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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/22/2019 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Your entry on the $CGC trade was great. You entered on the pullback allowing you to reap the profits on the pop towards the HOD. I am assuming that you are using a fixed share size by the qty of shares you are taking. Where was your stop on $SCHW and $CGC? What is your risk per trade?
  2. 1 point
    Mike; Here are my comments on AMD. If you don't want comments let me know. I'm hoping Abiel can start uploading my videos to youtube which will give you a chance to comment on my trades also.
  3. 1 point
    Hello Everyone Today was another good day. Took 3 trades; CGC and SCHW x2 SCHW Waited for the 2 min ORB. Went short with a stop loss at that 100 MA. Took profits at 2R but was stopped out at the BE. Well it was little above the BE as I was trying to input a hard stop. 2nd trade with SCHW was 5 min ORB. Used the 20 MA on the 5 min as my stop loss. Held on until that 200 MA and made some profit. Got rid of some more as I did get a little nervous. Was going to hold on to it until I saw a sign for a reversal but had put in a hard stop loss for a BE. CGC Since I was busy with SCHW I did not take the 2 min ORB on this chart. Instead, I waited for the 5 min ORB. I didn't like what I saw, so I did not commit to anything. I did notice that the 2nd 5 min candle was creating an engulfing pattern. Waited for a pull back on the 1 min chart. I wanted a little more of a bull flag to be created but I saw all the MA were below the candle and on an upward trend. I went long as I saw a bullish candle form with a stop loss at the 9 MA. Waited for atleast 2R and took some profit. I was eventually stopped out at the BE. I think it was an overall good day. No emotional trading and no over trading. I did see some set ups form on TGT that I could've taken long but I made my daily goal and then some. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and see you all tomorrow!
  4. 1 point
    November 21, 2019 -$AMD I had some good trading today, just misplaced my stop on $AMD, which caused me not get the 1R move that I should have gotten before getting stopped out. There was nothing wrong with the setup or the entry, just that I put the stop too high. It should have been about .05 cents lower, which would have gotten me the 1R partial and even a 2R partial. Oh well learning moment. I got out of the trade, when the "asks" started stacking up. The stock eventually went to 39.65 before coming back to my entry point. Sample Set Results, G S 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  5. 1 point
    Hello everyone, My name is Duane Ganther and I've been a member for almost 24 hours. I live in Northridge, California and I've been trading for several years. Andrew's book on Day Trading is the best that I've read on the subject. I believe that I can become a much better trader by being connected to this community. I look forward to meeting you all. Duane
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