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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/27/2018 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Salaam Esam! Nice to see another Egyptian in the community I wish you all the best with your trading and look forward to seeing you in the chat tomorrow!
  2. 1 point
    Hello Bear Bull's Community, I recently found this topic in the member's forum and wanted to take a moment and introduce myself. My name is Esam E. and I am from Cairo, Egypt by way of Orange County, California. I recently graduated from CSU Fullerton with a B.S. in Accounting and Finance, and I am currently a Master's Candidate in Accountancy, at the University of California, Irvine, Paul Merage School of Business. I currently work as an Accountant for a small firm (from home) and have aspirations of becoming a licensed CPA. I have been Swing Trading the last two-years (on Charles Schwab SSE), and like many others was wondering if I could parlay the success I had into an actual career as a DayTrader. After much due diligence and a couple epiphanies later, I stumbled upon Mr. Andrew Aziz's book(s). I was really blown away by the level of honesty in Andrew's book, something that I was hard-pressed to find in other "guru" books circulating out there. After checking out the BBT website I decided to join as a Pro member with the DAS Simulator package. Quick sidebar: I joined online on 7/24 and had not heard back from Andrew after four days or so, so I sent him an email asking when I could expect to get access to the simulator, in hopes of starting to practice on that Monday of the following week. Andrew quickly replied back and said that he would have me setup by the end of the business day. Awesome customer service right! That Sunday, 7/29, I receive my first BBT Newsletter, and low-and-behold, it turns out Andrew was on his excursion in Mexico, conquering mountains and such. So Andrew, while on vacation in Mexico, hiking nonetheless, took the time out of his trip to set-up my account!! I do not know about you, but I tend not to work on my holiday's. Just goes to show the type of business-owner and man that Andrew is. So I have currently been in the Sim. for the last few weeks and have thoroughly enjoyed not only the daily-lessons from Andrew but the engagement from the community on BBT as well. I have so much to learn, and am genuinely excited about the path laid out by many before me. I would be remissed if I did not say that my intention was to make a lot of money (originally at-least), but after reading Andrew's books and practicing on the SIM (albeit for not to long), and listening to all the wonderful advice in the chatroom and in the classes, I feel I have a chance. That is truly all I wanted! This will not make me rich (quickly), that I understand, but being able to have the chance to take care of my family and do better financially then I have ever thought possible, on my own-terms, that is opportunity I do not want to waste. Thank you to all for your continued support. Happy trading! - Esam E.
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