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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/2018 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I created this Google Spreadsheet to help myself with position sizing, and I thought I would share it with you guys. I always have this printed out and laying on my desk while I am trading. I did take this a step further and created a custom keyboard with hotkeys, but I will share that info at the end. With this spreadsheet you are able to calculate your position size on the fly, just by knowing the distance to your stop loss. By default, the risk is set to 100. This means every single trade that you take, you should lose no more than $100. An example would be, if my stop loss is 0.30 away, my position size for that trade would be 334 shares. You are able to change the default risk to what ever you are willing to risk, and your share sizes will automatically be calculated. Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iD0qiPLulbYSFri9r38SG1Ke7eNiZdFHNg8MldGwSng/edit?usp=sharing To use this Spreadsheet: make sure you are logged in to your Google account, so you are able to copy the spreadsheet to your Google Drive go to File -> Make a copy... -> Then save it to your Google Drive Once you have copied the spreadsheet, you can now edit the default risk of 100, and your share sizes will be calculated accordingly A step further... The Keyboard Having this printed on your desk does help you easily calculate your position size, but it does have one drawback. You have to enter your position size in manually, which does eat up precious time. I wanted the idea of the chart used as hotkeys, so my solution was a custom keyboard. I have attached the proof I got back from http://www.wasdkeyboards.com, as well as a photo of the physical keyboard. How it works As you can see from the images, the distance to stop loss is printed on the alpha keys. If I have my hotkeys set up to risk 100 per trade, Short+Modifier+E would short the stock with 667 shares: Risk: 100 Distance to stop loss: 0.15 100 / .15 = 666.6 (667 rounded up) Conclusion Having the spreadsheet printed in front of me while I trade really helped with my position size. The keyboard really helped me execute my trades faster.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    it'll definitely help me, dicrease my losses, and maybe make better profits I was just trading with 100/200 shares no matter were my stop loss was, that was terrible because sometimes I was winning 1/2/3 trades and then sometimes one trade wipes that all... With position sizing, it'll help me held my winnings and make my loses small)) Thanks again))
  4. 1 point
    Glad you like it. I hope it works well for you!
  5. 1 point
    Bro that's amazing, I loved the calculations and that sheet)) I printed it as well, I think I'll buy a keyboard and just stick everything bymyself for now, but I really like you keyboard :DD!! It's amazing! Thank you for sharing this)
  6. 1 point
    Reviewing my trades for this week and updating my whiteboard with the top Improvement points for next week. Glad this bumpy and choppy week is over.
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