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  1. Sure it's all clear now. Like I tried to discuss with them unsuccessfully, some of their new customers are new to this and need guidance and support. They appear to be incapable of processing this. If they want to develop their retail trader business I recommend they consider newbies as a good source of growth and support accordingly Don't get me wrong by the way, when I progress to trading more seriously I will go back to IB. I've just felt this first experience lacking the level of support I would like Have a great day guys and stay green
  2. Ok purely anecdotal however my first experience of IB and their customer support has not been great. I just wanted to experience the process before I started to trade in a few months so opened an account and transfered $4k in - I was 'naive' and didn't realise the restrictions on such a low account so decided to open a CMEG account instead and just wanted to close my IB account and redraw the money - two weeks later, and two rejected withdrawels later I am still on chat (which keeps crashing) trying to find out why my fund withdrawels keep getting rejected. It appears when I make the withdraw quoting the balance in GBP, by the time IB accounts process if the amount has changed due to the USD/GBP rates so my request is rejected - with no notice to me via email etc. So a few days later when I check status all I get is my request has been rejected. aagghhh!!! Anyway I'm sure I'm the idiot and everyone else is fine however needed to share this with people who are more interested to listen than my wife haha Cheers Kaine p.s. still waiting for my funds to be returned from IB
  3. Kaine

    Diet and trading

    Fortunately I don't have much hair on my head but I would have to stop if my beard starts to disappear haha. The biggest mistake I made initially with plant based was watching calorie intake - I continued to use my BMR as base line (1800 calories) and added extra for training days. Slowly I found it harder and harder until a coach I now said I was eating way less than the pro triathletes he trains but I was still training similar hours. So I upped my base line calorie intake to 3000 a day and immediately found improvements. What was most interesting though was I just didn't increase weight at all - my meals are now just much much bigger which is superb 🙂 Good luck with your trail marathon training - trail running is my favourite Kaine
  4. Kaine

    Diet and trading

    Love the diet topic. I converted to plant based diet 2.5 years ago for endurance running reasons. I tried Keto twice througout 2017 however found getting to ketosis had pretty bad effects on my in both energy (made running long a challenge) and also my mental state. I'd read so much on the benefits of the keto diet once you can make your body switch however I just failed to achieve it. In Sept 2017 I started to follow some ultra runners who were vegan/plant based so decided to give it a go. Now for me (I can of course only speak for me) I found it fantastic. I went from 196lb to 168lb and lost 10% body fat - my energy levels shot up and my recovery rates from running were amazing. I also noticed a uplift in my concentration levels however I now think this was more due to the reduction in sugar - something that came natural from converting to a whole food plant based diet. I am a little jealous of people who managed to succeed in Keto as I it does suit ultra running so much - fuelling on internal fats when your body needs it is fantastic - so good work!!! For info both times I tried Keto I did it strict for 10 weeks and then 8 weeks respectively - it may have just not been enough time however I found running anything over 10 miles almost impossible without the carb intake. Kaine
  5. Hi all Just joined up for some training with BBT over the next few months as I've been impressed by the community culture. Always followed the markets and have long term investments like many but need a change in my life so decided to re-train and day trade. Over the next three months I intend to learn as much as I can and then take small steps into day trading. I've been installing Home Cinemas and Smart Home tech since 2001 and I love the industry but need something else. Hopefully I'll have my DAS demo account setup in the next few days too. Looking forward to the next few months of training and reading/sharing experiences with you all. Cheers Kaine
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