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BBT en Español

Espacio para que los Miembros de habla hispana en BBT compartan sobre day trading, brinden y reciban apoyo, hagan sus preguntas y juntos formemos una comunidad de day traders exitosos!


  1. Day Trading

    Bienvenidos a preguntar y compartir todo lo relacionado al day trading: estrategias, libros, operaciones, tradebooks, journals, etc. 

  2. Swing Trading

    Espacio para preguntar y compartir todo lo relacionado al Swing Trading: ideas, estrategias, libros, videos, operaciones, journals y más.

    • No posts here yet
  3. Plataformas de Trading

    Bienvenido a preguntar y compartir todo lo relacionado a Plataformas de Trading.


    • Hi Tommy, new to BBT. Are you still actively day trading in Singapore, and was your low latency issue with DAS Pro resolved? Would love to learn from you! Dan
    • Hi There, I am wondering if there are any Canadians here in the community that do active day and/or swing trading as a business? I am in the same boat, and am looking for recommendations on an accountant who has experience with day trading business taxes. Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks!
    • Hi Everyone, I was wondering if someone can recommend an accounting firm based out of Canada who has experience with day traders (preferably someone that you have worked with, and had good experience). I trade as a business entity in Canada, and am looking for a firm that can do accounting, year end returns etc. I saw the Green Trader Tax firm being recommended earlier in this thread, but doesn't seem like they work with Canadian taxes. Thanks.
    • Trying to keep this post alive and relevant and at the top. Hoping to attract locals I can meet up with and talk shop. With that in mind, I thought about just popping in here and posting about what I am currently studying. I'm studying The Wyckoff Method and Elliott wave principle (aka Elliott wave theory).
    • “Sheer will and determination is no substitute for something that actually works.” - Jason Klatt 📈 📊 🔄 💱 💹 🤝 💲 🔁 💸 📉 💰 💎
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