MadsFromDenmark 10 Posted October 2, 2018 Okay! Let's go i am ready now! Or am i? That the questions i keep asking myself, what more do i need now, and what do i have.... So let's start from the beginning. This is what i have right now! Soon i will begin my journal, of trading, an i am ready, to hit it! But right now, let's go into step buy step, why i have all those things, and stuff. I got this (Note book) because i want to (leave) and (keep) my journey, in mind, so i always, can look back, from where i was. I also have this because, i want to keep tracking my trades down, but i am not going to use it like a (log book) but more like a diary, to keep my emotions down there, and everything that i will learn, and have done for the day, what i would fell after the day, what i have learn and son on. I got this book, to track my trades, every single one of them. to see how it's going, and could go back and see if/or i did take that set-up/trade before, and did i go well. The map, i have this, because i want to (keep) making rules, and set in. I want to have my (strategy) close to me, and can change it buy the time, i delivery more experience day for day, and to see what it started for, maybe the ABCD pattern, will be change after 3 days, because i found out that i need, some more (conformation) in that strategy, and then i can change it. Just some of my rules, wanna say thanks to Andrew, Robert, And Peter for those great informations about risk, control and psychology! Keep the good work guys! Thanks. I got this, because i don't now what to set as target for the day, and will change it for day for day. Why? Because,i think its important, to set the goal, for what you day have been, (are you tried) (did you have a bad day) (are you feeling strong) (do you have some emotions going on) and so on. But the MAX loss pr day will always be the same! Thinking right now to set it at ( 250$) its 1 % for the totalt amount of my account, i know its not a lot, but still new, and i know its only a (demo). But want to keep it like it's was my job, and real money! And Max loss pr day trades will always be the same! 3 trades! And that will also be my MAX loss pr day. so 1% of the totalt amount of my account. Stoploss pr trade: it would change buy time, for RR, but would keep it for 83$, so i can lose 3 trades. before i hit my MAX loss pr day. - Also want to say thanks to the great article Peter D, and the good excel ark! definitely gonna use that! And this! Yes MAN! How the week going so far? Let me see, just buy that, keep my trades and the overall (P/L) day for day. Thank you! Can't remember is name, but did see this on the (Members day trading recap) But thanks! I think its very important, to have this! 1: Just so you can see what the week is going so far. 2: Its about the psychology , behind it. You need to type it down, and when your are sitting there you dont want to let it be red. Just like the (bonus, on the day job) Or the every month, (journey) How much, did you make? What did you do wrong? How fast was you? 3: are you green for 3 days? Then you can see how the day was before, you began to trade, in my (day trading journey) was i happy, did i have a good day? Maybe i got a lot of sleep? AND of course the (hot key pad) i want to do it fast, don't want do fumble around and make those (hotkeys mistakes).. So i did buy this, will do update on this. It's my own (howkeys) right now, i just need to (log it in) das if i can.. I like you see on picture (2) i can open Trade ideas, facebook and so on.. If i click on (bear bull traders) it will open another (hot keys) So i easily can open some of those websites. And if i click on (Das) it will open another ( Hot keys) and there will my hot keys, now i just need to set it in das, if i can. The Excel ark, to make my positions size fast and easy, to keep my (stop loss) in my 83$. for every trade i take. So yeah, i think i mid be ready to go out, and do some trades. Do i need more? Did i miss something? - I will not post here every day, i think, but mostly like every week. (sunday) for all the trades i took, and so on. Maybe it will be every day, if not, i will do it the way, i was saying up there. Still need to set up, my Das demo account, so will start it next week. Can you all have a great week! Mads From Denmark! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brendon 146 Posted October 4, 2018 Wow Made Dane, you put a ton of effort into all this. You know we need to convince Elagato company to release a larger StreamDeck to allow for more custom hard stop keys...maybe 5 across, 5 down. I use hard stops of 5c but run out of room with 1 device and have to make folders for additional keys. I agree stick with the 1% perhaps 2% account risk per trade and if you want to make more money, you will need to grow your balance not risk more...always remember that. Remember to log the days you break your rules and review them so you do not relapse. The way I am doing that now is living the cube life 'outlook and excel' all day long at work. Never again am I going to blow past my stops. I'll make a post about that sometime for anyone here not respecting proper risk management. Your trading is so dependent on your external life factors, so make sure nothing will interfere with your performance, i.e. sleep, stress, money, bills, kids, wife, hubby, etc...all of that WILL affect your performance to some degree. Very unlike other jobs and things we do during the day. Thanks for the detailed post bruh. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MadsFromDenmark 10 Posted October 6, 2018 On 10/5/2018 at 12:57 AM, Brendon said: Wow Made Dane, you put a ton of effort into all this. You know we need to convince Elagato company to release a larger StreamDeck to allow for more custom hard stop keys...maybe 5 across, 5 down. I use hard stops of 5c but run out of room with 1 device and have to make folders for additional keys. I agree stick with the 1% perhaps 2% account risk per trade and if you want to make more money, you will need to grow your balance not risk more...always remember that. Remember to log the days you break your rules and review them so you do not relapse. The way I am doing that now is living the cube life 'outlook and excel' all day long at work. Never again am I going to blow past my stops. I'll make a post about that sometime for anyone here not respecting proper risk management. Your trading is so dependent on your external life factors, so make sure nothing will interfere with your performance, i.e. sleep, stress, money, bills, kids, wife, hubby, etc...all of that WILL affect your performance to some degree. Very unlike other jobs and things we do during the day. Thanks for the detailed post bruh. Thank you sir! Yeah differently they need to make, something bigger! I will use my log, and go back to see where and how i, break my rules, but you just got me thinking about to make, a ( remember) this note, so if or when i do, i easily can see it. Thank you for your time Brendon! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MadsFromDenmark 10 Posted October 6, 2018 Hello All! How was you week going so far? I am still trying to figure out, to set my Hot keys in das, into my (stream deck) My problem is, when i hit my hot key, on my stream deck, it will do nothing in Das.. But if i try everywhere else it, works fine.. So right now, i just need to do, so it works in Das.. I also made a (Weekend list) -Hot keys. (almost) -Find some A+ trades , from my scanner, and study/practice them. -See Andrews videos. -Read some page, in ( The investor 's Quotient) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Carlos M. 231 Posted October 18, 2018 Wow excellent post! You are gearing yourself up for success! The work you put into outside of actual trading is what pays off when you trade. Could not agree more with Brendon here: On 10/4/2018 at 6:57 PM, Brendon said: I agree stick with the 1% perhaps 2% account risk per trade and if you want to make more money, you will need to grow your balance not risk more...always remember that. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MadsFromDenmark 10 Posted October 19, 2018 On 10/18/2018 at 2:52 PM, Carlos M. said: Wow excellent post! You are gearing yourself up for success! The work you put into outside of actual trading is what pays off when you trade. Could not agree more with Brendon here: Thanks for you time to read it Carlos! Love to hear, you are saying that! I hope one day the hard work will come to a point! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MadsFromDenmark 10 Posted October 19, 2018 Okay, let's do this! 17/10-2018. First day trade on the sim, i did get off from work early, so i could see Andrew on the chat. I finally did, set my hotkeys, on what i wanted! And i was READY, i could smell the prey. So the it begin. Could fell the emotions, for all the effort i did put into it.. So let's go into the trades.... AMD: Shares ?? price ?? -107,90 First trade ever on the platform. Das (hotkey) wrong settings,)So, as i mention, i was looking on the chat with andres, and all those others from Bear bull traders, and he said he would go short, on the AMD, for the Open range breakout, so i hit, my (hotkey) for the short, so it could calculate how many shares i should take, and now i just needed to hit my short. but it already have shorted it... Did see it waaay, to soon, and after it was to late.. SQ: Shares ?? Prices ??? -15,77 Second trade on the platform Das (hotkey) wrong settings) So, Andrew said, he was watching SQ, and so did i after that, (ORB) open range breakout, wanted to go short, and did hit my (hotkey) so it could Calculate how many shares i should (short) And i just shorted it, right away... And Again, i did not see it did. Only after it was to late... AMRN: Shares 4, prices 20,31, -0,84. Third trade, after i see what my hotkey was doing, i just sat a number of shares to short (4). The trade was not what i expected, and got stopped out because of my bad entry.. But now i just tried to take a trade by my self, and not a stupid hotkey... Feel, pretty good, about that (stop-loss) for break-even, and follow the RULES. CLDC: FOMO with a big F Shares 922, price 1,47, -92,20 Stupid emotions, was playing on now, my first 2 trades, and it was TRASH! Those hotkey's was pissing me off, but after it, i did edit it. I could fell, how i began to look for the (give me money fast trades) i alredy have taking 2 trades, some i should't and it was only a (hotkey) failure, i am way to late now.. - My (head) saying that to me on that time. So i notice a penny stock, that was pumping right away up! I was hype, to miss it, and jumping on the train, no pull back, no strategies, ONLY a big (emotion) trade... Of felling to miss out the good and fast money... I said, to myself, you just way to stupid, no plan, no strategi, remember i said to my self, should i just wait to it, will go to break even..? And after that i consistently just quit the trade... (Don't trade out of the mistake, get out IT!). ATVI: Shares 267, Price 78,13 +40,05 Bearish engulfing did happen at 5 min chart, waited at little bit, and did see it crack a new 5 min low, my entry was okay wanted to get under that VWAP 1min chart, and see it would continue down, it did so i shorted, and did scalp out to test my hotkeys, and it worked well. Should have waited a to sell, but overall a good trade. CVS: Shares 367, Prices 74,56, +31,25 Bearish engulfing crack, on the 5 min no new high, and a crack of that candle, entry was a little to late but want to see if it could crack that moving average, after i see it could, i did go short. Sclaped out, to the next moving average, and all out after it hit. Expected it could go down to the first moving average on the 5 min , remember also i did see those buyers was coming in. So i did get out of the trade. ISRG: Shares 33, prices 529, +43,62 Was watching it on the 5 min chart, and wanted to see if it could hold the support on the moving average, it did, and now i wanted it to crack that VWAP, On the 5 min and 1 min chart. Did scalp out, of the trade. MU: Shares 488, prices 43,01, +39,04. ORB short, should have waited to get out, but those 3 (consolidatoin) candles, on the 1 min chart, and did see the previous high on the yesterdays close, so got out. Need to be better, to keep some of those shares, and make a (breakeven) stop-loss. So first day, on the (job)! Let's go for this week, did only take 2 trades on for the 17/10-2018... And Today 19/10-2018. I got a lot of stuff, for the job, also so emotions going in my life, so needed to get that on place. But was locking for some trades, and did 2, good trades. IBM: Shares 395, Prices 134,57 +41,25 So was in the chat, and see someone saying take a look on the IBM, so i did.. I was see it, and did see a pullback, but did not trade it... After i see, those 2 b (red candles) on the 1 min, and a doji, i did go short. Did take my profit to quick, but was inspected it to, go up again, because it was to extended. PDCE: Shares 691, Prices 46,52, +71,72 It pop up on the screen and i wanted it to go long, but waited it to conform my entry and that was above that VWAP, for the 15 min chart. It tried 2 times, and cracking down, did see it on the 5 min candle, and now it was a Bearish engulfing crack, so waited it a little bit, and did short it. Wanted it to crack that moving average, on the 1 min, and took some profit afterwards, said to myself, remember, let the trade do the work, so waited a little bit, and scalp out of the trade. right after i was out. It reverse, just lock? or. Have a great weekend! Best of all Mads from Denmark! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MadsFromDenmark 10 Posted October 21, 2018 I just got a white board, follow up some rules, stuff to help me, to become the best trader for myself. I have set those hotkeys, and feel pretty good about them, so right now i will keep them. What i have discovered this week: It is okay not to hit your target for the day, don't ever chase it. Need to be better to keep my trades, and not scalp out to quick. Let the trade come to you. Ride down my how i feel about the day.. Need to be better to that. Hope you all have a great weekend.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MadsFromDenmark 10 Posted October 28, 2018 Week 2: Monday: +55, later that night, it came up in me, and i did see (i traded on the 1 min chart for every trade).. Thursday: +52 Wensday: no trading. Thirsday: +50,69 Friday: -66 First trade of the week: Monday, did have a thoppy day on work, bad sleep.. But decided to trade anyways. I did see later that day, how i traded, and took every trade against my (1 min) .. CLVS: Shares 461 Price 21,65 +42,17 I did not follow my strategi, I was looking on the 1 min chart, and did got short, out from that. But if i just had look on that 5 or 15 min chart, i would never take that trade, out from my strategi... Did scalp out with that Vwap, and was just (lucky) to get out with profit. Bad trade Pets: Shares 319 Price 32,61 -114,84! Bearish engulfing crack, no new 5 min high, got a late entry and should have shorted it when it crack on the 5 min, but was looking on the 1 min chart, and trade (of out that).. AND, i did not follow my stop-loss rule! And because i got that late entry, and not looking for the 5 min, (stop-loss) where i should have set it, i missed a huge move downward!... Just because i traded it on the 1 min chart, and not the 5 min. CLVS: Shares 377 price 21,67 +20,64 Again i did a trade out of the 1 min, shorted it because it broke the (moving averages) on the 1 min, fast scalp out, and out of the break even... If i just look on that 5 min, would i go short in that strong uptrend hell no... Bad, nothing to say on that. CLVS: Shares 592 Price 22,16 +107,30 Small ABCD pattern on 1 min, did buy on the small pullback, and scalp out good. Stop-loss under the moving average. But again, 1 min chart (trade) CLVS: Shares 488 Prices 21,63 +0 Again i did take a trade of the 1 min, break my rule of the stop-loss, and did let it run... Was hopping it to come down. And it did come down, and out in break even...! That one, was a good (learn, money)..! Thursday, 1 trade over and out! Tvix shares 319 prices 49,13 +51,96 Bearish engulfing crack, on the 5 min, no new high on the 1min, wanted it to crack down on the vwap, and the blue moving average.. After i did see that, i shorted it. Did scalp out of the trade, and all out when it hit the 50 moving average on the 5 min. Funny thing, i said it on the chat, that i expected it to crack all the way down to 46, and it did... And because i said that, i did see it cracked it on the 15 min, and got no (support zone) after it. (Just a lesson to me, not to go all out of the trade. Thursday :2 trades AMD: Shares 463 prices 19,41 +21,80 New 5 min high, break those moving average on the 1 min chart, and cracked it on the 5 min, and expected it, to hit (high of the day), It dropped, and got support of the 1 min MA, so waited and lot the trade (handle it) i did see it could't get over that 50 MA, on the 1 min... So i got out of it. and i did see those big sellers. Good trade. ALGN: shares 63 prices: 225,33 +28,69 ABCD patter, on the 1 and 15 min chart.. Did take it of a Moving average trade, and did see it got support of the MA, so got in. Got filed a bit late, did scalp out of it, and was looking on the (s&p500) and it did consolidation period, so got out.. Friday, was no rules day! Said to my self, you now have the time to be on the all day, so you forget your rules, and see how you will handle it. And got damn it was hard, all of those emotions, that came, so (inspired) to see what your rules doing, if you are following them.. I know now, what i do wrong, when i got those emotions on, what takes i trade (for my strategi) and how i fell... Will, do a (new) post, in here only for Friday, because there are a lot in it! Have a great weekend guys! Mads from Denmark! Over and out. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MadsFromDenmark 10 Posted November 11, 2018 That's why i don't doing recaps, and so on... Right now i'm learning, and working my ass off, to learn everything about trading. And just don't have the energy to focus on the forum, and chat. i will be back. MadsFromDenmark! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MadsFromDenmark 10 Posted March 4, 2019 Hey all. I'm back from now! Hope everyone is doing great! Will set the new pc up again. Great day. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites