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About Drew

  • Birthday 05/03/1884

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  1. I'm aware that this may be a stupid question to some but I'm baffled that when I'm placing my stop loss in DAS that they disappear the next day? I queried with DAS tech support and they responded along the lines of... "Kindly note unfortunately all open orders are cancelled by the route provider during the after-hours period. " So, for those that swing trade. How do you keep a stop loss order on your positions? Do you place them again every day? Or is there a magical way to keep a stop loss order live until it's hit or you manually exit the trade?
  2. It’s not normally like this and CMEG have had the feedback it’s not acceptable and reverted back (from the tickers I trade).
  3. I’ve just finished trading today and the margin requirements looked to back to normal, around 17%. So I was able to scale up and trade just fine
  4. Yeah this has really stung my ability to scale up. I'm hoping the margin req increases are short-lived, so I'm willing to wait until end of August otherwise I'll be looking for alternative brokers/options.
  5. DAS Live chat's response: The Dynamic Scale bar is the changes of the first item in level 2, so the first line changes, it will re-count it, 10 seconds. And the color is base on the upticker and downticker, up is blue and down is red
  6. I'm planning on going live and this would be really useful
  7. Hi Kendrick, I had a similar issue yesterday when I wanted a partial but it covered all. Andrew also said he pressed his partial hotkey but it covered all... odd day
  8. Hi Justin, firstly - really liked your trading station video, a really nice clean work space! I’ve finished the videos, which were fantastic, but I just want to make sure I haven’t missed out any other insightful nuggets
  9. Hey fellow BBTs! Im from the UK and recently joined as a lifetime member and today was my first day in sim - loved it! i know there’s a weekly onboarding session every Monday for new starters but it’s 1am UK time, could we record one of the sessions so us Europeans?
  10. Hi everyone! After plenty of research and reading Andrew's books, I have signed up as a lifetime member. I'm from the UK, Liverpool, and known by my surname 'Drew'. Andrew, his books, and this community feel like the perfect fit for how I want to trade. There's a long road of education and practise ahead of me but I am committed and it looks like I'll get the right support here. Look forward to getting to know a lot of you here. Drew
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