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  1. hi, my name is Yugen, I've been a sommelier and operations manager for over a decade now operating out of NYC. I originally joined the community in 2021 I believe (or could of been the tail end of 2020) with the goal of not working 50 hours a week anymore. I hit the simulator after reading Andrews book and did terribly. Then I foolishly went live thinking maybe the risking real capital would make me learn quicker...another stupid move. My partner being the wonderful woman she is encouraged me to keep at it but I chose to stop because at that time we decided we wanted to live together, which was easier said than done. She lived in Melbourne, Australia, and I loved in NYC so I chose to stop trading and save my money for the move once they re-opened travel. Fast-forward to the present. I got a tourist visa and booked it to Australia where I've been for a month now. Unemployed and waiting for my other visa to clear, my partner encouraged me to get back into trading, So I read the updated advanced book from Andrew and started pouring over charts, replaying days in thinkorswim and now I'm going to get back in the DAS simulator. I'm recommitting to becoming a day trader, not just for my own freedom, but for my partner and the family I'd like to create. I'm hungry and I'm ready (getting ready). I have a bit of anxiety asking for help but I need to look past that and lean on this community, so let's do it. If anyone's in Melbourne shout me out. Sincerely Yugen Kozmik Thank you Peter! There probably a post somewhere about it but do BBT have a "training plan" or a step by step path you suggest to follow before doing real trading? Is it https://bearbulltraders.com/education-center/?
  2. until

    Yugen Kozmik here, would love to come along, and possibly bring a friend i'm introducing to the community?
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