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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    7-29-19 Woke at 7:30 rested good. showered, SSS and a coffee before going through premarket. 9:32 -MYL 21.03 stopped out @ 21.19 (this was a mirror trade) "NO MORE MIRROR TRADES" 9:37 -YNDX 38.25 Stop of 38.30 Tgt 38.00 added pos 38.18 1/2 out 38.09, 38.02 all out @ BE 38.21 9:53 +LK 26.34 stopped out at 26.16 Thought I seen an ABC but after review it was not present 9:59 +UBER 45.37 stop/VWAP Tgt/ 45.69 stopped at 45.21 just below VWAP. Looking for support of the MAs but instead failed all the way to VWAP 10:09 -TEVA 7.83 stopped at 7.86 10:42 +TEVA 7.72 Partialed 7.78 all out 7.72 Realized on TEVA there was not enough movement and it is a waist of time. 10:22 +CL 75.25 Stopped at 75.10 11:19 +SBUX (reversal) 97.85 stop/ 97.60 Tgt/ 98.20 Took all 25% partials at 98.04, 98.15, 98.19, 98.20, 98.33 and all out at 98.22 (kept moving my stop up almost like a trailing stop but manual) 11:38 +MYL (reversal) 20.15 stop/20.00 Tgt/VWAP 20.80 25% partials 20.32, 20.43, 20.61, 20.75, 20.81 all out 20.99 (kept moving my stop up almost like a trailing stop but manual)
  2. 2 points
    Monday July 29th, 2019 Sleep: 7 hours. Mood: good, ready to trade. almost took $MYL for an ORB but i was too nervous to pull the trigger. would have been a good trade. then it made an engulfing crack so i was looking for a short entry. I got in a small size on a little bit of a pullback risking the daily level of $21.24. then i doubled my position at the new 5min low, moving my stop to the new 5 and 15min high at $21.19. it came right up to my stop but never broke to a new 15min high. it was consolidating forever near my entry and i got up to use the bathroom and i was it wasn't moving and the volume was dying so i just got out at breakeven. not even 2 minutes later it dumped to my profit target. i haven't made that mistake in a long while and it's a reminder as to why i don't overthink my trades and just let the market do what it's going to do and not overthink it. oh well, try again tomorrow! GOOD: waited for a signal for my entries RFI: got out too early CONSISTENT: no, didn't follow plan. MOOD: ok, i'd like to get to my PT on this trade but at least i didn't lose money What i did good today: took a good trade, played the entry well. What i did bad today: let my snap judgement trick me out of what turned out to be a great trade. What can i do better tomorrow: don't mess with your trades, especially when they're 5min/15min trending in your favor.
  3. 2 points
    Great job with the interview. I just watched it. Congrats on being the top equities trader on the DAS challenge!!
  4. 2 points
    Live trading summary of the month of July. So by the end of June I have gone 8 months without a positive month and I have had a flat P/L for the last 5 months. Three days before the end of last month I was thinking seriously ending the month early and SIM trading to lock in a profitable month and solid score card. I thought that was silly and was thinking even if I lose every trade for the next 3 days I will still have a positive P/L. But that was assuming I stuck to a -1R loss. I under estimated my self-sabotaging behaviors. The following 3 days were a disaster, losing every trade and not holding to the -1R loss. Thus June was another flat P/L month and mediocre score card. So Thursday morning I was thinking, “not again.” And decided to take SIM trades only the next two days and lock in a positive P/L. Which I did. So finally, my ninth month trading live, is green. Kind of funny that those two SIM days were my best two trading days of the month. Would they have been as good if I was trading live? My win% (for live trades) for the month was solid at 58%. I added quite a few SIM trades this month on 5/10/15 min ORBs and saw an improvement as the month progressed. Using Van Tharp method for analyzing trading systems, the 17 live trades in July with my 1min/2min ORB setup has a very good rating. But that is a small sample set. The 3 months previous has a rating of poor (but tradable) due to the 5 trades I let the loss pass -1R. All it takes is two trades a month, that you don’t stick to your stop, to go from a “very good” system to a “poor” rating. I am still trading with Centerpoint and it has been OK, but not great. I haven’t experienced any more tech issues since the second week. The execution speed is OK. I only trade very liquid stocks so I wonder why I get different speed results from day to day. Not impressed by the short list. Since they have a “hard to short” app, their easy to short list is not extensive. I remember when both ROKU and CGC were dropping like a rock one day. I had neither available to short and I hear people with IB making great trades on those stocks. In July I read (actually listened to) The Willpower Instinct which was recommended by Tommy. I wrote a review for it. https://forums.bearbulltraders.com/topic/1278-book-review-of-willpower-instinct/ I also listed to Trading beyond the Matrix by Van K. Tharp. The book is actually free on their website: https://www.vantharp.com/trading-beyond-the-matrix-the-red-pill-for-traders-and-investors-soft-cover It’s worth a read, but does read like an advertisement for their courses. With that said, it worked, because I am taking one of their courses. I started taking the course (home study version): Van Tharp Institute Peak Performance Course for Traders. To place some accountability on myself to finish the course I started to post my reading notes and assignments online. Please see my link if you are curious about the course: https://forums.bearbulltraders.com/topic/1286-van-tharp-institute-peak-performance-course-for-traders-my-journey-through-the-course/ Stats for February/March/April/May/June/July: February March April May June July Total # of live trades 21 34 36 36 38 19 Hulk Days 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max Loss Days 0 0 0 0 0 0 Broke max trade rule 1 1 0 0 0 0 Hoy Key Mistakes 1 1 0 0 1 2 Score card 81% 81% 84.5% 85.8% Only half the trades as usual since I had 9 SIM only days this month. My two hot key mistakes was issues switching back and forth to SIM. My score card was lower than I had hoped but at least an improvement from last month. Goals for July: 1) Don’t go hulk. 2) Learn to control your emotions after a loss. 3) The trade score card average for the month should exceed the previous month. 4) Increase risk per trade from $25 back to $30. 5) Keep improving health. 6) Follow the new 11 rules I specified in my June 28 weekly 7) Keep making SIM trades on 5/10/15 min ORBs
  5. 1 point
    My Plan to Trading Success: Background: One of my friends from German language class recommended Andrew’s book on ‘How to Day Trade for a Living’. After reading the book, I joined the BBT community in Oct’2018. I was on SIM for 3 months, completed the first BBT challenge. And finally I went live on 8thApr’19. I am new to Trading and hoping my journaling and feedback from fellow members will help me improve. My preparation before going Live: These are the books I read before going Live, apart from the BBT classes. It was very important for me to learn as much before going Live. Also, I read these books in the order mentioned below. I also listened to the Youtube audio version of Trading in the zone, the week before going Live and I must say that it helped calm my nerves a bit during the Live week. -How to Day Trade for a Living by Andrew Aziz - A Complete Guide to Volume Price Analysis by Anna Coulling - Advanced Techniques in Day Trading by Andrew Aziz -Trading in the zone by Mark Douglas -The 1 Hour Trade by Brian Anderson Strategy & Goal: During the first year(or 9 months) in 2019, I don’t have any target to make. My primary goal is to gain experience Live trading, to be emotionally stable when things don’t go my way and manage positions to my plan. And achieve all this limiting my loss. Good thing, I have control over how much I can lose, so I have decided to keep 100$ per week that I can lose (ie. 4000$ till end of the year). This is the max amount I will lose to the market, nothing more. This is not ‘Scarred Money’. It is something that I am paying for my experience. If I make any money along the way, then it’s good. It doesn't mean I dont want to make money, it just means, I am not in a hurry to make money. But I do plan to make a lot of money from trading may be a million $ some day. I also have the following measures to limit myself at the beginning of my Trading. Funding Account: I am not funding my IB account fully. I am doing it in 5 small transfers (roughly one each month). This limits my buying power during the initial months. Even if I make a DAS mistake I can’t buy more shares. As I improve my trading I start funding more. Under PDT rule: This also means, I am under PDT rule, and can make only 3 trades/5 days. This prevents me from overtrading. I am also extremely picky as my trades are limited. I think being picky is a very good habit in Trading. Stocks to trade: I don’t trade $TSLA, $NFLX which are very volatile. I trade $AMD, $MU and other Stocks in Play on a particular day within my price range ($15-$30) and not very volatile. I trade high priced, volatile stocks in DAS simulator or TradingSIM to feed my FOMO. Share size: I trade 50-100 shares per trade, depending on the Stoploss and volatility of the stock. I am not using my Margin from IB, but only Cash that I have funded. As I improve my trading skills, I will slowly increase the share size. Risk Control: Within my 3 Trades a week, first one I give it $50 Loss, 2nd and 3rd one $25 each. But because of my small share size and stoploss, I am well within my allowable losses during initial months. This is second level risk control. Rules: Only one trade at a time. This was my main issue in SIM. I get into multiple trades in SIM and end up in huge losses. Even if the action goes my way, I am unable to exploit it to my advantage as I am unable to follow my profit plan. Stick to my StopLoss: Many days in SIM, I had ignored my Stoploss and ended up in huge losses. Then I make some good trades and reduce my losses. End of the day, It gives me a feeling ‘If only I had respected my StopLoss I would have been green’ Don’t trade within 3 mins: My rule is not to trade within first 3 mins. But if the setup doesn’t exist, then I must wait till 5, 10 or even 15 mins from the open. Trading Style: I prefer VWAP trading (VWAP pullback during ORB, Reversal & False breakout after 10AM). I also like to trade 50/200 MA bounces especially on higher timeframes. I am not good at MA cross reversals. Quote I need to remember while Trading: "You will regret more about the STOP you didn't take than the one you took early"
  6. 1 point
    My Wife has been telling me that I have the head for Day Trading for Many years. In the past we have worked hard on a small business in Key West and since have always had Jobs along with some kind of retail business weather it was the Art store in KW, a Donut business, an online retail business that we still operate and recently an Amazon PL business. This last adventure cost us a few bucks but fortunately I was able to get ride of most of the product and not fall too far in the red. I have recouped enough for a small Day Trading Account. I talked to a few people at work about this and they all had the same thing to say "Its tough and no one makes money doing it" after talking with them a bit more I realized that they were willing to put the money in but not put the time in to educate themselves and of course they lost money. Most of them are still holding on to Bitcoin for the long haul. I decided to start reading some books on this and I started with Stock Trading for Dummies and realized that was not the right book for me. I then found Andrews first book and was hooked. I should have listened to my Wife a long time ago. It just so happens that I work nights Sunday - Wednesday as a Poker Manager from about 3:30pm to 3:30am (home to home) eastern time, so I am able to get a few hours sleep before I wake at 7:30am to get ready for my Classes I joined BBT as a Lifetime Member on the 4th of July. I was almost done with Andrews first book. I woke up in the AM to watch the premarket show and at the time I would follow along on Think or Swim. I did this till the 15th of July. From the first day of practice I did keep a journal on paper until now (I think I will still write it as I feel like doing it twice cant hurt help me remember). I showered last night right before bed. I woke today nice and fresh, brushed my teeth, made myself an espresso and ate a protein bar. I had plenty time to do some of my own research before Carlos came on at 8:30. The last 2 days I have been very happy with my premarket analysis as most of what I have is either on Carlos watch list or is a low float (which I can not seem to get the info from the Das Sim platform). 9:34 +MGM at 30.99 (should have been 30.90 but I was slow on the hot key) I partialed out at 31.13, 31.25 and 31.34 and got all out at 31.60. My stop was previous candle 30.89 and Target 31.61 from the daily charts Realized +25.63 I took this Slower moving stock in play as I felt more comfortable with it. 10:02 +INTC 52.62 P - 52.69 and out at 52.56 (again I was slow on the trigger on both) My stop was prev. candle 52.55 and Target 53.00 on 5min VWAP Realized +.50 My total day +26.13 This is at 100 shares of each. If starting with $5000 my 1% rule would have been 500 shares of each for a realized profit of +130.65 The last two days after I have decide I was done for the day I went back to just play around and try to learn more midday strategies I took -TWTR misread what I thought was a drop and lost out along with a reentry +TWTR and this time it fell, LOL my mini Hulk.... I know myself and If I was in for real money I would have never even come back to the market for the day. but I will add this ticker also so maybe I can figure out what I misread.
  7. 1 point
    July 25, 2019 - $AMD (Partial) Today was all about execution. The goal today was to execute each step of my trade plan with violating any rules. Identify Profit Targets - Accomplished Place Stop Loss - Accomplished Analyze the Risk - Accomplished Entry Execution - Accomplished Profit Taking - Accomplished The only rule I violated today was trading a stock not in play. I had $BMY and $TAL on my watch list. The entry I look for did not form on $BMY and $TAL went on SSR. (I do not trade SSR stocks). So, I went to my favorite list and to see if I could get an entry to work my profit taking as that is my focus right now. Proper execution of my profit taking plan. I found an entry and executed the profit taking to a tee. Took a partial at 1R and left the rest to either hit the profit target or stop out at the break even. I will say I met my plan today and advance my understanding of controlling my emotions when the stock moves in my direction. Sample Set Results, S E P 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  8. 1 point
    Stopped out on BMY with Brian. - 1.1 still in HRB. came close to stop. Tomorrow ahluld love higher due to BA and markets. No charts as I am travelling.
  9. 1 point
    Additional Analysis on Risk:Reward Ratio: I felt my partials were too early in Apr, I created a Heatmap to capture the R:R ratio for all the trades in April. Without no doubt, most of the partials were at 1:1. The 1:1 partials don't work in the long term. Trading is a matter of probabilities, and with RR of 1:1 every $ you gain, you may lose another $ and you may never grow your portfolio. There is no EDGE. Based on this analysis I decided to improve my partials in May, unfortunately, there weren't too many trades that were successful in May. Nevertheless, there is improvement and more Profit on the right side of the Heatmap in May. As a matter of fact, couple of my trades were losing trades, because I didn't want to partial early. I know that this will work in long term. Apr-19: Mai-19: Also, did an analysis on how to meet the Yearly $ target sooner with better RR trade setup and captured the same below.
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