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Kevin L

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  1. I love FancyZones, and it's free. Thanks for the info!
  2. You can't, DAS confirmed it's impossible to duplicate tabs as of now. Let's hope they will add this feature in the future...
  3. Thanks for the share! Really interesting.
  4. That explains why I had no problem with EBay and why I only saw NASDAQ in LVL2. Thanks a lot, appreciated.
  5. Hi Abiel, I'm still on their 2 weeks free trial (offered on their website). As a PRO member I have access to the 3 months trial but I was waiting to end the 2 weeks.
  6. Hi guys, Yesterday I had this problem only with Arconic, while everything was fine with EBAY. This morning, both stocks I was looking at were showing "no permission" in their respective LVL2. At the same time, the candlesticks on the 1min or 5 min charts were not moving in real time. They only appeared every 1 or 5 min depending on the chart. I still can see a couple of bids and asks on the LVL2 but less than usual. My connection is good and I tried to log out and log in already but nothing changed. Is it a problem with my account? Here's a screen capture:
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