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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
  2. 1 point
    April 3rd - Not a bad day to sit out the open. I came back to the computer a half an hour into the trading and saw how choppy it was. I ended up getting into $MU as the Market started to roll over. For some reason today was the day $MU did not want to completely sell off. I got a partial and then had a hotkey error and exited my whole position while inputting my limit order for the profit target. My second trade was on $JD when the market started to bottom out. I took it long got a partial and then decided to manage the trade differently than my plan called for. I was reward for the bad behavior as I would have gotten stopped out at b/e before it made the run up. Overall a good day to finish a rough week.
  3. 1 point
    3-30 to 4-3-20 What I did bad this week: Technical Errors: Hotkey error Trade management: Partials too soon and too many times due to fear after loosing trades, Loss focus during the trade from outside, Took too little Risk in A+ setups Over-trading: Chased on two entries, and started to trade in the first 5min Let one trade go past my stop What I did good this week: Respected my in trade and daily stops except the one Took most trades on all of the days that I was calling out Feeling more confidant in my PB#s 3 and 7 Reading the tape well on focused days Kept my losers small on 4 days Changes to be made this upcoming week: Work on playbook trades that I may need to scalp when Tape is slow or not doing what I anticipate Rules to stick by this upcoming Week: 1. After I call it a day by either MAX Loss, Profit Target or what I am comfortable with, only use the rest of the day in SIM unless it is an A+ setup then only give back what is in my plan 2. In-Trade and Daily Stops 3. Do Not chase or revenge trade 4. PB#s 1, 3 and 7 are only to be taken Live unless Rule#1 5. Only A or better setups at time of Live trade Challenges for myself this upcoming Week: On mic trades only with my small group if available Take a planned break at 1100 or 1200 for other Bus. @ 0850 do some exercise and then meditate to calm myself Notes: Rules are not to be broken, these will cost money every time My Challenges are almost as important as my Rules, Pay attention to them Goals and Rewards: +5R or more for the week to increase size. +3.6R for the week +32.4R for the month +4.1R to start April
  4. 1 point
    Today, again, good job sitting and watching the first 5 minutes, I actually didn't see anything I liked once that 5 minutes hit. I didn't trade until 7 minutes in. I still had a few "No Strategy"ish trades, but better than yesterday First trade was TWTR, I thought I was getting a 1Min ABCD, entered at break of prior candle, with stop below VWAP. It failed. When it immediately got bought up below VWAP, I thought it was still a good idea. Entered at the same price, got one partial and stopped out at BE. Uber, I traded UBER well yesterday, I traded it horrible today. My first entry was late, my add was late. I tried short again right after I was stopped out when it dropped below VWAP and MAs again. As you can see, the dotted pink line was acting as support. So this was a bad trade idea. I then flipped long after getting stopped out, no real reason, just an emotional trade. Then I got in long again and got some decent partials. The last long I entered and immediately had doubts because of the 200sma. I thought "This is going to be resistance and and up being a double top. So I just exited the trade. The only good thing about any of these UBER trades is the last one, I realized I was just guessing and not trading and I exited, I also didn't just flip to short because of the double top/200SMA like I do sometimes, I realized I was trading like crap and stopped. The trade did end up running up close to .50 or so, but I'm still glad I wasn't in it, because It very well could have went right back down to VWAP instead of moving up. MU, when I'm down, for some reason, I look to MU or AMD thinking I can just watch the spy and trade one of these depending on that. I chased this MU trade. It was too close to VWAP for a good R:R. I got a partial but still not happy with this trade. When it broke VWAP, I shorted again, got some partials, but I'm supposed to wait for a re-test of VWAP before shorting this setup. ZM, then when I'm close to max loss, I look for big moving stocks in hopes of digging out with one big trade. This is a bad strategy. This was another chase, I should have entered close to VWAP or passed. I was waiting for the break above the prior candle, turned my head for a bit and missed it. I should have passed instead of chasing it. I am very disappointed, but not discouraged, I am committed to fighting my demons and overcoming my weaknesses while building on my strengths (once I find some). Thanks BBTFamily
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