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Paul S

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Everything posted by Paul S

  1. I ususally use quarters to scale out but also have Halves for it it shoots up quick. I recently got the Stream Deck and that has really helped me enter and exit trades much more efficiently. Here is how I have it set up. First screen is both a quick entrance for either short or long positions then if I hit the short or long folders it brings up the other. Last is my most used sites and functions for trading. For some reason it wouldn't let me Add Media so I had to use the img code. Hope you can see the pics.
  2. Some swag would be awesome. Some of my favs. "it's a horror show" "I don't know why I got in" Kurt how does that guy get into the exact same pose for all the tee's ;-).
  3. Aloha, This is the reason I really enjoy this chat room, that most are very like minded like Robert, Lee, and David and many others. I am here to learn from someone I have grown to respect and personally think to be by far the best educator. I have grown exponentially as a trader thanks to Andrew. I have enjoyed watching him and his P&L grow but his decision to not post his P&L actually made me respect him that much more. To know that it can give an unrealistic expectation from those that follow and a desire to duplicate. Andrew truly has peoples best interest in mind and not the ego I witness from so many other so called educators (cough, cough rhymes with trarrior wading). Many MAHALO's for all you do Andrew.
  4. Aloha Abiel, Personally I couldn't imagine trading without having L2 data. I would highly recommend getting the sim with it so you get used to using it from the beginning.
  5. Hey Abiel, I am currently using 2 of these adapters with my laptop and haven't had any problems so far. https://www.amazon.com/Plugable-Graphics-Multiple-1920x1080-Chromebooks/dp/B004D0QC0A/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1515542431&sr=8-2-spons&keywords=display+link+usb+vga&psc=1 Hope this helps.
  6. Aloha, my name is Paul and I live on Maui. I have been interested in trading for years and finally had an opportunity when I sold my snorkel business. I am a single father raising two beautiful girls (4 and 6) and love that I can be done with my trading day usually before my girls even wake up, thanks to the time difference in Hawaii. I read Andrew's book among many other and really liked his style so I joined his classes and got a simulator account. I traded in the Simulator for 4 months and went live December 1st. I feel so fortunate to have found Andrew's book and day trading, it has changed my life. The chatroom offers great support and camaraderie, I couldn't think of trading without it. Many Mahalo's to Andrew and Pez and all the support staff.
  7. Paul S

    We have a forum!

    Nice work all. Thanks for getting this going.
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