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Lightngo90 last won the day on April 26

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6 Neutral

About Lightngo90

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  • Birthday 04/25/1990
  • Location Vancouver, BC, Canada

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  1. How long is the run? Which direction is the run?
  2. @D_Zitter2 For Long side: Share=Pos;StopPrice=50/Share;Price=AvgCost-StopPrice;StopPrice=Price;Route=Stop;StopType=Market;Sell=Send;TIF=Day+; For Short side: Share=Pos;StopPrice=50/Share;Price=AvgCost+StopPrice;StopPrice=Price;Route=Stop;StopType=Market;Buy=Send;TIF=Day+;
  3. @ kolodziejm Click where u wanna stop and use this Hk to stop for both way
  4. This stop is not right: ROUTE=STOP;StopType=Market;StopPrice=AvgCost;Share=Pos+share;TIF=GTC;BUY=SEND. Share=Pos This is a hotkey to partial 50% and move stop to B.E CXL ALLSYMB;ROUTE=SMRTL;Price=Ask+0.05;Share=Pos*.5;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:MARKET StopPrice:AvgCost ACT:buy QTY:POS TIF:DAY+ You should add Cancel order when you partial or close out pos with the last hk CXL ALLSYMB;Price=ASK+0.05;Price=Round2;Share=Pos;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send; You should have orders window to see what's in there, somtimes big loss comes from unknown open order in there My breakeven hk for both way CXL ALLSYMB;Route=Stop;Price=AvgCost;StopType=MARKET;STOPPRICE=AvgCost;StopPrice=Round2;Share=Pos;TIF=DAY+;Send=Reverse This hotkey is very good to cover 50% at market for both way CXL ALLSYMB;ROUTE=SMRTM;Share=Pos*0.50;TIF=DAY+;SEND=REVERSE
  5. I wanna share my option chart with our community. Hope to see more charts from everyone https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iEyw4G-GVVkeacohQlu-kSX_7YAPu9r1/view
  6. I go to https://us.econoday.com/byweek.asp?cust=us everydays to check on market data and copy important events and paste them on my $spy chart to keep track of them. I make TEXT hotkey to draw the box on the chart
  7. Hi kabakhu, check Tools- Alert& Trigger and preview the sound to check it. You might check volume mixer too
  8. It could be Moving Average Pair in Study- Play alert sound when cross over occurs
  9. You can use this Stop at break even for both long and short CXL ALLSYMB;ROUTE=STOP;Price=AvgCost;StopType=MARKET;STOPPRICE=AvgCost;StopPrice=Round2;Share=Pos;TIF=DAY+;Send=Reverse;ROUTE=SMRTM;
  10. A lot of members in our chat is looking to find a program to record their trades. I've been using Das recording for a while now. I wanna share with you guys a tutorial video how to do it step by step. If you have any questions or need help feel free to ask.
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