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  1. How is this coming along? Really interested in this happening!
  2. Hi William, Are you still looking to do this? I'm very interested
  3. Wow I need this. I'm going to order one right now!
  4. I live in Orange County and would love to do this!
  5. bbtamgc

    LA meet up

    I will be there
  6. I will be there for the Irvine meetup
  7. Do you think we can have the meet up at 7pm? I will also be traveling from Orange County and hopefully the traffic on the 5 won't be too bad! If not I can try and leave work earlier.
  8. I live in San Clemente so I will go to the meetup!
  9. I am available the 1st of September
  10. If this doesn't happen I'm still interested too meetup with anyone who is in the NYC area. I'm flying there from California. I'll be in NYC from August 27th-September 2nd!
  11. I will be there August 27th-Sep 2nd! Coming from California would be awesome if it was around that time!
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