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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/26/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    It all works let's find out what Andrew thinks as far as dates go. Otherwise Seems like the Tampa area has lots of support. There's also Daytona Beach, FL which has great beaches, hotels, and nightlife and it's very accessible. Just to throw one more location in the hat. Thor
  2. 2 points
    Monday August 26th, 2019 Sleep: 7 hours. Mood: good, ready to trade. first trade was an ORBD in AMD. i thought that with the bounce off the 2min 200 MA and all the MA supports on the 2min and 5min was good enough to take the trade so i didn't wait for a new 2min low for confirmation. i kept on waiting for that 2min low all the way to when i got stopped out. AMD was just crazy strong right at the open. GOOD: got out at stop RFI: didn't wait for confirmation. could have got out earlier MOOD: good CONSISTENT: yes next trade was a 2min wedge/15min ORBU in AMD. i thought that if it broke the HOTD it had some potential to the HOPM. waited for an entry once i saw all the buying right below the HOTD. set my range profit target for $30.73, missed my exit by a penny!!!! it looked like a hammer was forming on the 5min so i bailed 7 cents early. really glad i did because it dumped and then chopped around the rest of the morning. GOOD: got out with a good profit RFI: maybe next time only got 2cents over the target level MOOD: great, really pleased i got out with a profit CONSISTENT: yes. last trade was a SIM 5MIN ABCD in AMD that is currently living in Chop-town. What i did good today: didn't let my stop out effect my trading. took a good trade right after What i did bad today: didn't wait for the new 2min low confirmation on the ORBD What can i do better tomorrow: thinking about not taking ORBs if i don't get the new 2min in my favor as confirmation
  3. 2 points
    Monday 8/26/2019 I had a well-being score of 8/10 this morning. I knew I only had time for one trade this morning, since it was my daughters first day of school. I took 1 live trade with AAPL. So AAPL and TSLA were on my market open watchlist with MU, AMD, TGT and BMY on my 5min ORB watchlist. I was long biased on AAPL and liked that it gave back some of its gains just before the open. I had no bias on TSLA. I really liked that AAPL fell right at the open and was waiting for the hammer to form. The price bounced off of a 205.50 level that the PM was respecting. Then there were 5 tech levels (205.93 daily, VWAP, $206, 50MA-1min, and 200MA-1min) all within 20 cents of each other. I waited for the break of all of them (loved the volume) and went long. My order was not filled. The price moved so fast it went passed the market limit order. Only the second time this has happen since I went live. I didn’t get too nervous because AAPL usually does a pull back when it flies through a strong level. It will come back to test it. And the missed market order left a limit order in a perfect spot. So I waited and my order was filled a few seconds later. My target was the 206.80 PM level and my stop was the 205.93 daily level. The R/R~3 was nice but I was nervous the stop was too close for a trade taken 17 seconds after the open. But, the next stop level was the 205.50 which was too far. So I used the 205.93 as my stop and took half shares, since there will be a lot of slippage. The upward movement stalled for awhile so I took a small partial at +20c thinking the trade will reverse. Then the price dropped below my entry but there was such a strong level just below my entry I held on. It touched that level twice and found support. Then it headed higher. Then I took another small partial on my planned 1st target (a minor PM level). The price found resistance there and took some time to break through. After that my faith in the trade was reducing and I started taking partials a bit too fast though I took small ones. It did reach my target and I had 25% of my shares left which is good for me. I got another partial at 207 and held on to a few shares and exited when the price broke down through the 206.46 PM level again. Score Card (live trades) AAPL 92% What I did good today: I like my score card today. What I am grateful from today? It was nice having a winner when I knew I had time for only one trade today. It was nice to see my daughter happy at her first day of school, when most kids dread it. What do I need to improve on: I had fun with this trade, so I am going to leave this blank today.
  4. 2 points
    8-26-19 Slept 4 hours, Feel fine not too tired.... SSS and a Bucci in the making.... PAT: Watch the spreads....... Make sure Im in Montage....... Sticky Notes!!! .......... Sooooo... today was terrible for me.... I went to my max loss of 3R on AMD with nothing but Hot Key Mistakes.... I went for a short 5min ORB, when it went to VWAP I hit my hotkey to sell my position as if I was long so it added to it not once but I did it three times before my dumba@# realized what I was doing then I covered with my 25% cover hotkey multiple times before I again realized I was hitting the wrong key all the while cussing at DAS LOL...... then on the second trade I went long for a small amount then added to it to make sure I wasnt getting on a revenge ... Added to it again when I seen the price action going strong in my favor, covered 25% at 30.70 and now I am starting to feel better and whamo when I went to get out with a profit I somehow did get out but also shorted it which I had to get out of again..... (122.50) +BMY 5min ORB ... two min into the 5min ORB it went above the prev candle and what I though was a pull back I entered there to get stopped out at a daily level that I had marked. (32.00) Cons: Once I made a couple of Hotkey mistkes I could not recover and kept making the same type of mistakes out of frustration for myself...... Pros: I do feel good about both ORBs even after I come back to review them, they were on the right side of VWAP for the break out and if it wasnt for all the Hotkey mistakes I could have kept trading and on the VWAP reversal on AMD it did go my way but with more Hotkey mistakes..... R = 50.00: (164.50) I need to go back to, leave to journal when I make two bad trades or mistakes.... That seemed to work for me. If I come back to trade later it will be SIM of SIM I just got back from watching the interview by William with Joe (Average Joe) and am now going to work on my DAS.... Seems like I do make Hotkey mistakes so I will add Hot Buttons in Montage and also I am taking off my position window from my main trading screen.....
  5. 1 point
    @Greg D , @Rob C @Glenn BuddeThank you guys for the feedback. Appreciate it. I am doing fine, it wasn't such a bad day, I overtraded and got really mad at myself. Thanks for reminding me that it is still part of the experience. I always believed that for someone to be consistent in trading, it takes time and experience, which was exactly why I kept my risk very small while starting up. So I am paying less to gain more experience and make any corrections without blowing up my account. @NinjaTrader I was actually more confident about my plan after Marek confirmed soon after I created it.
  6. 1 point
    Hi Vikram, you played by the rules and held to your stops! Today was so choppy like it has been recently. I didn’t have cgc and cron on my watch list. Had they gapped up on the daily charts or had they hit a support and that’s why you were long-biased on them both? Btw, the date of this entry shows 23Aug not 26Aug.
  7. 1 point
    This is David J. in Orlando. I'm following this thread and I am open to getting together.
  8. 1 point
    @Glenn Budde it auto saves so you are good. @Steph those look like some awesome options
  9. 1 point
    From red line to red line, Gulf Blvd, is amazing. There are hundreds of places we could meet. Also, I have a realtor friend that does vacation rentals all along this stretch. Like an AirBnB arrangements.
  10. 1 point
    I live in Clearwater, about 1 mile off the beach. There are sooo many places. Frenchy's is good. There are a few of them. Or Bongo's at https://www.grandplazaflorida.com/st_pete_beach_restaurants/bongo_s_beach_bar__grill/ Or Gator's at https://gatorscafeti.com/ Both of these are a few miles south of Clearwater, same county, same beach. Every few miles the name of the beach changes according to city limits.
  11. 1 point
    Sounds like Clearwater Beach would be a good area.... It would be about 3 and 1/2 hours from St. Augustine..... little over 4 hours from Miami..... A little under 3 hours from Naples..... Im sure we have someone here in the Tampa Area that would be more familiar with Clearwater that could help with a good location for the meetup.
  12. 1 point
    I have only been at this for a month but from what I have seen I look for your trades as inspiration.... I am sure this is only a bump in the road as it seems everyone has... come back after a rested weekend and you will be back in control...
  13. 1 point
    You had some really nice trades yesterday. I think the over trading is just a side reaction from your trading success. I am sure it will be temporary and you will find a way to cap it. I have one adequate setup. Successful traders tend to have about 3 good setups. I think you may have 6+. I see you trade ORBs, trends, reversals, wedges, 3 candles, etc.... and all of them successfully! That means you see setups everywhere, all day. Where most of us are lucky to find one. This is likely a new experience for you and you will adapt quickly. I heard Andrew in the chat just say he doesn't know why either, the longer you trade the greater chance of giving your money back to the market. Again this is temporary for you. I have no worries about you and would not be surprised at all that you asked to become a BBT moderator in 2020. Have a good weekend.
  14. 1 point
    A solid week Mark! Especially, the discipline you showed to be selective with the number of trades you took.
  15. 1 point
    Hi Vikram, yesterday was sooooo rough for me too that I stopped trading at 11:00 and forced myself to leave my ofc for the rest of the day. I went golfing a full 18! Personally I’ve been thinking that this Thor-style of trading is really starting to appeal to me. For example, when I’m at 1R and take no profit and I get stopped out that’s a 2R swing against me. That and it’s mentally depleting to my psychology. I’m seriously considering getting all out at 1R and looking at that as a mental 2R gain because it didn’t stop out at -1R. I need only 4R per day net so 1R per trade and i’m 1/4th to my goal! Yesterday sucked as I was in two great Long trades when “the tweet” happened and they both of course got stopped out!
  16. 1 point
    Hi All. I am Terry (tains). I live on Vancouver Island. I needed a change of career after doing the same job for 27 years. I decided to shut down my construction surveying business I operated for 12ish years in the Alberta Oil Sands. I really enjoy working with wood so I decided to get my Builders licence 3 years ago and maybe build one or two houses a year. Well there is a bit of a boom on in the Parksville area and I got way too busy at building houses and renovations. Unfortunately I was working too much and started developing injuries to my back, elbows(tennis elbow) and shoulders. Not sure what I was thinking starting a house building business at the age of 48 having not done much in the way of strenuous physical work before. I was talking with a friend and he was telling me how successful his mid 20's son was doing at day trading so I stumbled across Andrews book and found it very interesting. After about a month of reading and you tubing I decided to join the community. Still have lots to learn and will likely start in the simulator with in the next month. Looking forward to the journey and if there is any other Islanders here give a shout out.
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