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Joseph Fisch

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Joseph Fisch last won the day on July 27 2019

Joseph Fisch had the most liked content!

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5 Neutral

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  1. “Let’s take the jacket off”
  2. I live in Brooklyn and it would be awesome to meet you guys, the only problem is that I’m not available on Saturdays. If it works out on another day I would most probably join.
  3. 9. Joseph. I plan on coming from NY, does anyone know if finding parking in Montreal is difficult?
  4. I might be willing to travel if the day works for me.
  5. Excellent post Robert! I've been day trading now almost two months in sim and I just keep on getting burned out... This post is super helpful. I'm waiting for the rest.
  6. Is it under study conifg? For the life me I can't find Market Open Line when I right click chart
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