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About Andrya

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  1. Thanks so much for that generator to find the code for the colors @KyleK29. Playing with the create trend line hotkey, I found you can specify the line color, line style, label text color, and label background color of the trend line. I like to have all the horizontal lines that I draw be the same color but have different text label colors. I don't draw anything except horizontal lines so I don't know if these would work the same on a trend, vertical, or Fib. To change the look of the line the script is- ConfigTrendLine ShapeType lineStyle:lineColor:lineWidth:labelTextColor:labelBackgroundColor Here are the ones I made. Orange label background: ConfigTrendLine horzline dotline:e60061:1:000000:e68e00; HorizontalLine; Pink label background: ConfigTrendLine horzline dotline:e60061:1:000000:e60061; HorizontalLine; Green label background: ConfigTrendLine horzline dotline:e60061:1:000000:01780b; HorizontalLine;
  2. Sorry if this isn't allowed so no big deal if you delete it, Mike. We have started a San Diego traders Discord server to make organizing in person meetups easier and share trades in a smaller group. If anyone wants an invite to it, you can reply to this thread with your email and I'll send you an invite. If you don't feel comfortable posting your email, the forum does have a private message function. Send me your email that way.
  3. Definitely. I'll text you guys my number.
  4. Sorry I haven't opened this or the forum at all in a while. I'll set it so it emails me. Weekends are hard for me because I'm driving Postmates. Those are the most profitable days. Would people be available for something on a weeknight?
  5. Found this list. Most of the things on it are in North Park and downtown, but it mentioned Richard Walker's Pancake House and Puesto in La Jolla are open for in person. https://sandiego.eater.com/2020/5/21/21266289/san-diego-restaurants-fully-reopened-dine-in-service
  6. Hello all! Now that some of our restaurants are open here in San Diego County let's figure out a time and place to meet. Anyone have any favorite spots?
  7. So I just got the simulator on a Mac using Parallels. The first time I opened it it seemed fine. But then the second time it got stuck on this error message that it couldn't connect to the server. That error message is mentioned in the their FAQ, but they say the way to fix it is adjust the network. I try and it says "No Permission" and that they don't provide tech support for Macs. Anyone else had this happen?
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