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Everything posted by Roberto

  1. Let me know what you think of it if you try it.
  2. Those symbols autopopulate when you fill in the correct code. The one you are looking at is for price. [Price]
  3. Good luck. I only run these scanners against my own custom symbol lists, so you might need to think about how to filter what you want to see.
  4. No problem for me to transfer money from my major Canadian bank to IB. Takes a few days but gets there. I transferred cdn funds and changed to USD in ibkr because it's cheap as dirt.
  5. I have been looking at this one. Thx for the quick write up, on the to do list for sure.
  6. This project is coming along nicely. I'm pretty sure this will be replacing both DAS and TI as one package that will be superior to both and cost less money. I've been writing bits of code, for which there is lots of help and documentation. For instance, here's a scanner that looks for 3 day inner Camarilla relationship:
  7. So I have a 3 month free trial with IBKR, and I must say this platform is impressive. When I hit the order, it's registering in TWS faster than when I use the TWS interface. Instant. There is a fixed risk function, but it's not quite as good as I need. it seems like it throws a limit order and then lets you drag the stop from there and calculates the shares. Looking into if there's options to run a market order.
  8. I don't game either and this is strictly for trading. But if I decided this wasn't for me, it's going to be easier to sell a computer that appeals to a gamer. For RAM, it depends what you want to do. If you run a lot of trading apps and VMs, you can chew it up...
  9. I built a machine that will last and I can flip easily to gamers. 3900 Ryzen 9 XT 64 Gb RAM 500gb Samsung pro 980 nvme Corsair 95xt platinum keyboard. Radeon 8gb video card, lower end but good for our purposes Gigabyte Auros WiFi Elite mb, would not recommend Gigabyte 4 monitors, 3 @ 32", no 4k
  10. Scanners are designed to make trading easier by applying my logic to the market. The BBT chat does the opposite more often because you need to decide who's throwing out legit info.
  11. Anyone tried ProRealTime? It's popular in Europe with IG, but it also integrates as API to IBKR. Free to try with data stream for 14 days like DAS, and if you attach to IBKR account, it appears to be 3 months free. I'm looking at some of the features now. StreamDeck integration is unreal...
  12. Possible edge. I'm back to paper for a bit while I work out which platform I want to trade off, and I'm somewhat new to trading. I think the worst instinct is following the open crowd. I tune in, but turn down the volume because listening about NIO all day is not helpful to me. So in that sense, I'm not a fan of the same stock all the time, but I consider NIO more of a meme event too. I've been influenced a bit by former day traders who have turned to more trend style trading. My feel is that running my scanner against a core group of stocks allows me to judge them quicker and make less stressful decisions.
  13. I only scan a core selection of 25 stocks for particular behaviours, with a secondary list of 75 that may hit something interesting. I prefer to be familiar with the stocks and scan them for my setup, and I'm happy to watch a stock grind all day, or quick scalp a HOD/LOD break.
  14. https://www.amazon.ca/Complete-Guide-Price-Analysis/dp/1491249390/ref=sr_1_1?crid=25LNB7MMLYR9P&dchild=1&keywords=anna+coulling&qid=1615675066&sprefix=Anna+cou%2Caps%2C744&sr=8-1 Still valid. Gets better as you get into it. https://www.amazon.com/Flash-Boys-Wall-Street-Revolt/dp/0393351599 Definitely. https://www.amazon.com/Dark-Pools-Machine-Traders-Rigging/dp/0307887189/ref=pd_sim_3?pd_rd_w=ghLZy&pf_rd_p=dc435707-6f1f-492e-b80d-8408db56abc9&pf_rd_r=0BWGXD8SYAZ7NMK268AJ&pd_rd_r=c7f77ae6-113c-4aff-b86a-1f6967a76eb5&pd_rd_wg=uWZvi&pd_rd_i=0307887189&psc=1 On my list.
  15. Has anyone done their Camarilla calculations by hand and compared them to on screen values? My calculations don't agree with IBKR, I'd like to know if anyone else has seen this....
  16. Thanks for the reply. What I was referring to was the data feed, IBKR has a lot of options. But actually, since the original post, I've been seriously reevaluating if I need DAS at all. One minute ORB and scalping as a primary exit strategy won't be my game for a while, maybe ever. I may just use IBKR top of book feeds...
  17. Here's my current list of LOH/HOD tickers that I'll adjust as I see fit. The two alert windows on the right are my main triggers, and have voice alert. The main page above is general info that I'm evaluating for usefulness.
  18. Main screen, my scanners are the block of 16 anchored lower left corner:
  19. Just need the R4 through S4 (U0-U8), but keep the Uxx the same, or you'll need to change them in the scanners.
  20. Just getting this up quick to share, will elaborate later. Running most scanners against a small list of high $ stocks. This is a four screen layout, not sure how it will load, try it. https://www.trade-ideas.com/Cloud.html?code=d2676e9684f6bd4e0ccd7ab3211b6987 MAJOR EDIT: TI won't copy my custom formulas, so you'll need to enter these by hand. Uploading now.
  21. Also, set the don't repeat. I use 5 minutes. And feel free to use your own favorite symbols. I'll be fine tuning the list for sure if I see stocks that perform better or worse.
  22. https://www.trade-ideas.com/Cloud.html?code=39c1bae64c0eb3ba68c47ece806f806f I think that will load them. I'm still playing with the Position in Range percentage for lead time purpose, but happy so far. Also not %100 sure of what the Suddenness value represents, gotta ask about that. When I say better, I guess that's my opinion. Some people may want all those other tickers. I found it so scattershot as not to be useful. This allowed focus and was killer at both LOD/HOD today.
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