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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    4-8-20 AIS 0800, 6 hours, 7/10 Time to button down and stick to what I know PAT: Over-trading outside of playbook. Take a full size position when its an A+ setup I had way more patience today doing a little visualizing during meditation as Dr. Katz recommended SQ I felt very good about my first trade but only wished I would have taken a partial at HOD. I was given the opportunity to reduce risk on a small bounce so I took it. After It failed I said I was not going to trade anymore till after 1100. I talked with Ted about it and now realize I should not penalize myself for a good trade that did not work out. So I will change the rule to one Bad trade before 1100. There was no reason that I did not take the trade again on the bounce of VWAP right after it failed. Second entry made another ABCD on the 1min for a small entry and I added once I felt better about the trade. Took a partial and it came back to stop me out by a couple cents. I reentered again when it came back through the 20ema and added on for a double size position, not out of hope but on L2 action. was able to get 6 partials but I never had a chance to add on so I was left with a tiny share size so I doubled the size bringing my BE still to a decent level. I only exited the trade because I had to leave to take car of my other business. Cons: Bad Rule kept me from taking the trade right after I got stopped out. This is changed starting tomorrow Pros: had the patience to wait after my Visualization and meditation this morning PB Trade: SQ Rs: +1
  2. 1 point
    Ed this is awesome, thanks so much. Can you please kindly send the file to us so we post it in our Youtube channgel? email it to me [email protected]
  3. 1 point
    Day 63 - April 7, 2020 16 Tickets 4 Symbol Red Day Watchlist & Game Plan: AAL Game Plan Long If drops at open and hold VWAP, look for a long on VWAP bounce If drops to PML 10, watch for double bottom and take it as it looks to break out If opens up right away at break 11.1, watch the retest of 11.1 for a breakout pullback risking that level Short If opens up and goes to test 11.1 but doesn’t make it all the way, look to short the double top If opens weak and drops below VWAP look to short as a VWAP break and Go down to 10. RCL Game Plan - Inflection 35.5 Long If opens up and breaks 35.92 and hold that level look to go long on momentum pullback If drops into VWAP but overall market is strong, look to go long on VWAP bounce and reject Short If opens up and goes to test 35.92 but rejects look for a double top If opens down, holds VWAP and comes to test 35.5 reject look to short If comes down through VWAP and holds under, look for a short down to 33 level AAL - Short - VWAP Break and Go (anticipation, -1 Adjusted Stop) Shot up through PMH into R1, rejected and came down through VWAP. Game plan was to wait for retest of VWAP, and break for the 2nd time - ended up taking it in anticipation and got stopped out above previous candle high. Improvement: Didn’t follow game plan, no confirmation on 2nd break of VWAP, 5min too choppy no clear signals. Discipline control here - wait for my entry signal (especially at market open) RCL - Short - 1min - Double Top RCL up at open then came back down to test breakout level. Held nicely and started coming back up. Ended up going straight to R2. Looking a little over extended, waiting for the double top - put in a shooting star doji and failed to make a new high so I took it short (little late on the entry) and took it down. Took partials WAY to quick…and then let the rest ride into VWAP which was planned. Good: Patience was solid on this, waiting for double top, however, I should get in as soon as it break 1 min previous candle after failed move up - could have gotten more size based on risk. Improvement: Need to configure my exits for the double top - first entry was WAY to early… SPY (1) - Short - VWAP bounce and reject (-1 Adjusted stop) SPY had a strong pus up back to VWAP and started consolidating. 1min tested over, held and then looked like a minor double top, broke down and then tried to retest but rejected hard. Took it on the drop after rejection on the 1 Tried to place hotkey targets, but took partial off accidently luckily. Looked at the 5min and it was a normal pullback. Due to error, it allowed me some more space, so I adjusted stop above round number of 272. Improvement: Need to be using multiple time frames to make this decision. NO ADJUSTING STOPS….luckily I covered partial which allowed me to move stop as I made some profits to cover 1R loss but this is terrible habit. Stepping away from trading - noticed I was getting a little trigger happy, nothing thinking straight. 10 minutes later…… CCL (1) - Long - 1min - Technical Breakout (Chasing, not on main watchlist, -1 Adjusted stop) CCL making its way through VWAP and breaking through PMH, took it as it broke and made a new recent high, took it close to the top which is against my rules. Realized I was on tilt and shuoldnt have taken it so I took off half….. And adjusted stop to VWAP, got stopped out. Good: Realized I shouldn’t be in this and took of partial Improvement: Many things wrong here which all point to this trade shouldn't have been taken at all. Knew I was on tilt, needed to step away but came back to early and went straight into action Adjusted stop Chasing Not in my watchlist - focus on your top 2-4 and forget about the rest. CCL (2) - Short - VWAP Bounce and Reject Got stopped out of CCL and watched it bounce off VWAP, but make lower high, then continued down. Looking weak. Ended up waiting for another failed bounce through VWAP and took it as it wicked down and couldn’t hold above. Stop was pretty tight, ended up getting stop hunted and having my stop loss cover at the top tick, before it went down 5R+. Improvement: Same thing as earlier, wasn’t seeing market properly, rather then stopping and coming back later in day I continued to force trades and took 2 losses I shouldn’t have. SPY - Short - 1min - Failed pop (Scalp into the close) SPY showing extreme volatility heading into the close, tried to bounce of LOD but failed, took it as the attempt to push higher on the 1 min, failed and broke down. Partialed into previous level and then again into close at profit target just above Previous day close. Trade Review Trying out a new watchlist - 2-4 stock max, and coming up with IF/THAN statements for each. I have had troubles focusing on the bigger picture, and notice I am getting caught in action from tick to tick. This will help me step back, and force me to look at multiple time frames to see the bigger picture. I have noticed a couple times lately where I note that I should be stepping away, catch myself briefly and then get back into it. Good thing I am able to notice this…but my poor self control takes over and I continue trading…this has happened couple of times and looking back I have taken a couple of quick losses right away. "Very important trait GREAT traders have in common is the ability to step away when they know they are on tilt" NEW RULE: - Mandatory 20-30 min break once I notice I am on tilt. (Upload prior trades to Tradervue, 10 minute meditation, water, come back and review the trades) Daily Report Card 1. Only Take trades using risk calculated hotkey = 6/6 2. Placing trades with defined risk, and profit targets (No adjusting) = 3/6
  4. 1 point
    Tuesday 04/07/2020 I had a well-being score of 7/10 this morning. I took 1 live trade with CCL. My watchlist: AMD, MGM, DAL, AAPL, CCL, and BA. In PM CCL was bouncing between levels 12.23 and 12.41 for 25 minutes after 20 cent pop. I went long when the price bounced from 12.23. There was also a reasonable size ask above the 12.41 level. I have a 10c minimum stop rule for PM and first 30 minutes after the open. I don’t even have a hot key with a stop smaller than 10c. So my stop was larger than what the chart said I would need, but this gives me some buffer if I have to ride this into the open. My final target was $13. I was hoping to get at least one partial before the open. Though price slowly rised it never reached my price to take a partial. The price did increase enough that the 50MA-1min was above my stop to help it for support. The price open with good volume and I took a partial at the high of PM. Just as I did Andrew announced he entered the CCL trade making me feel I took my first partial too early. Then it took me 3 partials to take profit at 12.60. The spread was fine, but the price was just so spikey. My big partials were my first and 5th. Then all out when it broke HOPM. What did I do good today? Good use levels and taking smaller partial size. What I am grateful from today? Stressful trade but held on.
  5. 1 point
    Day 62 - April 6, 2020 4 Tickets 1 Symbol Green Day Watchlist: AAL - Long - 1min - VWAP Break and Go Had DAL on watchlist and saw it forming higher highs and lows coming through VWAP. Ended up switching over and taking AAL instead for some reason. Looked like a double bottom has formed and made its way through VWAP, came back down held, took it on the second break with stop just below (tight). Took partial off at previous spike (planned) but adjusted my 2nd order and took it off to early. Took the final partial off as we approached HOD. Good: Good patience on waiting for it to come back down and confirm. Improvement: Held VWAP after my first partial, could have added. Also Need to be leaving my final partial to ride and let it break 1min. On way down. Would have gotten 20c better fill on first break of 1min. Trade Review Lots of opportunities today, but I didn't like the price action. Really trying to focus in and be a sniper, vs a machine guy "spray and pray" with my trades. Changes looking to implement and see how they impact my trading - 4 Symbols max per day - Thinking of doing a max trades per day (5/6) - Adding more time frames into my decision making process (1 min and 5 min are nice, but I am losing track of the bigger picture) Daily Report Card 1. Only Take trades using risk calculated hotkey = 1/1 2. Placing trades with defined risk, and profit targets (No adjusting) = 1/1
  6. 1 point
    Weekly review Top Three Good Trends I fought and fought through a down streak. I did not give up and kept my focus on what I need to do to improve I took a step back analyzed my trades to identify what I was doing that was causing me to get stopped out. I found that I was trying to fight the general trend of the market and was getting stopped out when the market turned. I was able to refocus my mindset on the things that matter and get it out of the outcome mood. Bottom Three Bad Trends In the beginning of the week I was focused on the outcome instead of the process The first four trades I kept trying to force into my edge instead of letting the edge come to me I let my discipline get loose because I was focusing on the outcomes. Focus for Next Week Sticking with my setup criteria and trading only when it is met Sticking with my plan once I am in the trade. I need to quit worrying about the outcome and focus on maintaining the process. Let the probabilities play out
  7. 1 point
    4-6-20 AIS 0745, 7 hours, 7/10 PAT: Over-trading. No trades for the first 5min without a predetermined plan. CODX PB#1 engulfing 5min and break of VWAP for a momentum scalp. was a little slower than I wanted but worked just OK. should have entered on the break of the prev. 5min candle Back and side is killing me, will have to recap later Cons: Over-trading on INO Pros: Rs: +4.5
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