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  1. BBT's culture of constant learning is something I love. Brian's reading of the market is awesome and would encourage him to stay on the microphone during opening together with Andrew every day! I used to day-trade some before joining BBT and like the opportunity to learn more setup's and strategies, specially when discussed live. for example saw several recaps of Norm double bottoms with entries at the bottom wick but could never understand or take similar entries until he took one live and I could see L2, T&S while hearing his thought's at the same time. Same setup as Robert waits for a 15 min confirmation but very different entries. Much easier to learn live than seeing a recap that has no L2 and T&S. One reason for coming back to BBT is that if you trade for several hours during the day it becomes very lonely, the social interaction with moderators and others are always available and welcome.
  2. Joined BBT and have changed to use DAS trader for my day trading to be able to make more trades, specially in the open which was impossible on ToS. This is a community where you can learn from other traders and moderators to improve your trading.
  3. I am interested in joining for Dallas meetup 5/19.
  4. I am based in northern Dallas area as well (Frisco) but I can't make it on 12/1.
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