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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/2019 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    July 2, 2019 - $AMD x 3 (Partial x 2, Early Out) As anticipated, a choppy market again. I managed to make it through the day, but was not pleased at all with my trading. Today, I really wanted to pay attention to my emotions upon my entry into a trade, as this has been throwing me off the last couple of days. I took three trades on $AMD. The setup on the first trade was good, but once I entered my emotions took over and I couldn’t manage the trade. My second trade was a continuation of the first trade, I was a little more in control on the entry but still not in a spot that I am used to. Additionally, I make the mistake of looking at my P/L after the first trade again. Big mistake and I will be adding a rule tonight to address that. The last trade was based on nothing other than my gut feeling that it was going to break $31 and run up higher. Strangely enough, this trade I was fine after my entry and was able to hold through the pullback and execute my profit taking plan. Overall bad day. Tomorrow I am going back to sim, as I need to find out what is causing me the issue upon my entry. I would have said it is the $ risk per trade, but than I took the third trade and I had no issue with losing it on this trade. I want to see what my emotions are upon my entry with zero at risk to help narrow down what is going on. From there I will devise a plan to correct it over the holiday. Sample Set Results, P E E E P E P 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  2. 2 points
    July 2, 2019 Traded poorly today. We managed to minimize our losses, so it was a death by a thousand cuts. Lol. Lots more practice in our future. https://youtu.be/ZnDcGM-z7p4
  3. 1 point
    I'm from the UK and joined BBT about 2 weeks ago after reading Andrews 2 books and have been sim trading since, mainly had red days due to overtrading and not taking proper set ups, I've since worked on this and am currently on a 2 day green streak. People have spoken about the importance of keeping a journal so I'm giving it a go. At the moment it will just be a record of my trades and and some notes about why i took it, the plan, entries, exits and how i thought it went but may add some more detail to it if necessary, especially once I go live. I typically take buy/sell in 100 shares with the aim to enter trades with a maximum loss of $10, so risking 10c, but will take less shares if the risk is clearly higher. I try to practise a variety of setups but always have my main focus on volume price action. So here goes. 3/7/19 Mood is pretty good, feeling nervous to try to keep my streak alive, as well as knowing I'll be posting the results online.. Things to work on today: Only taking proper setups that are verified by volume, and waiting for a good entry with a focus on not chasing and then getting stopped out on a pullback. trade 1: 5 min orb on BUD, momentum seemed to be bearish, after the pullback, volume was gaining as price decreased so i entered. entry was decent on a slight pullback, waited for at least 1 R before my first partial. shouldve got all out earlier but was convinced it was going to be a false breakout so kept my original stop loss and lost most my money gained. Trade 2: MA trend on NVDA, in hindsight I should know this is a bad time for this strategy so shouldnt have taken this. even so entry was OK not great but i took half shares, got one partial before i stopped out. not good MA trend on AMRN: already held the 50 on the 1 min and bounced right back, so my entry was good i think. took a partial slightly early as i got nervous followed by a hotkey mistake before i went all out. starting to get a bit frustrated but was only slightly red so still okay. trade 4: reversal on FB, saw a double top had formed at an even 197, so took this trade early before any moving average crosses to minimise my risk with stop above the top. think i shouldve waited for the cross and didnt stick to my stoploss so lost a fair bit on this. trade 5: VWAP false breakout, saw it broke above VWAP twice and formed a double top at 2 resistance levels. my entry wasnt good, almost got stopped out because i thought it was about to run. waited a good amount before i started partialling and eventually got stopped out with a good profit. Trade 6: MA trend, stock bounced off the 50 on the 1 min chart with increasing volume so got it, entry was OK for stop losing the 50. tried to take a partial at 1R and ended up buying more... almost got stopped out then another hotkey mistake. luckily once PCL broke the stock ran so i made a nice profit. definitely time to stop after this since i was making stupid mistakes. overall almost hit my target but stayed in the green... did brake rules though. going to set physical stop losses for reversals to minimise losses. still need to work on entries and thinking about is this a good setup.
  4. 1 point
    Hey BBT, On my second live trading day I lost 1k. I just had to say it. I feel dirty, miserably, sad, annoyed, angry at everyone and everything, with me with the market but with me most of all. I overtraded, I did not respect stop loss, tried to revange trade to make my first (small loss) back. I messed up.. I was ok with my size but I kept adding to my commissions, kept adding more and more small lossing trades. I did not stopped trading, I was angry. What will i do now? STOP trading at max loss. STEP AWAY. I will respect stop loss and if im feeling emotional I will take a break. I don`t want to blow up (more) my account. I want to do this for a living. I know this is a massive hit. I feel so dissoriented. RESPECT MY RULES. BE OBJETIVE. KEEP THINKING POSITIVE. I will re-evaluate my daily goals and focus just on ONE main trade hit my goal and move on. My new goal is 100 bucks per day over the next 10 days. I will make my money back. I WILL rebuild this blow. I will be focused, disciplined and a good trader that respects the rules. Anyway, just had to blow some steam and get it out there. Cheers, Fernando Samora.
  5. 1 point
    Wednesday 7/03/2019 I had a well-being score of 5.5/10 this morning. My nerves were good. Still on SIM only. I took 3 SIM trades today. One with AMD and two with NFLX. Still a bit sloppy and FOMO issues even on SIM. NFLX gave no signs in the premarket what it would do. Plenty of volume in the first 20 seconds after open then was dry. NFLX gave a very bullish 2 minute candle but I didn’t feel comfortable taking the trade then. The price went up almost a dollar without any green showing up in the price and sales. I am so not use to that. The price retraced back to VWAP then moved back up and finally green hit the tape. I went long on the break of the 377.04 daily level. My target was 379.25 with VWAP as my stop. After trading NFLX for a few days that may be unreasonable and shouldn’t expect to go past my first partial target of 377.87. Still need to learn. Price made it to my first partial near the 377.87 but I forgot that I have to sell at the bid not the price. I forgot and sold a partial when the price reached my 1st target. The bid was far below it and I essentially sold my shares at B/E. I waited until the bid hit my target and I partialed. Then when I took a second partial I forgot that NFLX should be more of a scalp and I partialed light. The price reversed and I got out at B/E. So with the two trade management mistakes it was only a small win. What it looked like when I took the trade: The total trade: The next trade was with AMD. AMD was an unusual setup that I have never taken before. It was essentially a V-reversal 5min after the open. But I do see AMD bounce back to VWAP often when it’s extended. AMD fell 35 cents in 3 minutes then paused. What caught my attention was a 72k bid on L2 3 cents below the price. It quickly disappeared and in return several asks totaling around 30k about 5 cents above the price. I had also noticed that SPY was climbing. I went long on the 1min high with the PDC as my target and the LOTD as my stop out. I took my first partial at the 9MA and my second at VWAP. I lost faith in the trade about 2 minutes later and exited. The charts when I entered the trade: The total trade: My last trade was with NFLX again and sadly was a FOMO trade. The really nice setup occurred on NFLX while I was trading AMD and thus missed it. It bounced off of the VWAP 3 times. I usually take the third bounce to enter the trade. Instead I took the trade at the break of the 377.87 daily level. The true R/R is only 1.3, but I chose an incorrect S/O of the bottom of the candle so I could have an R/R~2. But that was not the correct stop. If I used VWAP as the S/O I would have had a winner. The trade entrance should have been 3 minutes earlier or should not have entered. Though I did get a small partial, the trade was a loser as my S/O was too tight. What it looked like when I entered the trade: What I did good today: Finally green. First time in a week. How did I challenge myself today? Watched time/sales more. Something I wanted to practice while in SIM. What I did bad today: Traded sloppy. What can I do better tomorrow: Need to keep discipline on the SIM. If I keep trading like this I will be on SIM all next week as well.
  6. 1 point
    Green, red with fees. Didn't respect my plan today, would have worked, so this is the positive side... need to trust myself more, seems that I'm taking good trades or having the good analysis, but lacking execution. Will try to really follow my plan this month. See you Friday. 2019-07-03AMD.mp4
  7. 1 point
    Wednesday July 3rd, 2019 Sleep: 7 hours. Mood: debating on whether to trade at all today. i'm expecting chop. Market was choppy, didn't see anything i liked in the first half hour so i closed my DAS so i wouldn't be tempted to take a dumb trade. going to work around the house and get ready for the holiday. i hope everyone has a great holiday!
  8. 1 point
    It was SUCH a great time. Hope to do it again!
  9. 1 point
    Wow mine was setup within a day. I have done 3 wires there, the funds are always in my account the next day. The one time I sent an email with a question about wires, I got a phone call the next day to make sure I figured it all out.
  10. 1 point
    @RyanP Got your message in my email but the post isn't here, you may have deleted it. But to answer your question for all, I found creating individual price icons a tad cumbersome and just use the StreamDeck's labeling with these settings, it looks pretty good (see screenshot) and is very flexible. - Icon --> Version with the blank label space. (screenshot has: - Font: Microsoft Sans Serif - Size: 9pt - Vertical Align: Bottom - Color: #6fd519 [long, green], #3eb8ec [short, blue] - Show Title (yes)
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