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  1. I deleted and re-added the button and it works for now....geez that was annoying....
  2. Hi all, Was this every resolved? I can't get this error to go away. I removed ROUTE=SMRTL and it didn't help. Here is my full script. Thanks in advance for your help: CXL ALLSYMB;StopPrice=Price+0;DefShare=BP*0.97;Price=Price-Bid+0.00;SShare=25/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare;TogSShare;ROUTE=SMRTL;Price=Bid-0.05;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Send;DefShare=200;Price=StopPrice-Bid*2;Price=Bid-Price;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:RANGE LowPrice:Price HighPrice:StopPrice ACT:BUY QTY:POS TIF:DAY+ Shpend
  3. Hi team, I am looking to increase my sim practice and I want to use the replay mode more. However, I was thinking that if I had a spreadsheet of recent trades with dates and times and the strategies they fall into, that would help me a lot. I could probably build one by looking at recaps but I thought I would check if anyone else has done this already. If my idea does not make sense please let me know. Thanks Shpend
  4. Hi Carlos, set the color's for Level 2 like Andrew has them. My question is: is there anything else that needs to be changed on the config page so that each color has a meaning? I looked on the DAS manual and it says: Tier Color Grouping –You may opt to group price ranges by certain colors instead of assigning them to every change in price level.For example, if .0625 is entered, color grouping would include all quotes within $.0625, or what was formerly a 16th. Does this mean I have to set a price range for each color? Thanks, Shpend
  5. Hi All, I set the color's for Level 2 like Andrew has them. My question is: is there anything else that needs to be changed on the config page so that each color has a meaning? I looked on the DAS manual and it says: Tier Color Grouping –You may opt to group price ranges by certain colors instead of assigning them to every change in price level.For example, if .0625 is entered, color grouping would include all quotes within $.0625, or what was formerly a 16th. Does this mean I have to set a price range for each color? I also like the RTraders setup so RTrader if you are around can you tell me your RGB values and/or how do you highlight bid and ask. I know you said put the screenshot from Lighspeed but can we do this in DAS? I don't see how.... Thanks everyone Shpend
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