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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    31.Mai.19 Not too many on BBT watchlist today. I had $ZUO, $AMD, $SBOT and $FB on my watchlist. $ZUO was ATL, and gapped down, I was looking for Short here. $FB was below 50MA on daily and on the verge of breakdown. $SBOT was lowfloat and gapped up. I like Lowfloat, Low priced stocks (esp around $1) when the setup is for Long. The worst loss that I can incur is $no of shares (1$ price, 100 shares long, the worst case is price hits Zero, and my loss is only $100). That's why I prefer a Long setup on Lowfloat instead of Short. $ZUO was bullish at the open, contrary to my expectation. Didn't offer any setup, $AMD was choppy too. I traded $FB that was setting up for 15min ORBD, I took it short at the breakout (instead of pullback), price consolidated for too long after my entry and I bailed out. I would have gone short again, after the price touched the MAs, but I didn't have another trade left. Price dumped after that to LOD(Low of the day). Good: my tradesize on $FB was very small, as I decided yesterday, followed my rules on Entry and Exit. Good premarket analysis. I didn't force the trade on $ZUO or $AMD Improvement: Breakout setup needs very extended Stoploss and the RR is mostly 2:1. I would rather stick to my Pullback entry, especially when I decide to risk only small. I missed the 3candle setup on $FB, I was aware $FB and $AAPL offer them mostly, but I missed it on $FB.
  2. 2 points
    Thanks for your post. At least we can say we predicted the correct direction on AMD. Same thing happen with me on FB, stopped out before its big drop. I have a self imposed 2 trade/day limit so I couldn't get back in. I was curious about something that I wanted to ask someone who knows options. Once in awhile I see an explosion from a dollar or half dollar level on AMD. A stock at AMDs price you wouldn't think would have such a reaction to these levels especially the 1/2 dollar level. So I was wondering if it happen to be a very large number of puts/calls happen to be at that price. One week I decided to look at AMD's options tables, as premarket prep, to see if I can get any insight. I didn't see any, so I stopped. Do you think it useful to look before the open or this would have no use? Thanks.
  3. 2 points
    Friday May 31st, 2019 Sleep: 7 hours. Mood: good, ready to trade. first trade was an ORBD in $T. got a great entry and it did trend down for a little bit. it bounced off of $30.75 and then the next time it came near that level there were big bids below the low and i was confident i was going to get to my profit target but it didn't break and starting trending higher on the 5min chart and i got out at my breakeven. if i was a more seasoned trader, i could have bought twice my share size and rode it up but i got stuck in the hopeful stage that it would try the low again. at least i got out way before my stop loss. GOOD: good setup, good R/R, good getting out of a losing trade. RFI: could have flipped my position when it didn't hit the LOTD. MOOD: good CONSISTENT: yes. Last trade of the day i thought at the time was an ABCD in $ZUO but looking at it after it kind of already tried that move and i got it on the second try so i catergorized this as a no setup. I was in the right direction but it couldn't break the HOTD and i got out around breakeven. GOOD: got out when it rejected HOTD RFI: not really a setup. this would have been a good candidate for top fishing MOOD: good CONSISTENT: yes. wow what a slow friday for me but i guess a boring breakeven friday is better than an exciting red day. What i did good today: took good trades, didn't feel any strong emotions about my trades not working What i did bad today: not recognizing sooner that T wasn't going to break lower What can i do better tomorrow: when you see signs of something happening and then it doesn't happen (i.e. big bids below the LOTD expecting it to break but doesn't), act on it!
  4. 2 points
    After much experimentation (still ongoing!), I've settled on one main 32" monitor for scans, internet, and admin, with three 27" monitors above for charts and level 2. The hotkey pad orientation is also still evolving. A view can also add to one's composure during the trading day Andrew's book was the first piece of trading literature I read and helped me tremendously in getting through the difficult, and often painful, learning curve this pursuit requires. Besides focusing on the clear and simple strategies that many in this community share, I've benefited most from watching Andrew and the other moderators show up each day with a consistent, balanced, long-term approach to trading. Simply being reminded each day by example of how to avoid FOMO, take profits, cut losses early, and come back again tomorrow has done for my growth more than hundreds of hours of studying charts, patterns, indicators, techniques, etc.
  5. 2 points
  6. 1 point
    Hello BBT Family, I've been trading now for a little under a year and must admit I've only been with Bear Bull Traders from the beginning. After reading Andrew's book I tried the room out, liked it, and never looked back. Now that I'm approaching a year. I thought it would be a fun topic to see what everyone else was looking for in a chat room when they came to Bear Bull Traders. Your experience can be from any chatroom, actually I'd really enjoy hearing about other rooms as well, however please no negative stuff. Just looking specifically for things that drew you in to a particular room. For example: One of the things that drew me to BBT was the structure of that Chat. I like that they have a premarket show, then Andrew trades the open for all the opening range traders, then other moderators with varied trading strengths come on throughout the day to help during specific time frames. So I knew I'd have activity and guidance all day. Hope you all enjoy the topic. And stay Green. Thor Young - Lifetime Member @ BBT
  7. 1 point
    This is a very common question, so hopefully this post can be a good reference. There is a new hotkey command called DuplicateWindow which lets you 'clone' an existing Montage, Time/Sales, or Chart window. All settings like hotkey buttons, colors, fonts, etc. will be copied over. How to: -Go to menu Setup > Hot key -Add New Item -Enter a Name and Hot Key. In the Script Field, enter DuplicateWindow -Press Commit Now you can simply select the window you wish to duplicate, then press the hotkey (CTRL+D in the above example). And voila, attack of the clones!
  8. 1 point
    I created this Google Spreadsheet to help myself with position sizing, and I thought I would share it with you guys. I always have this printed out and laying on my desk while I am trading. I did take this a step further and created a custom keyboard with hotkeys, but I will share that info at the end. With this spreadsheet you are able to calculate your position size on the fly, just by knowing the distance to your stop loss. By default, the risk is set to 100. This means every single trade that you take, you should lose no more than $100. An example would be, if my stop loss is 0.30 away, my position size for that trade would be 334 shares. You are able to change the default risk to what ever you are willing to risk, and your share sizes will automatically be calculated. Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iD0qiPLulbYSFri9r38SG1Ke7eNiZdFHNg8MldGwSng/edit?usp=sharing To use this Spreadsheet: make sure you are logged in to your Google account, so you are able to copy the spreadsheet to your Google Drive go to File -> Make a copy... -> Then save it to your Google Drive Once you have copied the spreadsheet, you can now edit the default risk of 100, and your share sizes will be calculated accordingly A step further... The Keyboard Having this printed on your desk does help you easily calculate your position size, but it does have one drawback. You have to enter your position size in manually, which does eat up precious time. I wanted the idea of the chart used as hotkeys, so my solution was a custom keyboard. I have attached the proof I got back from http://www.wasdkeyboards.com, as well as a photo of the physical keyboard. How it works As you can see from the images, the distance to stop loss is printed on the alpha keys. If I have my hotkeys set up to risk 100 per trade, Short+Modifier+E would short the stock with 667 shares: Risk: 100 Distance to stop loss: 0.15 100 / .15 = 666.6 (667 rounded up) Conclusion Having the spreadsheet printed in front of me while I trade really helped with my position size. The keyboard really helped me execute my trades faster.
  9. 1 point
    I have an idea for a monthly meetup for all us Los Angeles + surrounding areas based traders. This would be more of a technical/psychological/trade discussion rather than just a fun time of dinner and drinks. Maybe we would bring our laptops, some trades to discuss, our trading journals or anything else trade related. I live in the Pasadena area and if I were to lead this would want to do it close to hear as it seems like a fairly central spot for everyone in LA as well as our Orange County and San Diego traders who might want to come. What do you all think? Ideas, suggestions, thoughts are very very welcome . . .
  10. 1 point
    Additional Analysis on Risk:Reward Ratio: I felt my partials were too early in Apr, I created a Heatmap to capture the R:R ratio for all the trades in April. Without no doubt, most of the partials were at 1:1. The 1:1 partials don't work in the long term. Trading is a matter of probabilities, and with RR of 1:1 every $ you gain, you may lose another $ and you may never grow your portfolio. There is no EDGE. Based on this analysis I decided to improve my partials in May, unfortunately, there weren't too many trades that were successful in May. Nevertheless, there is improvement and more Profit on the right side of the Heatmap in May. As a matter of fact, couple of my trades were losing trades, because I didn't want to partial early. I know that this will work in long term. Apr-19: Mai-19: Also, did an analysis on how to meet the Yearly $ target sooner with better RR trade setup and captured the same below.
  11. 1 point
    May Month Summary: - 2 My P&L information after May-19.
  12. 1 point
    May Month Summary: Went thru quite a bit of emotions in the last 2 months. After nailing the first month live (Apr'19), where I had 5 Greendays and 1 Redday, my confidence was so high. I thought I was ready to increase my share size and start making profits rightaway. I am proved TOTALLY wrong by the end of May (my 2nd month) with 9 Reddays and 3 Greendays. I have been humbled by the market. Luckily, I increased my share size only slightly (1.5X) this month, I would have had huge losses if I had gone bigger (5X or even 3X). Also, I am happy that it happened so early in my Trading, otherwise I would have had false hopes. Good: Patience, Respecting stoploss, entering into a trade only after validating a proper setup, Trading off L2, Good premarket analysis & No FOMO or Revenge trading. Analyising R:R and not taking partials too soon (this was my issue to fix at the end of April) Lessons learnt (thru the mistakes I made this month): Avoid Trading a stock which is not on the watchlist totally. As I am trading off the Daily timeframe (premarket analysis) the setup may take time to pan out and may not happen immediately at the open. When the Open volume is low, price can be very volatile, wait for the 15 min setup. Observe the chart (don't just see it) for patterns (for e.g 3 candle setup) Don't short a stock that is too strong. I am slowly drifting away from my usual setups, i need to finalize 3-4 setups and master them. Another observation is Market traded very differently in May compared to April. Trading is indeed difficult during summer months. I understand that a stock never trades similar to another day, but May has been totally Wicky and offered good setups only in higher timeframe. My Trade management should adapt to how the market behaves. Attaching below 2 charts of AMD (in April and May) trading at the same price level but completely differently.
  13. 1 point
    Live trading summary of the month of May. So May was the first month where my main focus was on the trading process. Versus the previous three months the primary focus was on psychology. I am still on a 2 trades/day maximum, though if the first trade is especially painful I may call it quits for the day. Same goes if the first trade was a nice winner I will stop for the day. I stayed with the same $42 risk per trade through April and May. I am disappointed with my results this month. My main goal was to improve on my average score card from last month. But I both May and April’s average score are essentially identical. Though not a priority I am not happy it is my first red month since January. It is also my first month <60% win rate since January with a 44% win rate for May. Though I am only in the red by -2.7R for the whole month, which isn’t that bad. I did have an issue adapting to the change in market. My back-test data showed AAPL was no longer in play for the 2min ORB. But for over a week, AAPL looked so good in the premarket, there I was throwing money away trading it. It took over a week for me to learn my lesson and finally stop. I also just applied for account at Centerpoint, the issues CMEG had for a couple of days was the last straw. I think I can trust myself with a larger account now so I need to move on. In May I read (actually listened to) Millionaire Traders. Though it was worth reading I got more out of Market Wizards. I am now listening to the Daily Trading Coach again, reading The Playbook on Kindle and reading Market Mind Games on hard back. Stats for February/March/April/May: Goals for June: 1) Don’t go hulk 2) Learn to control your emotions after a loss 3) The trade score card average for the month should exceed the previous month. 4) Reduce risk per trade from $42 back to $25 until trade score card improve 5) Keep improving health
  14. 1 point
    May 31, 2019 - $AMD (Partial) Took 1 live trade on $AMD, probably should have taken a second, but with it being Friday and getting a good trade right off the back I did not feel like giving anything back. I entered without any hesitation or really thought about whether I was right or wrong. Money was absolutely not on my mind. I saw pullback to VWAP, a strong rejection, and heavy pop above the previous candle. I went long as soon as it broke the previous candle and moving averages. My first cover was when it made a new high of the day. Second cover was after a quick pop up. I should have waited till it hit the 200 SMA Moving Average on the 5 min chart. I was a little early. I exited when it made a new 1 minute low and when above the 200 Moving average on 5 min then quickly dropped below. Another entry opportunity presented itself at 9:58, but I was already into journaling and already quite for the day. This trade would have made it to the profit target. Sample Set Results, S P P P P S P P S G G P P P 15 16 17 18 19 20
  15. 1 point
    Hi Rob, That's a great question which I do not feel qualified to answer, and can say that I have personally found little useful data using options tables with intraday trading. I have heard of a few who swear by watching option premiums to help predict market direction and am still investigating. Hopefully one of the more experienced option traders can help. Have a great weekend!
  16. 1 point
    Live trading summary for week ending 5/31/19. A short week of trading, only two days. The markets were closed on Memorial day, a second day lost with CMEG issues and one day lost due to no sleep. Both days were red. Of the 4 trades total this week, three were OK but one was quite poor, one of the bottom trades I took this month. In general I feel like I fell into a rut and those 6 forced days I couldn’t trade made me feel out of practice. Back test data (for 1min/2min ORBs) from last week shows FB still making solid 1min/2min for 4 weeks now. AMD showed only marginal data last week and I will decide day by day if to watch it. AAPL showed OK data but will take at least two good weeks in a row before I will consider watching it. Data still shows I should still not be watching it. MU, had a poor week and will not be on my primary watch list. So I only have one stock really in play and I need a second one. ROKU is actually in play for 2min ORBs but since CMEG does not have shares to short I have not placed it on my watch-list. Since I really need a second 2min ORB stock I will consider watching it next week and hope for a ORBU. Here is my plan for next week: Concentrate on process and score card, not on W% and P/L Do not trade AAPL until better data is seen. Make FB your prinary focus. But, vol min is changed to 100K in the first 20sec, no longer need 300K in first minute. AMD is now marginal for the 2min ORB, decide each day if you want it as the secondary 2min ORB focus. ROKU is in play for the 2min ORB, so consider it as the secondary focus if AMD has a poor premarket. MU is not in play for 2min ORB. Remember to trade the 5min ORB as a 5min ORB. Trade review shows I am trading 5min ORBs with 2min ORB methodlogy by reflex. That won't work. Have a good weekend.
  17. 1 point
    Friday 5/31/2019 I had a well-being score of 5.5/10 this morning (only 4.5 hours a sleep). My nerves were OK. Since it was Friday I traded half share sizes today. I took two live trades with AMD then FB. I was actually looking at FB at the open. Lots of volume and a nice hammer. I was waiting to pull the trigger long when it broke the 50MA. It didn’t so I moved my attention to AMD. AMD bounced hard off the 200MA-1min and made a nice candle. There were 4 levels all bunched together around 27.6 so I waited for a clean break of all the levels and went long. The price did reach my first target for a partial, but never reached my second partial even though the volume stayed strong. Then I exited at B/E. My next trade was with FB. I was looking for a 5min ORB and I saw FB 1min candles bouncing between VWAP and the 50MA-1min. The candles were hammers, but when FB has a fight with VWAP and the 50MA, lately the 50MA has been winning. So I really didn’t know which way it would break. It did finally break down through VWAP, but I waited for the price to break the $180 level, since there was a false VWAP break 2min earlier and FB respected the $180 level in premarket. I shorted at the break of $180. I was so focused on FB I didn’t look at any other chart for the last 2 minutes. As soon as I entered the trade I noticed all my other stocks on my watch list have now gone bullish. Uh oh. Not enough of a signal for me to get out of the trade, but I definitely had my finger on cover-all. I exited at planned S/O. What it looked like when I took the trade: 1min 5min My score card for today: What I did good today: Took two OK trades. How did I challenge myself today? Waited for level breaks, did not enter too early. What I did bad today: Trading the 5min ORB like a 2min ORB out of reflex. But the setups and entries are different. What can I do better tomorrow: Lots of data crunching this weekend. This month did not go very well. I need to determine my training plan for next month.
  18. 1 point
    This is my gaming setup that I am slowly converting into my trading setup. I built the computer and the cabinets/desk. My twins just turned 1 month old and we got sooo lucky with our first kids being a boy and a girl. My real name is Jordan. I work in a power plant near Dallas, Tx and the powerlines are 345,000 volts
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    Break even is always a W! You can always get back in if the setup is still valid.
  21. 1 point
    I hear ya! I had three trades today that didn’t go my way initially and I had multiple chances to exit at b/e, but held on to them hoping they would magically go my way. Although I was confident in the setups to begin with after another 5 minutes of holding the position the setup was much different and I would have never entered at that point but I refused to be wrong. And it cost me. What I learned today was that b/e is sometimes a W!
  22. 1 point
    May 30, 2019 - $AMD x 2 (2 Partials) I not sure why I keep gravitating towards $AMD this week, but I do. Maybe because of the small gappers the past two days for mid and high float stocks. 1st Trade – Entered when the stock kept rejecting VWAP and the Moving Averages and made a new low from the previous 1 minute candle. Took profit at the low of the day and exited at my breakeven. 2nd trade – Had a great 15 min ORB setup and entered again when the stock rejected VWAP and loss the moving averages again. Took profit again at the low of the day and exited at my breakeven. It just did not want to go green to red in the morning. Sample Set Results, S P P P P S P P S G G P P 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  23. 1 point
    30.Mai.19 Red day today. Max loss day. I have been sick this week, didn't trade last couple of days. Today made 2 trades in $CY and $AMD. Today's BBT watchlist was very thin. I was interested in $BYND, $ROKU, $AMD, $TEVA. I was watching $AMD and $TEVA at the Open. $AMD had all MA's as support levels except for 50MA on 30min. I had this level at $28.5 and if the price breaks this it can really shoot up. $AMD was very very choppy at the open, I was watching for 20mins and still I couldn't find a pattern. There was no setup. Typically, when $AMD or $MU don't open well, mid-day moves are very good. So I moved on to watching other stocks. Trade 1: $CY hit the TI scanner as ORB 10min, this stock was brought up during the premarket show also. I looked at $CY and it looked very strong (all MA's in all timeframes were support.) I waited for a pullback close to VWAP and took it long. Got stopped out below VWAP. There was immediate resistence level above and the price couldn't break, eventhough it did the ORB with huge volume. $CY: Entry - $17.90, stop - 15c. Trade 2: $AMD on 2 min was just breaking the VWAP and the 50 MA, I waited for the candle to close above this level and took it long. Price pulled back close to my Stop and shot up again. Volume was supportive too. It hit my level $28.5 and was pushing above it. Suddenly $SPY dropped and AMD dropped like crazy. I got out at my Stoploss. $AMD: Entry - 28.37, Stop -10c, Profit target - $28.78 (RR-4:1). . Good: Was patient, eventhough $AMD didn't do anything at the open for close to 20mins, just watching all timeframes as it was forming (including 15min) looking for setups. Only after a confirmation went long on $AMD. on $CY, I don't take the stocks from TI scanner usually. Today I didn't just jump into the trade, I checked all the MA levels and waited for pullback for Entry on $CY. on $AMD, When the price hit $28.5 the R:R was 2:1, I didn't partial out here, but waited for my 4:1. Improvement: Hit my maxloss today for the first time. I need to reduce the share size, it appears the setup is perfect and so I am going with medium size, and getting hit. $AMD I should have got out early e.g at 9/20 MA cross on the 1min. $CY Didn't check the previous resistence from daily. May be next time do I missed the 3 candle setup on $ROKU 2 mins, I also had the level $92.3 and I was planning to go Long if price breaks it (harmonious chart here). I was actually looking at the chart and didn't notice the price crossed this level, Andrew also called $ROKU long and It didn't hit me either. I just didn't notice the levels I put in, after the market opened. I should have. P.S - On hindsight, eventhough I saw the double top on $AMD at $28.54, and I didn't take partial or get out, because I was shooting for higher R:R, the price action never crossed this level. Only WICKs touching it.
  24. 1 point
    Today’s trading .... pl -80 but about 50 tickers... live account that is... i relapsed and started trading like a mad man xbcbcnx (I want to use some other words but not sure about the tolerance of this forum so I’ll keep it civil...xbsndndb) first I missed a trade on amd, my order didn’t go through, then I went short on roku but also I didn’t get in.... I thought what the hell and then I noticed my montages was still locked.. perhaps this was a sign that I shouldn’t trade today, boy did I ignore that. i traded roku , mu, jd, aapl..couple of times. In The middle of all of it I managed to get back to zero once but yeah, there was still some comission cost I had to pay for.. so I pretended it was happy hour and I continued, stupid idiot. i actually thought I had the revenge trading covered.. disappointed in myself now. ill update charts later on... edit well i really traded like a 90percenter... i made 18 trades of which 13 loosers, way too much, getting in and out too quickly with no real setup. i traded again off the 1 minute with little respect for the 5 i see now. the 1 minute was very choppy on mu, i think it was heavily influenced by the spy, so not very in play. broke some rules like only get in on a pull back, i watched jd, getting higher, told myself wait wait for about 2 min but then somehow i got in at the almost top lol, only roku was a bit of a success though i missed most of the move due to my playing around with mu. and i did loose some when i went short roku which i thought was a double top. double tops seem to be difficult, i find head and shoulders more reliable., double bottoms on the other hand are easier. so now im again about breakeven for the week, friday i may not be able to trade, might be back home too late. win percentage so far this week is now 46% so not the 65 i was aiming for before i should go back live.... yesterday it was still 84% to end with a positive note, i did not start increasing my share size to make up for losses and i did not go below max loss which i told myself 100$, so maybe this means im actually improving....10% here i come :)
  25. 1 point
    Thursday 5/30/2019 I had a well-being score of 6.5/10 this morning. My nerves were not good due to 6 days of not trading, my last day trading was one of the worst I had live and the huge FOMO I had with the nice moves I missed the past few days. I felt that it was inevitable that I will have a double stop out today. Since that was a powerful self-fulfilling prophecy, I traded half share sizes today. I took two live trades with FB. First trade I traded OK, the second trade I traded poorly. FB bounced off the 50MA and made a nice hammer as it broke VWAP. It had the minimum volume needed of 125K in 20 seconds. 300K in the first minute is the minimum to call it in play. I went long at the breakoff VWAP. It quickly made it to my first target ($183.50) and then quickly reversed. I tried to exit at B/E but there was some slippage and the trade was a slight loss. What it looked like when I took the trade: 1min The second FB trade was a disaster. FB was dropping fast and heading to an unusually strong tech level of 200MA+Daily Level+PDC. So I was going to go long the moment it touched it expecting a bounce. First mistake, I didn’t check the volume. After the first 20 seconds of the market open the volume dried up and FB was not in play, so no trades should have been considered. I did place the order when it touched the 3X tech level. It sure bounced. So much I lost 25 cents on the entry. The R/R is now bad, but it never crossed my mind to get out of the trade, though that is a rule and my second big mistake on the trade. I actually had a good 5 seconds that I could have exited with a small profit, but I held. When the price retraced to the tech level again I stopped out. It had a large slippage again so I had a 50 cent stop out, well larger than the planned one. What it looked like when I took the trade: 1min Both trades: My score card for today: What I did good today: My first trade was fine and at least I knew to go half share size today. How did I challenge myself today? Traded after a forced 6 days off. What I did bad today: Didn’t check for volume or quickly get out of a bad entry trade. I am hoping these errors are due to not trading for awhile. What can I do better tomorrow: Relearn my rules. Apparently, I forgot them.
  26. 1 point
    may 29, PL 95, 22 tickets it was not bad again but a lot of room for improvement shows up, my execution must improve a lot to take advantage of a winning trade. a trade that i unfortunately missed was goos, i went short but got an invalid share size error, not sure why. maybe it was something to do with that the stock was on SSR. need to look into this. i traded AMD first, i went long for an ORB but the price just stalled right after i got in, it looked like it didn't want to go up so i got out, then i thought it would at least go down to vwap so i got in short, partialled out and took last part when it crossed the 50ma, it didnt hold the break so i went short again just below vwap which was good but i always partial out too quickly so again i missed the good move. i really need to work on this, not sure how. later in the day, i wanted to short amd 1 more time, wanted to short it on the 9ma but my montage wasn't selected, when i noticed i got in quickly but i really shouldn't have don that. the moment i got i knew its a bad entry. i wasn't happy with it and i got out, earlier then my intended stop because it crossed the 9ma and i thought it might go higher again which it eventually did before getting more bearish again. i regretted taking this trade, i just felt like being in a trade and let myself get a bad entry. i traded roku at the open for an orb but again it didn't feel strong so i first got out 50% to reduce my share size, then got stopped out the rest, further then i wanted, my initial order didn't go through, it stayed in open order, i canceled it and send another order which got filled promptly. again, i need to take a look at my hotkeys. roku was called out in the chat that it was forming a wig, i agreed on that but i wasn't sure what to put as a good stop target and while i was wondering it broke out. i then though i will get in on a retest if it crosses the high of the day, it didn't really want to retest this level but i still got in, i didn't really catch a nice move but it was enough to pay for the earlier loss and the commissions lol. I really must work on my exits, having a good entry is key but where you exit has a huge effect on your profit. i feel this will take some time to improve. but i have to work on this, losses will definitely come again so not being able to capitalize on winning trades is a problem
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    Live trading summary for week ending 5/24/19. It was a very unusual week of trading. From a stat standpoint it was not good. Score card of 78% and a win% of 38% and my largest weekly loss this month. From a psychological standpoint, I was all over the place this week. The first three days were actually fun, even though all three days my P/L was flat. I was really enjoying the process of learning. This is possibly the first time. As was curious to see what the market would bring and eager to figure out how to handle it. Then it came crashing down on Thursday where I traded REALLY poorly. Then there were issues with CMEG on Friday so I didn’t trade. This week I also found how unadaptable I was. I was always worried that I would not be able to adapt to the continuous change in the market. But I thought the issue would be that I would not know what new direction I should take. So my back test data from last weekend clearly showed AAPL was no longer in play for my 1min/2min ORB setups. But FB definitely was in play. So very simply, for the first few minutes after the open don’t trade AAPL and instead make FB your primary focus. Then I would wake up in the morning and see this wonderful premarket action on AAPL and couldn’t help myself and would make it my primary focus. So all week I got chopped up on these seemingly excellent setups on AAPL, while FB were having these really nice ORBs. So I knew what to change, but was unable to make the change. Back test data from last week shows FB still making great 1min/2min for 3 weeks now. Too bad I only traded FB once last week. AAPL data still shows I should still not be watching it. AMD worth watching. And MU, though still not great, is improving the 1min/2min ORBs. Here is my plan for next week:
  30. 1 point
    Hi Andrew, I am really benefiting from the community you and your team have established. I like the morning chat room and the educational videos. Keep up the excellent work. -Devin
  31. 1 point
    This really is the best community out there. The moderators are very knowledgeable and helpful, and Andrew's trading is amazing!
  32. 1 point
    I love bear bull trades community. I am a lifetime member with them since 2018. Andrew is a great teacher. I have completed all the classes and training on the simulator. If you are in the market to learn anything specially about day trading and don’t want to get scammed then it is the best community no doubt.
  33. 1 point
    Are the same screens? what is the screen resolution?
  34. 1 point
    Risk and uncertainty is part of trading the markets; however, I am certain that deciding to become a Bear Bull Traders Lifetime Member was the smartest investment I've ever made. As a new or inconsistent trader, joining the Bear Bull Traders community will too be the best investment you make for your trading career.
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