. Overtrading - apart from setups, I try many trades to get a feel Except for defined setups, everything else is for SIM only
  4. 1 point
    BABA has quite a personality and the spread can explode without warning. But with the trade wars on, it has some really nice moves. Have a good weekend as well.
  5. 1 point
    22. Nov.19 Blackday. BE. I was out till afternoon today, came back and took 2 trades. Watchlist: $CGC, $M, $TGT, $T (all continuation plays) $CGC: Took short below the daily level on the bounce. Got out of half position to reduce risk (as I wasn't planning to trade today). But when I got my 2r move, din't take it. $M: Took a 2r trade on $M to HOD based on the L2 Ask. I place my profit target in front of big ask and get out AON. Overall light volume day, nothing much to write about.
  6. 1 point
    November 21, 2019 -$AMD I had some good trading today, just misplaced my stop on $AMD, which caused me not get the 1R move that I should have gotten before getting stopped out. There was nothing wrong with the setup or the entry, just that I put the stop too high. It should have been about .05 cents lower, which would have gotten me the 1R partial and even a 2R partial. Oh well learning moment. I got out of the trade, when the "asks" started stacking up. The stock eventually went to 39.65 before coming back to my entry point. Sample Set Results, G S 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  7. 1 point
    Hi guys Just wanted to share this with you after I bought a mouse that could mimic a lot of shortcuts for charts on DAS trader. I am so excited to trade! I have set mouse shortcuts for 1 min, 5 min and 1d charts that I use. Also, the best thing is that I have set a button to mimic SHIFT on the keyboard so that I can zoom in an area on chart without actually pressing and holding the shift button on the keyboard. This mouse also has a ratchet scroll wheel which means it can scroll freely if you push it hard enough. This makes zooming in and out a breeze. I think the new Logi Master will be coming out soon (later this year) but for now, this is perfect. It's a small change but will make my trading life hell a lot easier. Below is a screenshot of the settings I am using. Hope it helps.
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