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  1. 1 point
    Curious to know if others here are running DAS Trader on a Mac. I am (Macbook Pro), and currently using a trial copy of CrossOver. DAS crashed last Friday -- it could be disastrous if this happens with a position open, so I'm not happy about it. In the aftermath I discovered that DAS won't support issues related to CrossOver. Their customer support was great, but in trying to understand the crash, they'd go only so far. Another issue I've encountered is an inability to span the main DAS window across monitors (this is possible with native Mac apps, and DAS states that this is a capability on PCs). The consequence is that the hotkey that focuses a montage associated to a chart works only when in my main DAS window, which is on my primary monitor. It will not function on secondary monitors, where i need to place DAS charts, montages, etc. that have been popped-out of the main window. While in this early phase with DAS, and still in the CrossOver trial period, it makes sense to also test a virtual machine. VMWare's Fusion gets high marks and has a 30-day trial, but I need to purchase Windows OS, which is available for $110 (or less on 3rd party sites where I won't use my CC). Considering this cost, thought I'd ask for feedback from others here who use DAS on a Mac with a virtual machine. If you're out there, please let me know if you've encountered any issues worth sharing.
  2. 1 point
    Hi all.. I am very new to this, despite years of interest. I have just spent the 4 week UK lockdown studying, researching and processing what I want to do and have landed on this group having read all of the books and crammed in as much information as my brain can take! I can see quite clearly the path ahead , but in terms of next steps, but I would appreciate it if any UK members could give me some pointers - about the tools side of things and any set ups that have worked technically speaking. It seems that we in the UK have advantages/disadvantages to deal with - I just would appreciate any member helping me to understand the best way to get started with UK-centric resources (platforms/brokers/technicals). I realise that things are quite different here in the UK from the USA/North America... I work freelance on a fairly permanent basis, but this is flexible and I plan to structure an educational plan alongside this activity until I feel that it is time to trade live... I am in no hurry to do this, I'm more interested in learning the skills and practising them well. I'm lucky as I will be able to scale up or down my other job, according to time requirements and/or (eventually) profitability. Any UK groups/members input would be hugely appreciated - I live in Milton Keynes (originally from London) if that is of any relevance! Many thanks Alex [email protected]
  3. 1 point
    I'm sort of in a similar situation, trading in Vietnam and with the market opening at 9.30pm local time and needing to be up for work before 6am every day and therefore needing to get to bed, I really don't want to trade beyond the first 40 minutes. At the same time this rather suits me! Similar to above, I like the pace of the open, you'll find several set ups for certain strategies in the first 40 mins. My trading journey: I began to paper trade low float penny stocks back in July 2020. I wasn't very good at it! They are very volatile. I moved to mid-caps in November and took out a BBT lifetime membership. This has been much better, mid-caps are just slightly less volatile and a little more reliable. My big issue now is discipline, and learning to wait for a set up before trading. I am making progress. I've tried to trade 1 minute ORBs, and have had mixed results. I don't agree you should be watching 6 x time frames per stock, especially not in the first 30 mins of the market. On. DAS Trader I use a 6-ticker watchlist of 1 minute charts built with the help of Carlos and Brian (Brian especially since he'll be trading the open), and then I've got a main tab where I place trades which uses a 1 min, a 5 min and a daily. But yes, 1 min ORBs are difficult to trade. It's partly the mentality - you're so keen to find this setup, you've got to make decisions so fast, and often you'll end up getting a really crappy entry chasing a stock that looks like an ORB but is already extended. Andrew is superb at it - and with practice and experience, they will become easier to trade. But for now I've stepped back from 1 minute ORBs. Recently I've had more success trading reversals (and 4 green days last week, a first for me!). I've noticed most days at least one of the stocks on my watch list will flush at the open and sell off strongly for 2 to 5 minutes, first as profit taking creates selling pressure and then as shorts step in looking for their own ORBreakdowns. I don't need loads of time frames to see this happen - 1 minute charts work fine. What goes down must come up: these stocks become extended and find a bottom. Shorts cover, longs step in, and you hit a reversal. If you can find a way to keep stops tight you'll get excellent R:R. Another strategy I trade is a VWAP break, usually long biased. It works best on stocks green for the day, but which sold off on the open. It also works well for stocks where you missed your reversal entry. They'll come back to VWAP, and often pause at VWAP as people begin to sell positions. One of two things happen here: either it rejects VWAP and sells off again, in which case I don't enter. Or it holds VWAP and continues on up, in which case you can get an entry with a good tight stop just back below VWAP. I hope this is useful! Good luck and stay in touch, sounds like we're in similar boats!
  4. 1 point
    If time is an issue, I would learn the 5-min ORB. Carlos taught a very good class on it. Here's the link https://bearbulltraders.com/course/strategy/lesson/abcds-orbs-2/topic/trading-a-5-minute-orb-2/ In my opinion, the 1-min ORB is too dangerous for beginners, the 5 min can be fast too, but very effective when practiced and having a strong foundation on how everything else works. I tossed my other strategies, and strictly trade 5 min ORBS. I wish I would of started with them since the beginning. I've been having a high success rate with it. Good Luck on what you decide to do.
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