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  1. 1 point
    I just switched to DAS with TDA. I was with IB before. So far, I haven't noticed any major problems with fills. I have had a couple instances of bad slippage, but might have happened anyway regardless of the broker because I got stopped on a breakout. I am trading small size and doing lots of scalps, so the savings in commissions is definitely worth it. When I start increasing my trade size and profits, I will probably switch back to IB. In my first couple weeks, these are the differences I noticed: Need to change all my hotkeys to LIMIT and MARKET instead of SMRTL and SMRTM. No problem. Otherwise, it was really easy to switch from DAS IB to DAS TDA It seems TDA will not allow me to close my position or close part of my position if I have a stop in place. I don't like this because I like to partial and then edit my stop after. Keeping the old stop keeps the little order marker on my the chart showing me visually where my stop was and I can click on my order and just replace my share quantity without redoing the stop. This is not a huge issue, but it is more work for me. I think TDA might be trying to protect people from accidentally forgetting they have a stop order and then get filled the opposite direction without knowing. Personally, I like that IB gives you the freedom to do anything you want even if it might not make sense for most people. When I click to buy/sell, there is a delay in DAS showing my order in the platform...less than one second, but for those milliseconds I wonder if I was filled and what price I was filled. I think it's just the delay in the data showing the platform and not the actual price filled. So for example, if I was going long, I hit buy...the price keeps moving up and after a slight delay I see the trade triangle where I was filled and it is usually better than where the price is currently trading. The delay is a little annoying since I like quick scalps, but it looks like I get filled where I expected. TD free commissions does not apply to every ticker or instrument. Honestly, I haven't figured out which stocks have commission or not, maybe the OTC ones (?). I will research this later since I just got started here. There were also some names I can trade on IB, but not on DAS TD, like JUVAF. Again, I am not sure why (not short locate problem because I was long). Perhaps it was foreign - I don't know. Hope this helps!
  2. 1 point
    Honestly I have not had any issues at all, but what really sucks is TD's short list. As long as their shortlist doesn't bother you then I think you are golden. Now I will say this, I have not had a position more than 500 shares yet. According to TD they are saying 96.9% of orders get price improvement using 1-1,999 shares. I still wish Schwab connected with DAS. Their short list is way better and they have HTB locates at reasonable rates.
  3. 1 point
    This project is coming along nicely. I'm pretty sure this will be replacing both DAS and TI as one package that will be superior to both and cost less money. I've been writing bits of code, for which there is lots of help and documentation. For instance, here's a scanner that looks for 3 day inner Camarilla relationship:
  4. 1 point
    Saw your message in the chat about looking for a trading partner. I actually have a Discord group, but have had trouble keeping people in the group and getting people to chat and discuss trades. I have traded on an off for 3 years, but only tried one strategy and never made money from it. Basically there is myself and one other that chat each morning and then on an off during the say. We discuss our strategies and what we are trying to do and post our trades. Then we comment and try and keep each other focused. If you are interested in joining and chatting with us, let me know.
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