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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Hello Bear Bull Traders, This TradeBook is a collection of trading strategies that the moderators within our community trade throughout the day. It is designed to assist you in understanding the setups that our moderators discuss in the chatroom. The information contained within each of these strategies can also be used as a starting point in your own journey to create a personalized strategy. It is highly recommended that you begin testing any strategy in your simulator before attempting to trade with real money. Sincerely, Bear Bull Traders Team SEE BELOW THE UPDATED VERSION..... BBT TradeBook.pdf
  2. 1 point
    When you hit the button to take your partial you can add this to the end of it to set a stop at break even. This is a 25% partial with stop at break even: CXL ALLSYMB;ROUTE=SMRTL;Price=Ask+0.02;Share=Pos*.25;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:MARKET StopPrice:AvgCost ACT:BUY QTY:POS TIF:DAY+
  3. 1 point
    How you partial out largely depends on your strategy. For example, partially out aggressively makes more sense with a smaller time frame strategy such as an ORB. However if you enter off of a double top or double bottom, it may make more sense to plan on a possible day trend. Here’s an approach I have adopted that you may find useful: Determine how time sensitive the trade is, and look for a break of higher highs and higher lows trend on the lowest time frame that makes sense. If there is an area of major resistance, like 200 SMA / 50 SMA. Take a preemptive partial at that level when it hits. It might make sense for these partials to be a different percentage of your remaining position than the break of trend partials. I would think of the chart as various channels of trend, and take profits either when that channel breaks or when it hits that’s resistance point. This will give you the ability to maximize profit while reducing that downside risk.
  4. 1 point
    Press SHIFT while you draw a box with your mouse in the área you want to zoom in.
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