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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Love the diet topic. I converted to plant based diet 2.5 years ago for endurance running reasons. I tried Keto twice througout 2017 however found getting to ketosis had pretty bad effects on my in both energy (made running long a challenge) and also my mental state. I'd read so much on the benefits of the keto diet once you can make your body switch however I just failed to achieve it. In Sept 2017 I started to follow some ultra runners who were vegan/plant based so decided to give it a go. Now for me (I can of course only speak for me) I found it fantastic. I went from 196lb to 168lb and lost 10% body fat - my energy levels shot up and my recovery rates from running were amazing. I also noticed a uplift in my concentration levels however I now think this was more due to the reduction in sugar - something that came natural from converting to a whole food plant based diet. I am a little jealous of people who managed to succeed in Keto as I it does suit ultra running so much - fuelling on internal fats when your body needs it is fantastic - so good work!!! For info both times I tried Keto I did it strict for 10 weeks and then 8 weeks respectively - it may have just not been enough time however I found running anything over 10 miles almost impossible without the carb intake. Kaine
  2. 1 point
    Yes I found vegan diet the best for energy. But my hair falls out each time I am on that diet. I assume it is due to lack of fat, but I ate a ton of nuts and avocados. I then switched to lacto-ovo veg diet with so-so energy results. I finally went Keto but not completely. By def it is <50g carbs a day and I tend to intake about 80g. I love my legumes so I tend to over shoot the carb limit. But I try to eat low glycemic legumes to compensate. It was a little strange to make my chili with red kidney beans, but you get use to it. I did find more energy with the Keto diet, but I think it is indirect effect. I think my intermittent fasting gives me the energy, I tried IM on the veg diet and found it difficult. But it is easy on Keto. As for running on Keto? Your post is quite timely. Yes I am finding it difficult and was trying to figure out how to fix it. I was hoping to train for a trail marathon for this summer. But I don't have the energy for long runs anymore. So I am experimenting with my diet now. Hopefully I find something that works by Spring. Thanks for the post.
  3. 1 point
    2-3 to 2-7-20 What I did bad this week: I jumped the gun and on one I got out early for P&L reasons Over-trading.... I failed to get in on a couple adds and partials with too much hesitation even though I was calling out the trades = trade management Took a trade not in PB What I did good this week: Mostly good setups including taking one good PM Plan setup Got out after goal reached and on two days when I realized I was over=trading (revenge maybe) I turned the computer off Respected my in trade stops Changes to be made this upcoming week: I am finding myself missing setups making sure I am in either SIM or Live so I am switching over to all Live unless it is something that is not a good setup and I want to experiment Rules to stick by this upcoming Week: After I call it a day by either MAX Loss, Profit Target or what I am comfortable with, only use the rest of the day for Chat, Journal, Playbook ect. In-Trade and Daily Stops Do Not chase or revenge trade Live Only one loosing trade before 1100 Challenges for myself this upcoming Week: Only A or better setups at time of trade On mic trades only with my small group Take a planned break at 1100 for other Bus. @ 0905 do some exercise and then meditate to calm myself Stay unbiased Notes: Rules are not to be broken, these will cost money every time My Challenges are almost as important as my Rules, Pay attention to them If I feel overtired I will try going back to bed and coming back to Trend Trades later.... Goals and Rewards: +20Rs or more at end of the month to consider trading with more size in the future two months +0.3R for the week
  4. 1 point
    I guess after a couple of months trading live you´ll be able to define a realistic profit target.
  5. 1 point
    $2.95 per trade. And yes, going per share is more beneficial when you aren't trading more than 740 shares. There is a whole thread for CMEG that will have useful information for you
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