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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Ever wanted to swap line styles on the fly and make a rainbow on your chart? You can do that in The hotkey isn't the easiest to understand, so I very quickly made a web utility for you (link below). How to Use: Go to URL: http://kaelmedia.com/projects/das-line-config/ Select a Line Type, default is HorzLine Select a Line Style, default is SolidLine Select a Color, default is Barney Select a Width, default is 1 Hit "Generate" Glance at the preview window and see if it is what you wanted. If it is, hit the "Copy" button and it'll be placed in your computers Clipboard. If you wish to share you creation, press the "Share" button and a special link will be placed on your clipboard to post in the forums. Example: http://kaelmedia.com/projects/das-line-config/?hotkey=ConfigTrendLine horzline dotline:035aab:1; Paste the copied hotkey (looks like: ConfigTrendLine horzline dotline:035aab:1; ) into your DAS Hotkey Configuration. Optionally, bookmark or save the line so you can edit it in the future (it adds the settings to the browsers URI/URL). How the Hotkey Works: The hotkey as designed will swap the DEFAULT config for the Line Type chosen, each type has one default stored for the user. So if trigger a hotkey with a horizontal line with a blue color, your very next (and all following lines) horizontal line you trigger on the chart will be that configuration (blue). Because of this, I have a "default line" hotkey and a series of colored hotkeys, this allows me to toggle back and fourth. Advanced Uses: Go HERE.
  2. 1 point
    I was getting burnt while taking the conventional ORBs at the open. It affected my pshychology when my first trade of the morning fails, even when I think the setup was perfect. For e.g, A beautiful strong 1min open candle on $TIGR below, with no wicks, I went Long and got stopped out. If my first trade fails then it becomes a catchup to overcome the losses and then achieve the daily goal, and my pshychology gets messedup. I found some ways to narrow the ORB setup down to a level which offers high accuracy and would like to share this strategy "Pullback ORB with Breakout Entry"|. I have tried this out for the last couple of months and it has worked very well so far. The reason for this setup: I wanted a high accuracy setup at the open. I don't like overtrading, I prefer one and done, if possible. I am time constrained during the day. I can trade only at the open for 30-40 mins. And I am not good at Trading reversals. About the setup: This Pullback ORB-Breakout Entry works very well with @WilliamH Harmonious Charts. Step 1: At the premarket, find a Harmonious setup, where the price action is above (or below) all the MAs on multiple timeframes 1, 2, 5, 15, 30, 60min and Daily (most of them, if not all). I prefer when the Harmonious chart is also ATH/ATL (All time High or Alltime Low) Step 2. Pullback candle: At the open, Watch the 1min chart for the first 2 mins. Check if the 2nd candle is a Pullback Candle. Then it is an Alert. E.g Below. Step 3: Breakout Entry: Wait for the 3rd candle to break the previous 2 candles high (only bodies, no wicks) and take an entry. E.g Below. Step 4. Profit Targets: This is usually high RR setups, some times as high as 3-4 RR and a good candidate for riding till close. Step 5. This pattern/Setup works as good when it occurs on 2min or 5min timeframes too. If step 2 doesn't occur on 1 min chart, switch to 2min chart and watch for the pullback candle on 2nd 2min candle. Continue Steps 2-4. If it doesn't occur on 2 min, switch to 5min chart and continue steps 2-4. P.S: Harmonious charts - Sometimes you may find higher timeframes as Harmonious and smaller timeframes not harmonious, Wait for the open to see if the price action becomes Harmonious on these smaller timeframes too. Contrary to other setups, this setup works well when it appears on smaller timeframes. Eventhough it may appear on 15 or 30 mins, the setup may not provide high RRs. These are not rare setups, they occur almost everyday on common stocks like $FB, $AMD, $MU, $UBER, $TSLA etc., At the open, I watch 6-7 stocks for this setup and switch from 1min to 2min and then to 5min. Please let me know if there are any questions.
  3. 1 point
    Yes Brandon, at the end is trader preference and style, for example Andrew just uses hotkeys and Thor just hot buttons.
  4. 1 point
    Only nerds partial at 1:1 <.< ... >.> 0.0 *drops mic*
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