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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    may 17 , another day, another mess up... PL: -150 mu had good premarket volume and i did a good trade on it the day before so i took it as my main stock in the morning. turned out i did pretty much same as Andrew though not quit.. i went short first, but it didn't run and i got out with a small profit, then i went long partialled, added some but it didn't want to push up and i got out again, i got out with a small profit but there really was no reason to get out and i just felt it wasnt moving and i wanted to trade something else. i dont have the nerves yet to do 2 trades at 1 time i went to pins, i also had my eye on this one and i really thought it would be a long since premarket. then when i was in mu i saw it did go up, thats part of the reason why i got out of mu. i thought i wait for a pullback but i still got in to quickly and got stopped out. i should have waited for some confirmation perhaps. or at least wait to see if it would go down to the moving average, well it went all the way to vwap, in between i got in once more and stopped out. i got in again at vwap and i could take a little profit but really it was not very good either, for some reason probably because i stopped out to much and the initial bounce of vwap didnt go further i thought , well i must be wrong and this is a short. even worse idea off course because it kept on bouncing vwap without actually breaking through much. if anything it should have confirmed to take a long position, but at that moment i clearly didn't think like that.. i took it short and pins finally went bullish as i had expected it to do the whole time... i had enough of it and went to bidu to basically repeat the same mistakes as i did on pins....this time to she short side. so review of today, i got out of a winning trade to enter a loosing streak. again disappointing execution, bad entry's, over trading. i go into trades without really thinking about what is an acceptable risk/reward. on pins the good thing would have been long at vwap with a clear break through vwap as stop. i should not decide myself what i think is a bottom of a pullback especially if its not near a technical indicator. i was long biased on pins but Being biased is not a technical indicator!!!! i need to reflect on myself, it seems as im in self destruction mode..time to go back to sim??
  2. 1 point
    Hi folks, here is a copy of the playbook template I discussed in the Feb 14 recap. The file is obviously a sample meant for each individual trader to complete with their own strategies, patterns, and setups. https://drive.google.com/a/bearbulltraders.com/file/d/1bmu3XzT_KtzTfya2Fo7Uqc7DZG_N7q-B/view?usp=sharing Please download a local copy as .xlsx
  3. 1 point
    Week 20 Recap Not a bad week of trading. Tuesday was the worst day with not taking setups and jumping in too early but the rest of the days were pretty good. Going back live next week because I feel like I’ve reset emotionally and I’m back in control of my trading and ready to start working on taking good live trades. · Weekly stats o 2.1 R/R (Goal: above 2.0) [Previous Week: 2.1] o 72/84 86% (Goal: above 80%) [Previous Week: 83%] o -$68.16 (Goal: $250) [Previous Week: -$52.51] o 13/21 62% trades with the trend (Goal: 100%) [Previous Week: 74%] o 6/21 29% Non-optimal Entries (Goal: 0%) [Previous Week: 32%] o 1/21 5% Letting Losers Run (Goal: 0%) [Previous Week: 11%] o 2/21 10% No Setup (Goal: 0%) [Previous Week: 32%] · Highlights o Most stats are better than last week which were better than the week before so improvement on entries, setups and stopping myself out. o Good controlled trading with the exception of Tuesday. o Nice ABCD setups taken this week. · Ongoing things to work on o Still too early on some entries (though much better than the last couple weeks) this was, again, the main reason I lost money this week. o Need to work on getting out of trades that aren’t working sooner. Like the ABCD in UBER that couldn’t make a new 5min high. o Focus on 5min chart and less on the 2min o Limit orders on ORBs to limit chasing.
  4. 1 point
    Don't be ashamed of bad trading or hulking out. We're all guilty of it and the whole point of posting is for reflection and where we can improve. One thing I do when I have a bunch of losses in a row is to go back to sim and just practice recognizing setups and getting good entries. If i get stopped out then I try to take notes on my feelings and frustrations to start to correct the behavior. The first step in changing patterns is recognizing them. Something else that's really helping me right now is recording my trading and watching the replays at night. You notice so many things not apparent in the heat of the moment. Above all, be kind to yourself and patient. The learning curve is very steep and while trading comes natural to some, most people take years and years before they're successful (if ever) so never forget its a marathon not a sprint.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Friday 5/17/2019 I had a well-being score of 6/10 this morning. My nerves were very good, eager to trade. Normally I dread Friday trading, the day I give all my profits back. But after last Friday, which was an average Friday for me so it was bad. I decided until further notice, I will take half shares on Friday. It really kills my weekend trading so poorly on Friday, I was hoping the half shares would remove some of the sting. Then last night I thought I should take advantage of that? If I am forced to trade half share size it’s a good day to step out of my comfort zone. So the plan for today was half share size and no AAPL or AMD trades allowed today. Actually, I didn’t put them watch-list or give them a chart. Instead my two Montages I had NVDA and BABA. From my back testing NVDA isn’t in play that often. But when it is, it trades at the open well. My back testing says the opposite for BABA for my setups, at the open, BABA is completely unforgiving at the open if you take a B+ setup. Though A+ setups do work great on BABA at the open. But if it is just a “good” setup, the win% is low. So I have an instinct not to watch BABA at the open. Then I thought actually that’s perfect, I shouldn’t be taken the B+ setups anyway. So BABA was on my second Montage. This actually got my mood in good spirits. I was looking forward to the opening bell. I took one live trade today on NVDA. Just as I normally do, I contemplate some scenarios in my head (if then stuff). Though I did not know if that works on NVDA and BABA. I don’t know them that well. So NVDA sold off and bounced off of the $157 mark. When it reached VWAP it had a really nice hammer and good volume. I went long when it broke VWAP. Though it broke it by 10c it immediately reversed on me. I should have waited for the break of the $159 level as well ( a few pennies higher), but my R/R was 1.9 so I was probably pushing the entry a bit. The price retraced and tested my S/O level (158.12). It bounced and moved back to VWAP helping prove that I picked the correct S/O level. The price rose and reached my first target (159.39) but I got a horrible fill almost at B/E. My second and third partials were fine, then another bad fill on my fourth partial. At that point I really wanted to wait and see if NVDA ran more since it was a red to green, but at half shares I had very few shares left. So I got out at the top of the candle. Even though I was trading half share size, getting $2.50 from NVDA is a one and done day. Plus, I REALLY wanted a positive Friday for a change. So I was not going to trade any more. What it looked like when I took the trade: 1min 5min My score card for today: Nice setup and well chosen S/O level, but entered the trade too early. Too many partials as well. What I did good today: Created a good plan for today. How did I challenge myself today? I stepped out of my comfort zone and didn’t trade AAPL or AMD. What I did bad today: Still early on the entries. What can I do better tomorrow: Don’t press the entry. If you like the trade but R/R is a little below 2, still take the correct entry. A bad entry is worse than a slightly low R/R.
  7. 1 point
    May 16, 2019 - $CSCO, $MU, $AMD (Fought with FOMO all day and did not take a trade) I didn't get much rest last night, so it felt like I was behind every move today, which added more and more FOMO after each missed entry. Today's journal I pointed out where I looked at possibility entering but didn't because I couldn't analyze the data quick enough to determine if I had a good risk to reward ratio. Overall a good day, as out of the 4 entries only 1 truly met my trade criteria. Sample Set Results S P P 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  8. 1 point
    may 16, pl 62, 14 tickers and 2400 shares i traded mu for a short first, this partly because off andrew calling it out. i did not jump in and waited for a pullback so happy about that, i added on a second pull back i partialled out to soon but im kinda ok with that, this was a 100dollar trade. then i went mu long twice and got stopped out twice, i should not have stopped out maybe, it was just a bit choppy but i have wasted a lot of money already in the past with this type of price action. not a lot of trades today but since i got 2 losses after a nice win im going to stop for today...hopefully.. i feel like having a green day... will just continue watching the price action for a while
  9. 1 point
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