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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Thursday 03/19/2020 I had a well-being score of 6.5/10 this morning. I took 4 live trades with UBER, AMD and MRNA. My watchlist: AMD, UBER, TSLA, MSFT, CCL, and MRNA. Yep I am probably the only trader today who went long on UBER today and lost money. But no worries I still had a good day. There was a 15.92 level in PM that looked like a good break level. When the price broke that level, with an OK L2 signal, I went long in PM. I got a terrible fill. But R/R was still OK. My target was $16.50 with another PM level (15.81) as my stop. I waited for the open where we got an OK pop on OK volume. I was waiting the whole first minute to move higher. When it didn’t I took a partial. Then the price dropped quickly and I was S/O at B/E. I got a terrible fill on the stop as well so I actually took a small loss. By the time UBER was setting up again I was in another trade. MRNA was already green in the PM, but opened weak on good volume. Then was creating a strong 3rd 1min candle and a hammer on the 5min chart. There were two big asks on L2 so I went long when it seemed to be holding VWAP. What it looked like when I took the trade (note L2): My stop was VWAP, but I took half shares since the price was jumpy and I knew I would not get a good fill. My target was the HOPM (33.24). The price really started moving 3 minutes later. I took partials until I ran out of shares. AMD dropped big at the open but was recovering with SPY. When it broke VWAP and 38.50 (a level it was respecting) I went long. The price popped up and I took a partial then was stopped out at B/E. The price dropped a little more and bounced from the 9MA-1min, where I went long again. Then AMD had a nice run. I took too many partials until I ran out of shares. What did I do good today? Got back in a trade after it was setting up again. Not feeling FOMO from the early S/O from UBER. What I am grateful from today? I had a good day even with a loss on UBER.
  2. 2 points
    Since we weren't close to circuit breaker this AM, put risk back up to $20. +3R only doing two trades. 5 days green in a row. Now I need to keep doing the same thing each day, and not get too overconfident After my recent success, I am feeling a bit relieved. when I was hitting max loss each day, and having a red streak of 11 days or so. It was stressful, disappointing, frustrating, depressing, and any other bad emotion you can think of. But, the only way to get through those tough times, is keep at it, grind away and make improvements, get serious about discipline. Thanks for all the support BBT, couldn't be doing this without all of you. UBER dipped below VWAP, then came back up and held, I entered long when the fifth candle broke the prior candle. Put my stop below prior candle low. Partialed at top of prior top "B". Very fun trade. As my last single share was running in UBER, I started looking for one more opportunity. ROKU had tried a few times to sell off, buit kept closing on 5 min above VWAP. When it broke HOD, 1MIN OR, and 5 MIN OR I went long. Not only did all 3 of those strategies line up at the same price, but it was at a half dollar point, and the L2 looked good for a pop up. Another good trade and got me to my goal of 3R, shut it down for the day so I don't lose my gains, I made that mistake several times my first month live, DON'T LET GREED ERASE YOUR HARD WORK OF REACHING DAILY GOAL. When my account balance gets back up to 3100, I'm going to switch to $30, when it gets to 4100, $40, etc. Thanks Again Community
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    I was messing around in sim the last hour or so, I restarted my trading platform and forgot to switch back to sim again. Luckily the trade worked, I partialed fast because I didn't want to lose my 3R day.
  6. 1 point
    Hey, it was just a simulator bug, annoying I know, but not related to anyone who was live: See my post here:
  7. 1 point
    Thanks Justin. Great pointers. I feel better now
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Day 50 - Mar 18, 2020 31 Tickets 4 Symbols Green Day Watchlist: BA – Short – 1min – VWAP Bounce and Reject BA pre market dropped to 99 and bounced. Big push up got rejected off premarket level high of 105.75 and right back down - engulfing on the 1. Trying to push up to VWAP but getting stuffed. Broker through the 99 level and bounced off, bullish signal. Instead I went short thinking it would bounce, then fall through as we had VWAP and MA on the resistance above. Stopped out at MA above VWAP (Top Tick) Anticipating too much on this one, and too choppy for a clean play. Improvement: Too early, need to wait for confirmation - especially this early, and with this much volatility. RCL (Trade #1) –Short - 1min – Breakdown RCL looking weak as overall sector is hurting. Bounce and held 24.65 with a big bid on lvl2. Took a short position as soon as it broke down, stop of previous high. Went in my favor, but ended up taking of 1/3 too early. Took partial at my profit target and lt the rest ride, Bounced up and rejected MA - adjusted stop to break of previous high in anticipation of breakout. Poor trade management here - trading P/L and ended up getting out at breakeven. Good: Like the entry point, although could have gotten a better fill right at MA this was nice and defined risk. Improvement: Don’t trade P/L - trade the plan, and the price action. Taking profits off to early. RCL (Trade #2)- Short - 1min - VWAP Bounce and Reject (Failed Pop add) Got stopped out into VWAP (poor trade management) and watched it reject VWAP - sign for short entry. Came down and broke minor trend - was looking to short at earlier, but hotkey error so I got a rough fill. Took a bounce and retested MA's but got rejected and made lower high - shorted as it broke down from failed pop. Took 1st partial WAY too soon - psychologically happy to be back in the green after being down - poor trade and emotional management. Took 1/3 off at my target and let the rest ride until felt like over extended and at 3R. Good: Took partials at my target and let the winner ride. Improvement: poor trade and emotional management. RCL (Trade #3) - Short - 1min - Failed Pop Sector was really week, continuing to drop. Took RCL on a failed pop after covering on the drop. Re-asses and was still weak not much buying power, reconfirmed short bias with a much more defined risk. Took 1/3 off at previous level incase of a bounce, 1/3 off at profit target round level at 22, and let the rest ride until I broke consolidation and new high on 5. Good: Good job exiting previous trade, re-asses and confirming which a much better defined risk. Good work with partials, although I could have taken that cover at 21 for 7R. AMD - Short - 1min - VWAP Break and Go AMD Breaking down with SPY - making lower lows and lower highs. Wanted to see it reject VWAP but it was getting stuffed by the MA so I went short as we rejected previous day support - little anticipation and FOMO getting in too early. Ended up getting stopped out as it did the usual VWAP re-test. AMD - Short - 1min - VWAP Break and Go (Scalp) After getting stopped out I waited for confirmation or VWAP rejection - and shorted as it kept rejection 41.1 and closed under VWAP with tight stop just above previous high wick. Took partial off at pervious level thinking we might hold. Partial panic cover as it bounced. And left final 1/3 to same level test but didn’t like that it held so many times so I took off the rest (was looking to keep a partial to ride, but double clicked hotkey) Improvement: Hotkey error on entry as well as exit - poor execution. NCLH (Trade #1) - Short - 1min - Technical Breakdown Cruise lines are weak, down 20-30%. Was watching CCL and RCL and both broke through lows, NCLH was just setting up to, had a big bid at 7.65. Shorted into the break, buyer stepped down to 7.5. Ended up going my way and took 1/3 off into 1.5R. Was doing to let it right, but CCL and RCL looked like they were double bottoming so I took another 1/3 off. Got halted, opened up and pushed to 7.7 right at me entry. Came down, then right back up - place a limit order toward low of the candle stick and covered as the candle closed - rule of covering into the halt and re-asses is a good idea. Good: Taking partials at decent levels. Covering as it opened from the halt - although I would have gotten a better fill, I like this risk management rule. Improvement: Should have realized SPY levels for the circuit breaker. NCLH (Trade #2) - Short - 1min - Failed Pop Came up and rejected MA as well as previous consolidation level. Made a lower high so I went short thinking we would continue into the LOD on the overall weakness. Thought we would rejected and go right as it broke, didn’t like how it kept holding so I covered 1/3 0 ended up coming down close to previous low and taking off - covered on stop low into break of previous high. Todays Review Better job letting my winners ride today, however, I did feel like I was over trading. 31 tickets is quite a bit. AMD and BA trades were avoidable - BA was way to choppy no need to be in there. Overall happy with the day, but need to work on trade/emotional management. What I did well: Entries were better, so were partials and letting winners ride - this should pay off in trending markets. What I did poorly: Emotional management, was watching PnL and trading around that. Need to do: Find a more effective way to go through my trades - not leaving time for anything else. Put a full weekend into redoing my game plan. Been saying this far too long, just need to do it.
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