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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    If you are using Interactive Brokers (IB) and the DAS platform, DAS has offered the members of the Bear Bull Traders community an exclusive deal on data for use with their platform for IB users. You will now have access to the following data as part of your normal $150/month data fee (with no additional cost to you): Float and other stock fundamental data IEX Market Depth e-Mini Data Forex Data -If you do not already have accounts with DAS and IB, then please click here to be brought to the IB/DAS sign-up page. Please note this link is only for new accounts. -If you do already have accounts with DAS and IB, then please send an email to [email protected], include your current DAS user ID and mention that you are a member of the Bear Bull Traders community. You’ll then receive this promotion and they will upgrade your DAS account.
  2. 2 points
    Wednesday June 8th, 2019 Sleep: 7.5 hours. Mood: good, ready to trade. First trade of the day was an ORBD in X. it worked for a little bit but then squeezed up to my stop. i held on to see if it was going to stay up there but it came back down to my entry almost immediately so i held. I think this was a good decision. it looked good to break the LOTD but then it just sqeezed right back up past my stop and i took a much larger loss than anticipated. my own dumb fault for being stubborn. GOOD: entry was good, RFI: you have to get out at your stops. MOOD: mad that i let myself take that much of a loss. CONSISTENT: no. So then it did a double bottom and squeezed up. i jumped the gun and got in too early and got stopped out, a little below my intended stop. GOOD: exit wasn't too terrible. RFI: don't chase entries. MOOD: disappointed. CONSISTENT: yes. I saw that it was likely still going higher so i got back in on the long side this time with a much better entry. it was so close to my 2R profit target but then it just sold off for 15 minutes straight. never hit my planned stop though i talked myself out of the trade and reversed my position and got stopped out on the other side!! The price action on this stock is garbage and i just keep trying to make money on it and it just beat me up all morning. it ended up hitting my initial target on the long side from the previous trade. i mismanaged a winner in to two losses. This is the exact reason i put range orders in and don't mess with them, i overthink the trade. GOOD: perfect entry, good R/R RFI: talked myself out of a good trade. MOOD: mad CONSISTENT: no did not trade my plan. here's the switch to short. Took some other trades in X just messing around. i don't count them to my daily because i don't have a max daily loss on my SIM so i can practice all day but i do call it quits for my journal when i hit max loss, regardless of the trades i take after. What a poor day of trading for me. that seems to be how it goes, i'll do ok one day then good the following but that is almost always followed up by a big losing day. this would have been a fine day if i would have just gotten out of my ORBD at my intended stop and then not chase the trade to the long side and respected my plan it would have been a green day. instead i let my emotions get the better of me and took a max loss day. pretty disappointing. What i did good today: trade one and three were good entries. What i did bad today: didn't respect stop loss. What can i do better tomorrow: always get out at your intended stop.
  3. 2 points
  4. 1 point
    Wednesday 5/08/2019 I had a well-being score of 5/10 this morning. Very groggy. My watch said I woke up, by alarm, from deep sleep. This is unusual for me. My nerves were OK. Took two live trades with AAPL. I haven’t traded this bad since February. Very disappointed with myself. AMD was my primary focus, but today was the first day I got my new DAS layout working. So there is no primary stock anymore. I can actively focus on two separate stocks without flipping my Montage. I am hoping this was not the cause. If I still trade bad the rest of the week I will switch back my layout. AMD was almost setting up but not quite. Then AAPL was setting up, or so I thought, with a mini ABCD. So for the setup I wait if there is a bounce at the same level and enter the trade after the bounce when the price is moving in my direction. So I made my first mistake, instead of using the bounce as an entry point, I was concerned about the $230 level just above it and waited for it to break the $203 to go long. I still have a R/R ~2 using the $203.5 as my target. But since I was watching AMD I didn’t watch the price action on AAPL. So I couldn’t confirm the $203 was actually a respected level. I found out after watching the video that it was not respected and should have followed the usual plan and go long at the bounce. Any way I waited for the break of $203 and went long. There was a big price acceleration on the break and I got a bad fill. This caused my R/R to become R/R~1. The rule, which I never follow, is to get out of the trade. But what I usually do now, if the price is going in my direction, is take some off that the original S/O level is back to -1R. That is what I did and got stopped out. This is what it looked like when I took the trade: 1min Chart AAPL then bounced off the high of PM ($202.7). Now I know that the $203 is not a level, so I went long again at the break of the 202.87 level with S/O at the 202.7. Again my fill was really bad and only got a slightly better entry than last time. Again I have a R/R~1. Did I learn my lesson and get out? Of course not. I did the same thing again and sold some, so my original S/O is back to -1R. And again I got S/O. The feeling to revenge trade and FOMO, since AMD and AAPL were both setting up even better a couple minutes later, was really high. But I stayed at my 2 trade limit. After my trading session, when I was watching the video tape I realized how bad my mistake was. I never looked at the 5min chart since premarket. There was no setup. The 200MA vetoed both trades. Then I remembered why I chose AMD as my primary focus. During the premarket I noticed that AAPL had to many levels above the current price to be able to trade it long today, versus AMD had more opportunity. I totally forgot this, even though only 10min had past, and I took AAPL long….twice!! Score card for today: Trade 1: 30% Trade2: 32% Very disappointed with myself. I was hoping to stay above 80% for all trades this month. What I did good today: Stopped myself at the 2 trade limit. Took my S/Os as planned. How did I challenge myself today? Traded with a new layout. What I did bad today: I felt like I regressed 3 months with my trading today. What can I do better tomorrow: Yeeks!! Look at your 5min chart!! I have been trading SIM/Live for a year now, that is ridiculous. Also, got to just bail on my trades with bad entries. If I did that today I would have ended the day +0.7R. Which is really good for a sloppy trading day.
  5. 1 point
    Hello New member here. I have been trying to day trading on and off for about 1 year. I am having my ups and downs (mostly downs ). Am here to learn for this great BBT community and hope to turn my trading career to reality. Here is my poor man's trading set up: - TOS - free charting and LVL2 - Medved Trader - Free version to execute partials - IB - TWS - to entry trade and exiting full position. The only monthly I pay is for the IB account fee of $10 (waived) + $4.5 data.
  6. 1 point
    My elaborate setup with my new favorite movie .. based on a true story. No that's not my real setup, I use three watches. But seriously, I can't share my setup (currently building a new desk), so I thought I'd have some fun with this. I'll show myself out.
  7. 1 point
    An update: After a couple of days, TD responded to my query and offered to remove the PTD flag as a courtesy, since I am such a newb. (my words) . So it ended well.
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